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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / "The Oil Rig" Multiplayer Map FPS Creator X10 / Win XP & Vista

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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 12:10 Edited at: 7th Mar 2009 12:12
Hi guys,

I have finished a map I was working on for a while but unfortunately the lighting didn't end up the way I had planend it. Its meant to be set on an oil rig at dusk but when I compiled the game many times it keeps adding a different skybox texture to the background and makes the ambient lighting normal instead of dark.

Anyhoo here is the story of the still under construction oil rig:

This map is an oil rig that has begun construction on the coast of africa. It has been rumoured that the fortunes of many men in this part of the world lay underneath the surface of the earth, not above. What they seek isn't gold or diamonds, but a much stranger coloured, hidden treasure in the region that no one can resist saying no to buying...oil.

Unfortunately the oil rig has been over run during early construction and rival militant groups in the area have taken cnotrol of it. However not all of them are friendly ot each other or happy about sharing the oil that lies beneath with anyone but themselves. The frag limit on this match is 20 kills and is a 5 player.

Here is the link to the youtube video I made with Fps Creator X10.


As you can see in the attached pic, some of the effect is lost due to the problem that I cannot fix the lighting in the game as it looks too open. Ah well what can ya do?

Download it at to try it out.



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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 17:29
Quote: "Yaa Mann I kant chainj teh lytinng syzhes on mooltieplaure, but teh gaim lukz ossum
We all know that you are a banned member who made a duplicate account to spam and be stupid. Mods, please check his IP and the recently banned IP's.

Ocho Geek
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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 18:01
probably using a p.... server (not giving him ideas if he isn't)

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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 18:47
Hey Hazzman I saw your video of the level a little while ago on youtube and I thought it looked pretty good

too bad i can't test, still no x10

my taste in music isn't weird, its just so amazing your ears haven't quite adapted to it yet.
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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 18:49
Hm... That's a good idea for a multiplayer level!

Some people say that I'm crazy... And I agree.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 17:57
cheers crusader i was wondering using only what X10 has at present what other senario could be generated it took a few weeks then it dawned on me as theres the water effect and lotsa pipes and girders why not an oil rig as thats all it is really lol Pity the lighting didn;t turn out right woulda looked so much better.

Hey krwosnest, cheers, long time no type I remember you saying you might be gettin X10 how come not got it yet? Or are ya still workin on gaems for the X9 version?

I might make another one in X9 as I can create my own media using that fps magic to make posters and stuff to make it more realistic. And have model packs up to 6 till see what I can do am makin some additions to my website first including an xbox live clan called BFS and some more music for people here to include in there games as background music ingame and for menu music so should have some more content on my site shortly.

Hope yas like the level way it turned out tho and cheers for the comments

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Posted: 10th Mar 2009 09:53
Quote: "We all know that you are a banned member who made a duplicate account to spam and be stupid. Mods, please check his IP and the recently banned IP's."

What? Why would Hazzman do that? He's been a relatively respected member for some time...
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Posted: 10th Mar 2009 15:50
Good looking mate

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Posted: 10th Mar 2009 20:53
Hazzman, I was getting x10 but I never got around to it, Course now my pc is stuck in windows classic and can't even access x9 lol

I'm still lookin to get a new pc w/ x10

surprised u remember me lol

my taste in music isn't weird, its just so amazing your ears haven't quite adapted to it yet.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2009 22:02
hey toasty i think that guy is talkin about the other guy darimc .....or i hope he is? lol otherwise i am gettin told off for something I dont know how to do (The IP changing thing) lol

cheers rakker does anyone else have the problem where when testing the game its fine for lights etc but when its compiled it changes like back from dark to light? I am using dual graphics cards at the mo unless its because I should only be using one?

Hey Krow yeah I never forget a username or someone online or even on xbox live...its weird cause I play football with lots of people and they are also online I talk to them but when it comes to remembering their real names ...i honestly oculdnt tell who half them are lol think must spend too much time online

You should get one like I did krow from dell buy now pay a year lata they r really amazin pieces of kit I got the XPS qith quad core and dual graphics cards and playing any types of games on it will blo ya away should check em out

lata dudes


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Posted: 14th Mar 2009 01:09

I saw the video on youtube and it looks awesome!
Did you use any model packs? I'd download it, but I don't really like sorry...

Nice Job.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2009 02:07
Thanks lol I know what you mean about its not greatest site in the world it kinda sucks at the mo . Hopefully one day when I have time I will design it from the ground up. I used a free website template to create the layout for it at the mo hence why it isn;t very xciting .

I am working on an Xbox Live Clan section at the mo if yer into Xbox 360 games it might get you more interested here is the link if you wanna check it out.

Cheers for the comments, yeah I used model packs 1, 2 and 3. They mainly contain the barrells and pipes etc but nto many gun add ons like fps creator X9 has. I have up to model pack 6 in that creator.

If one day the other 3 map packs I purchased become available in X10 then I have some even better ideas for levels, but until then I have to make do with what I got.

Lata dude all the best


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Posted: 14th Mar 2009 05:32
Videos look pretty sweet and I went to your website and was gonna download the game but then I was like, hmm, I am restricted how much I download/upload ect. each month(live out in the boooonies pretty much) so I figured I would ask something real fast before hand, how many of you guys play those maps and (please believe me I have searched and the only thing I can find on the matter is no chipsets at all) I was wondering if it x10 would still work with my vid card which is an ATI Radeon HD 3200 integrated which has over 3200 megs of mem. Please believe that I am not trying to just "noob question" it but i have HONESTLY searched high and low to find out if there are any updates at all on integrated video cards, if its a go, heck yeah dude I am downloading it and playing the crap out of your map, and will buy x10 version(currently using x9 and loving it so far)if not, keep up the great work and keep your visions going through FPSC Hazzman..everything looks great!

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Posted: 14th Mar 2009 20:45
You made If you did, I didn't mean to insult you or anything...sorry...but still, I keep watching the video and it still seems awesome!

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Posted: 14th Mar 2009 20:49
Hey, The Rickster,

Your video card should work with X10, but not sure. The requirements for X10 are NVIDIA stuff, but I know that certain types of ATI cards should work as well. Actually, your card is HD, over 3200 meg, and is a Radeon, so it should work, but like I said, still not sure, look it up on a search engine or contact the Game Creators themselves for help.

Hope that helps.

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Posted: 15th Mar 2009 06:17
Hey Hazzman,

I noticed in your screenshot at the top of the page that your mp40 has the same problem mine has (if you even notice it). There's like an arched line with the point facing forward right above the clip. With my mp40, whenever I turn really fast, the line gets worse and when I stop turning, it stops getting worse but still stays. It just drives me crazy!! It didn't do that in FPSC X9, but they didn't change the mp40, so I don't really get it.

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Posted: 15th Mar 2009 07:37
Thanks PW, I guess I'll go ahead and Download one of his maps and hopefully see some of you guys in multiplayer I'm gonna prolly download his Sewage or oil rig, both look nice once again thanks for the help! Hope to be playin on their with you guys

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Ocho Geek
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Posted: 15th Mar 2009 19:59 Edited at: 15th Mar 2009 20:25
the screenie look good, but can i suggest changing the reflection and colour, a bit like this
notice its green and dosent reflect as much

EDIT: wonderful to see your not going crazy with bloom

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Posted: 17th Mar 2009 01:25
Hmm..wasn't able to download any cause as soon as they got lik 30 megs or so (highest 40 something) it ended and said download was i was never able to extract them cause they were corrupt..any suggestions? i tried sewage fest oil rig and i think maybe one other that was x10( really wantint to test a map to make sure i can actually run x10 haha)

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Posted: 17th Mar 2009 04:12
Quote: "EDIT: wonderful to see your not going crazy with bloom"

Yeah, I have to agree. Lots of X10 users take a little too much advantage of the bloom effects. It makes it too bright and funny looking, I mean, I don't know, it just drives me nuts!

At The Rickster,

That's really odd how it came up to 30-40 megabytes because the video on youtube seemed pretty small (medium in actual size, small in size like storage). You should ask Hazzman why it's that why (although he hasn't posted in such a long time). It sure can't be your own system specs (no duh, I don't see why your system specs would affect something like that). Hazzman should know. Hope that helps...

P.S. I'm hosting a tankfest contest in the Models/Media section of the forums and the thread is called Tankfest Minicontest. Judges needed!

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Posted: 17th Mar 2009 04:38
I agree with Ocho Geek. Changing the reflection and colour of the water would make your game look a whole bunch better, but might make it slower. Good idea. I have a question: Can you like go inside the building on the oil rig? It would be really cool.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2009 07:49
Yeah I have no idea what was causing the download errors of the multiplayer maps, tried almost all of them but like I said I am limited to how much I can download a month( 5gigs through verizon wireless modem) but I finally got an x10 demo game card is a bit to laggy but thank you all to the people who helped me out on this matter..hopefully will see you guys in a multiplayer map with x10 ( maybe x9 who knows ) thanks again

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2009 17:53
hey guys been away for a few days but am back yeah you can go in the room PW so you can I had it very detailed the map but since the background wont change and the lighting wont work the way I wanted it to it looks kinda empty when you go in there are just a few boxes scattered around the place inside.

My original level when everything started to slow down I had to take it down, you could go into the room and go up the stairs into likea control room and you could walk up a staircase to a crane made of the girders in the model packs but it started to lag really bad the frame rate down to like 50 with amount of stuff I had in it.

When it was dark when ingame testing it looks amazin but unfortunately again X10 has somehow stopped me from doing what I want it drives me nuts lol

I think I might stick with using the X9 creator everything in test game looks exactly the way it does when the game is built.

Oh yeah the bloom I hate it too when theres too much I tried playing a 1 player game I downloaded from one of the guys on here and it gimme a sore head after about 5 mins lol far to bright and bloom musta been whacked up to full it was nuts.Just a hint of bloom I use about 5-10 to make lights etc have a glow around them and thats me for the bloom

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Posted: 5th Apr 2009 22:54
Quote: " card is a bit to laggy "

Don't think it's your card... FPSC X10 runs kinda slow on my machine even when I make the graphics absolutely horrific and my machine's specs are:
-9300 GeForce NVIDIA Graphics Card
-Super fast home premium Windows Vista
-Tons of space

My specs make the recommendations for FPSC X10 look so unbelievably wimpy. I think it's just some sorta thing that's wrong with FPSC X10. Also, if you ever do get FPSC X10, don't get update 1.08! There's a few really annoying problems like you can't aim at a neutral even through walls. Like, it'll point your gun down and you can't shoot even when you're looking at a wall that's facing a neutral. Also, I think TGC tried to make the gun animations more realistic by making a gun lag like in a COD game. But whenever you aim up/down, the gun refreshes real slow. I had to reinstall just to get rid of the update.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2009 14:01
Looks good. Sad that i dont have DirectX 10.

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Posted: 13th Apr 2009 01:03
Can't you get DX10 as a download for free? Cause I thought you could, but maybe not.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2009 23:36
I thought X10 was free as well from the Microsoft website unless that is direct X9 and x10 comes bundled with fps creator x10?

Thanks for the comments guys been away all month working hard on a course so I have however I have some exta money coming my way and am going to be purchasing all the model packs up to number 24 for X9 so I can really create some dramatic 1 player and multiplayer levels I tell ya it will take my the next pun intended lol anyhoo keep an eye on website as by Sunday I hope to have another multiplayer level made .



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Posted: 13th May 2009 11:56
Sounds like a great game but cant do X10 on my grafx card Radeon HD 3650 cause Vista dont support the card after the update(sp1) so I switched back to XP. So to the guy with video card issues... Vista only shows it as a standard card and wont run it properly.

I heard of X10 for XP... anyone know about this so I can play this game???
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Posted: 7th Jul 2009 09:06
There is a way to get X10 onto XP, even if you did that, it probably still wouldn't work...

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