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2D All the way! / Dots and Sprites

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Joined: 4th Jul 2003
Location: Carlsbad, CA
Posted: 7th Aug 2003 00:24
Ok this is the problem i've been having, I've made a star scroling thing and i'm trying to add a player ship sprite into it but whenever i do the stars disapere! This is the star scroling code that i have:

well any input would be apreciated,

Sparring - Loved by many, Pefected by few.
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Location: In my moon base
Posted: 7th Aug 2003 00:54
Try using BACKDROP OFF after you have created your sprite.
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Joined: 4th Jul 2003
Location: Carlsbad, CA
Posted: 7th Aug 2003 22:46
Thanks IanM, i'ts working and the stars a scrolling by...

Sparring - Loved by many, Pefected by few.
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Posted: 21st Aug 2003 20:19
Ok this problem is on the same program but it's a little different, i've been working on it and i'm trying to turn this into a game engin but i'm having trouble with displaying the enemy ships and there movement. I also know that i'ts loading the data correctly caus i checked that. Anyways here's the code if you need any of the files i can post them or whatever. Thanks guys.

Sparring - Loved by many, Pefected by few.

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