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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / PR1MODIAL (FPS Creator X10)

PW Productions
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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 01:03 Edited at: 5th Nov 2009 02:33
EDIT: In fact, Mods, can you kindly delete this? I'm going to post a new revamped Primordial thread later that'll be a lot better as to prevent future confusions (as you can see, when I posted this, I'd just joined and was a total FPSC... well, n00b)

Sorry for those of you who wasted your time looking at this and hoping to see something great, but don't get your hopes down! I'll be making a new Primordial after I finish Blackcloud! It'll be 100x better, gaurunteed.

I've seen it all. Except for myself ever not failing at something.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 01:04 Edited at: 26th May 2009 06:34
I will post some in-game pictures shortly, but here is the logo...


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PW Productions
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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 01:39 Edited at: 26th May 2009 06:34
Whenever I try to post a screenshot, it takes like forever to load and my browser almost crashes. Is it because my pictures are automatically saved as .bmp? Whenever I try to save the pictures as .jpg, it doesn't work and then I can't use the picture any more. I can't even view it. The logo I used was a .jpg and it worked. Can someone help?

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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 02:09
the pictures are saved as .bmp when you first save them...
open the picture up in any paint program and change it to .jpg
do not just rename it to .jpg or it will not work.

PW Productions
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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 02:34 Edited at: 26th May 2009 06:34
OK, got it. Thanks.

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2009 22:38 Edited at: 26th May 2009 06:34
OK, here's the first picture (finally, I know, sorry)...


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Posted: 23rd Mar 2009 22:41 Edited at: 26th May 2009 06:35
Second picture (I just know that Toasty Fresh is going to watch my posts and get mad at me for double-posting, but whatever)...


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Posted: 24th Mar 2009 22:45
lol 2/3rds of the posts in this thread are by PW.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2009 01:34 Edited at: 26th May 2009 06:35
Ah, YouTube's gone bazzerk! I can't post my video!! And yes I know that (1) 2/3 of the posts are mine (LOL) and that (2) I didn't give that much info./pictures.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2009 17:36
Hm...It doesn't even look like x10

What you see isn't always real....
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Posted: 20th Apr 2009 18:18 Edited at: 8th Nov 2009 23:02
Hm...It is X10. I don't have X9. I'll add more pictures later.

BTW It's supposed to be PR1MORIAL, not PR1MODIAL. My bad.

EDIT: Yeah, haven't been postin' for quite a while now, but I'm back. I totally re-did the pr1mordial game. Now you start in the WWII era and eventually work your way up into futuristic eras. Will post a screenie in a few min...

PIC 1 of the WWII era:

PIC 2:

PIC 1 of the Modern era:
The Training Room:

I'm currently working on getting an artillery effect into my game, so I'm still mainly working in the WWII era. I built the first WWII level, then the first Modern level, then the first Sci-fi level to see how I could adapt the plot to each era.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2009 05:22
Sorry to announce this, but the PR1MORDIAL project has been kinda postponed due to computer problems. Sorry guys...

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2009 12:24
Looks amazing keep up the great work just an opinion but to me the bloom is just a bit overdosed in your third picture but other than that great. Are you selling it? if so all the best to you

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Posted: 24th Jun 2009 01:54
Hey thanks, first constructive comment.

Too bad I had to postpone this project...

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Posted: 24th Jun 2009 11:58
The screens looked amazing, expecially the first ones!
and the story was, eh, little? but it is ok. lol
I would use the X10 too, but it needs vista, which some of my friends doesn´t have. and it needs good computer too

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Posted: 25th Jun 2009 01:58
Yeah, I know, I'm gonna rewrite the story soon.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2009 00:53
Quote: "Looks very bad and X10 this game is GAY"

......umm.....I'll just let a mod deal with this.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2009 01:05 Edited at: 26th Jun 2009 01:09
Maxiqueen123, can you justify that comment? How can a computer game possibly have a sexual orientation? It's such a shame really, you putting down another person's work like that. Just shows what sort of person you are.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2009 01:22
@maxiqueen123: jeez man, can't you provide ANY constructive criticism? It sounds to me like you dislike this game just for it being on x10. That's low man, that's low. I could understand it in the earlier days, but with the migration coming, everyone is banding together to help each other.

@PW Productions: This looks very interesting, and the story is alright.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2009 02:33
Ignoring, and moving on,

Wizard of Id just released the first WWII stock upgrade beta and I'm going to start using that to improve the WWII levels.

Quote: "The screens looked amazing, expecially the first ones!
and the story was, eh, little? but it is ok. lol"

Hey, thanks!

Quote: "Looks very bad and X10 this game is GAY"

Thanks for the absolutely AWESOME contructive criticism. I'm just gonna ignore that, cause I don't care since other people reacted against you as well and it just shows how nice you must be.

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-Er... Did I read that wrong?
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 05:28 Edited at: 8th Sep 2009 05:29

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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 05:37
Quote: "ironsight scripts"

Did those work in x10?

That stinks that your files were deleted, seems to happen to people a lot.

General Jackson
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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 06:23
Quote: "Looks very bad and X10 this game is GAY"

Goodness gracious, i hope a mod gets here soon, and if one doesnt im emailing one.
That is mean, ridiculous, uncalled for, and i could go on.


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Posted: 5th Sep 2009 13:38
Quote: "Goodness gracious, i hope a mod gets here soon, and if one doesnt im emailing one.

That was 2 months ago...
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Posted: 6th Sep 2009 02:29 Edited at: 6th Sep 2009 02:45
I Found a BACKUP!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! Whew** even though it was from like a month ago, I'm still SO glad...ALRIGHT!! Work on PR1MORDIAL has been continued again!! YAY!

Quote: "Quote: "ironsight scripts"

Did those work in x10?"

No, only in X9, did I post that?

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Posted: 6th Sep 2009 23:04
looks a bit like you just throw in random objects. You should focus more on the scene. Think about what you want to show and how it looks in reality then just clicking around.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 05:31 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2009 05:33
Alright, THANK YOU!! Really constructive comment (not sarcasm). Yeah, I'm actually straying away from this game and starting to work on a new game called The Underground (I haven't posted it yet). It has really good lighting effects (modded - not EFX or Cranox).

EDIT: Nevermind, I finally decided on what I want to work on next... ...go check it out.

I'll still try to work on Primordial a little more. I've switched to X9 and like it better than X10 now.

I've seen it all. Except for myself ever not failing at something.
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2009 23:33
Mods you can lock this, I like Blackcloud a lot better now.

Bye bye ...


I've seen it all. Except for myself ever not failing at something.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2009 23:20
In fact, Mods, can you kindly delete this? I'm going to post a new revamped Primordial thread later that'll be a lot better as to prevent future confusions (as you can see, when I posted this, I'd just joined and was a total FPSC... well, n00b)

I've seen it all. Except for myself ever not failing at something.

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