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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Physix: FPS + Puzzle = Awesome!

Apple Slicer
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Posted: 16th May 2009 22:49
Kay, I tried every setting possible, low graphics, and high. I dont know. Its not working.

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 16th May 2009 23:02
I'll upload a "normal" file in a bit, lets see how that goes

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
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Posted: 16th May 2009 23:30
Here it is:

I recommend that you change the setup.ini to fit YOUR resolution settings before running, though.

Hope it's not too buggy!

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 16th May 2009 23:38
Hmm, okay, this one at least runs. lol. I get 5 fps, and, pry a dumb question, how do you get out of the room in the start?

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 16th May 2009 23:44 Edited at: 16th May 2009 23:44
Dang... I was hoping it wouldn't be that slow Does anyone have a way to speed it up without scrapping graphical quality? Hopefully WizMod will be finished soon, so it can be timer based. Anyway...

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 16th May 2009 23:52

Yeah...The poor fps I think made it so the hud was delayed, so it didnt say that, and I didnt think about that. lol

Pretty nice level, I suggest that you remove the sink, blood (which is floating a foot above the ground, and the skeleton.

They were just out of place.

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 17th May 2009 00:01
Yeah, thought about removing "Fred" and the blood, but I sorta like the sink... So other than that it's good?So, what do you suggest for the lag?

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 17th May 2009 00:09
Honestly, I have no idea why a level like that is lagging that bad. You have to remember that the only reason the fpsc lags, is because of the texture size, and no lod.

I am guessing you walls are 512. try 384. There isnt much of a notable difference.

Butt monkey
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Posted: 17th May 2009 15:14
Testing with the launcher.

First time, I tried maxing the settings, the game wouldn't load from the launcher. So I then tried opening again and instead of changing any settings I started the game immediately. It worked this time. The launcher is really cool, but has some reliability issues.

The game itself ran very smoothly. I really liked the emptyness of the place and thought the design was really good. I did feel however, the your entities like the sink didn't really work.

It is obvious that the game will have a scarce amount of entities, so when you do place some, make them a key feature to the game rather than just decoration.

You should create little scenes using the props, scarcely scattered across the entire game which give the player clues as to where they are and what is happening. I think it would be a nice idea to build these areas with dramatic lighting (Could be a very nice contrast to the bleak feel of the puzzle rooms) and well thought out, creative entity and overlay placement, almost as if it were a small film set laid out in the corner of a room.

This is difficult for me to explain. I guess you could think of this idea as a bit like the sections of "Portal" where you found the creepy rooms with the messages on the walls.

I didn't think the likes of the sink and skeleton etc worked well. They seemed like they were secondary and just added for decoration. Create alot of emphasis on these sections and make them mean something to the player. This will give the player a greater sense of mystery and would feel alot more immersive.
Wraith Staff
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Posted: 17th May 2009 17:45
Thanks, those are some really good ideas. I had planned to do better ambiance, but I was a bit rushed. I'll tweak it up a it and re upload in a while. What do you guys think of wall decals? The only reason I used Fred and the sinks was because I was having a decal problem. I'll try to get that worked out within the hour. Hope you guys will enjoy! TTYS!

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
Butt monkey
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Posted: 17th May 2009 17:47 Edited at: 17th May 2009 17:47
Sound and music would really boost the games ambience aswell. I'm an amateur at audio design, but regardless, feel free to email me or add me on msn:

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 17th May 2009 17:49
I was going to use NGX Musical's new work, but for some reason when I converted it over to WAV this time, it didn't work... I'll have music in a further release.

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
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Posted: 19th May 2009 20:49
Well, you guys wanted me to keep you posted, right?

I have good news and bad news...

The good news is that I got a contract with Section Eight Gaming ( for my future BETAs and demos(don't worry, I can still go through you guys as well).

The bad news is that I'm gonna have to work like five times as hard if I'm going to get the game out without my publisher screaming at me that I'm too slow; in short: I GOT THE CONTRACT!!!

Thanks to everyone who has and will help me out, especially you: AppleSlicer! I couldn't have done it without any of you, THANKS! Needless to say, It's only gonna get harder from here, so I may need EVEN MORE help now, so hopefully this thread will only get bigger. Thanks again everyone.

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
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Posted: 19th May 2009 20:56
Great job on the game. Haven't tried the newer demo yet, but when I do, I can post some C&C.

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Posted: 20th May 2009 07:49
Is anyone out there? What does everyone think?

Also, if a mod is reading this, would it be too much trouble to change the title to:

[x9]Physix: Published FPSC Puzzle Game (56k Warning)


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Wraith Staff
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Posted: 26th May 2009 10:54
Um... does ANYONE care anymore?

I have news, but if no one cares, just tell me...

My cubes keep getting caught in the vents!!!
Butt monkey
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Posted: 26th May 2009 16:17
News will not get you as many replies as screens as usually all you can reply with is "Well done" or something similar. Couple the news with some new screens and you'll get some replies.
The Next
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Posted: 26th May 2009 21:34
I'm very much still interested in this but dont visit the WIP boards much well done and great job on getting the contract hope it works out ok for you.

The Next
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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 29th May 2009 15:44
Good for getting the concrat. I really liked that demo and I like to see more.

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 24th Jun 2009 09:04
Well, sorry for the delay, but I've been working some technical things out lately.

But I have some pretty awesome news. Last month, I asked Plystire to make a special mod for Physix, which he did!!! So there are lots of NEW puzzle aspects to the game... Like the ability to control object gravity! I hope to have a demo soon, but being published means that I have to concentrate more on the finished project than anything else.

I'll keep everyone posted

My cubes keep getting caught in the vents!!!
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Posted: 24th Jun 2009 09:19
Quote: "Like the ability to control object gravity! "

You can do that in ply's mod

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Posted: 24th Jun 2009 11:43 Edited at: 24th Jun 2009 11:44
Quote: "You can do that in ply's mod "

Indeed you can... But I felt that there was too much clutter with Ply's Mod (as well as other things). Needless to say, the mod Plystire made for me is more specialized for THIS game than his public counterpart. It works out better all the way around

My cubes keep getting caught in the vents!!!
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Posted: 24th Aug 2009 14:24 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2009 04:40
Well, I hope that our few followers haven't lost total interest in Physix as of yet... because we're still in development, albeit the final stages, so we have a few updates to drop everyone. I just hope that this revitalization of the thread gets more views now

I'll be putting the new updates on the first post; so it's better to look there.


Physix Coming Soon...
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Posted: 25th Aug 2009 03:36
All the best with this Wraith.
Checked first post, looks interesting.

"in videogames you try to get the best graphics with the least amount of processing." -Ingolme
"The more skill you acquire, the less you have to use it." SS
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 25th Aug 2009 21:41
I hope this turns out good. Will br checking the first post!

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 25th Aug 2009 21:56
awesome game, i love it!

Wraith Staff
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Posted: 29th Sep 2009 22:11
Sorry for the...


But it had to be done... We have a few new project updates that many of you following would probably like to hear:

Firstly, I just finished talking with one of the bigwigs at our publisher, GP Labs, and apparently since crunch phase has started and the fast approaching completion of Physix is just around the bend, we (my team: Wraith Games) will be featured in the January issue of GamePro magazine, which usually hits store shelves early December. I'll tell you all when it's printed, so PLEASE go out and buy a copy...

Secondly, as I mentioned earlier, Physix is near completion (no actual target date); I'll have a final video, new screenshots, and a solid demo sometime in the near future.

Finally, just a quick heads up... We MIGHT also be distributing not only through GamePro's storefront but maybe also Steam, D2D, GamersGate and/or Impulse, pending a board meeting at GP. There might be some contractual tie-ups with or something... I don't really know the full details. GP is in the process of "flipping" executives, so who's to say? Maybe it will, or maybe it won't... But let's all keep our fingers crossed (we can also use all the prayers we can get, for those willing).

Us over at Wraith are feeling the pain/joy of crunch, but I'll try to keep you all updated... Oh yeah, it's been like 4 months since I first requested a mod change the title of this thread... Would someone PLEASE do that? PLEASE

Well hope you guys enjoy. If I get enough responses I'll even revamp the first post (again), but only if people still care

Peace - Wraith

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Posted: 29th Sep 2009 23:12
wow... that sounds exciting! i wish you the best of luck publishing this game!

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