You can point it at the players position before you tell it to move, for example, assume you're storing your players X, Y, and Z values in X#, Y#, and Z# variables, you can point an object to them like this:
point object 1, X#, Y#, Z#
Just replace the object number 1 with the object you want to move to the player.
After that, when you tell it to "move object 5,.4" it will move towards the player.
To instantly rotate an object, just use the regular rotation commands and set the angle to be the end rotation angle you want.
Say you wanted to rotate an object to 90 degrees on the X axis, you'd say:
xrotate object 1, 90
Or if you want to rotate it to angles on the X, Y, and Z axis:
rotate object 1, 270, 0, 90
Hope that helped