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2D All the way! / realm knights 2-D

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Joined: 22nd Jul 2003
Posted: 12th Aug 2003 21:51
hello, im thinking of creating a online 2-D rpg similar to [href][/href] have a look at the game except we shall have class's:

we shall have the following skills:
thievery - alt to thiev, thievery goes to lvl 99
combat made up of defence , strenth and speed - ctrl to attack and once lvled pick which skill to lvl combat goes to lvl 200
magic - pick the enemy to attack then use the spell can go to lvl 99
celric - pick the person or enemy (lol) to heal goes to lvl 99

i got all sprites , tiles and items made up a server ready for action from [href][/href] i got all the ideas the only problem ideas i think we will have is the banking system which will be the only complex system apart from the skills which i have all experience tables layed out along side of monsters and what they drop etc.... well the game wont be that big but we'll keep the graphics and keep updating it so heres the outcome:
banking system
inventory holds 60 items
strenth,attack and defence = combat
magic , thievery and healing (celric)
2 mini games chest game and catch the rat
everything ready to create
so join me by adding me on msn or reply to this post world skate
Years of Service
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Joined: 22nd Jul 2003
Posted: 12th Aug 2003 21:53
i forgot to add that i will probley need some 1 who can make the map outta tiles i got and some 1 to do the porgramming part oh yea my hyperlinks didnt work i'll try again sorry and

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Joined: 5th Sep 2003
Posted: 7th Sep 2003 11:32
1) Do you mean eMail you at your address or add you to MSN because MSN messenger says you don't have a passport account.

2) If you are using top down tiles I could probably make some of the maps.

3) I'm not a very experienced dark basic standard or pro programmer but I might be able to offer some help in the dark basic programming on the weekends, don't rely on my completely because as I said i'm not that experienced and i dont work exceedingly fast either.

If you need to ask any questions that you don't want on the boards email me at

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