Hi there.
I am wanting to replace a gunfire noise with another. However, the new one is double the length of the old one. Animation wise, this will be OK as the gun is very slow and so the animations will sync up properly. Sound wise, I'm not really sure how to go about this. I've tried simply replacing it but nothing happens, so I'm guessing I need to edit the sound frames to incorperate the length of the sound? This is just an assumption and if I'm wrong please point me in the right direction. If I am right, could someone give me an idea as to what I should edit?
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = cock.wav
sound5 =
fireloop = 0
;HUD muzzleflash position
horiz = 0
vert = 0
forward = -2
alignx = 6
aligny = -2
alignz = 50
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 0,9
Idle = 10,38
Move = 39,53
fire = 54,63
reload = 64,109
putaway = 110,119
;HUD sound frames list
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 3
sframe0 = 54,1
sframe1 = 65,2
sframe2 = 95,4