You will be limited to 20 total characters using the display script that I gave you.
So, tell me how many characters you have for a total and I will edit that for you if you can't figure out how to.
Remember though that I used a straight forward approach to the display, so if you have a high number of characters then the script may go over the line limit.
How many characters do you have in the level?
I made this new display script that will initialize the variable to the total amount of characters (including spawns) for the level.
Here is the
;Artificial Intelligence Script By Conjured Entertainment
;Death Count Display Using Global Var 33
desc = Death Count Display
;create death count huds
;remove any existing huds before we display new ones
;test second value then display it
;End of Script
for the new display.
It handles up to 50 total characters.
You will need to set the variable for your total in the intialization part of the script, which I list below with the number in bold...
If you are using too many characters then the script will go over the line limit, so let me know if you use more than 50.
With this script you can do away with the custom appear scripts earlier, so set the characters APPEAR AI to one of the stock appear script.
You still need to use the destroy and of course the new display script, which will replace the old one for the entity used for the display.