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2D All the way! / 2d (kinda) shooter

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Joined: 14th Aug 2003
Location: Amist the blue skies...
Posted: 14th Aug 2003 08:22 Edited at: 14th Aug 2003 08:36
hey all,
I am a newb and im trying to make a classic shoot-em-up game with planes. While the vehicles are 3d, the background will be 2d. so far ive been coming along pretty well but i have a few questions.

1) What is a good method for making (fireing) multiple bullets at the same time or in rapid succesion(so far ive only been able to make 1 shoot at a time).

2) How do i get a (simple) scrolling background with texture

3) (Optional) Can some1 briefly describe simple enemy AI/logic that would work with this type of game


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Location: Amist the blue skies...
Posted: 14th Aug 2003 09:46
damn now i cant get my bounderies to work right (it dos a wierd teleport)

oh yeah, tried to make a matrix background but didnt work.

can some1 look at my code and give suggestions ?

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Location: Scotland
Posted: 19th Aug 2003 02:24
I don't know very much since i'm a newbie myself. But it seems like everyone's trying to put 3D graphics into their games, when it might be easier to just use sprites. I've been mucking around with 3D graphics for a week now, and when i switched to sprites it was so much easier. The thing that makes it easiest is that everything's got only 2 dimensions (obviously) so you don't have to worry about x,y,z, positioning-only x and y. Which actually makes a huge difference. I might be worth trying complete 2D instead of a 2D-3D Hyrid. But i'm just a newb, so my opinion probably doesn't count.

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Location: Amist the blue skies...
Posted: 19th Aug 2003 04:33
Well your probaly right about the ease of 2d. I do have this sprite pack, but i have no clue how to get the indivdual pictures. To clarify, in 1 bmp there are mabye 20 or so pictures in rows that are relitivly similar (im guessing thats for animation). The problem is i dont know the best method for getting individual pictures. Is there a method already built in for BDpro? Or do i have to use an editor myself in order to properly use the sprites.

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Location: Scotland
Posted: 21st Aug 2003 22:03
You can use the get image command. It's bloody confusing, but say your picture started in the top left corner of the screen, and was 50*70 wide and high. Then to make image 1 you'd use the command
get image 1,0,0,50,70
Now say Your second image was at the co-ordinates (50,0) and (100,70).
Then to make image 2 you would say
Get Image 2,50,0,100,70
I hope that's a help. To make Animation sprites things get a little more confusing.
You should set up 3 Variables, x#, y#, and time.
x#= the x position of your sprite
y#= the y position of your sprite
time= Image file to use.

Step one, create ur sprite with the set sprite command. But, instead of the usual x,y,imagenumber use the variables above.
Set Sprite 1,x#,y#,time
Ok. When you declare at the start of your program, you have to set x# and y# positions or it won't work, as well as declare time.
So at the top of your page, put this in:
You can change that later on.
No make a loop with Do and Loop.
Make a loop like this.

time=time + 1
Set Sprite 1,X#,Y#,time
time=time - 1
Set Sprite 1,X#,Y#,time

That's a very simple stepping animation. I havn't tested it, so i can't garuntee that it works-but i think you should be able to figure it out from that. -DivW

Your tastes like chicken

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