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Program Announcements / File Searcher

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Posted: 24th May 2009 00:16
Let me know what you think of this file search engine that I made. Its technically run through google and is a special way to search for files online, but this program is easier than typing it in each time.

How to use it: enter the key word(s) by clicking in the text box, then enter your word(s) then hit enter and click off what file types you want to search for. Then click search and then you just need to click on the best looking link.

give me some feed back (positive or negative)

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Posted: 24th May 2009 15:34
Well, it is nice idea. But initializing Directx 9 renderer in such a simple program is a bit overkill

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Posted: 24th May 2009 15:40
Yea, your better of making a webpage

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Posted: 24th May 2009 22:33 Edited at: 24th May 2009 22:34
Quote: "But initializing Directx 9 renderer in such a simple program is a bit overkill"

Why is using the simplest way to draw graphics in DBPro overkill? And why is doing alot more work to make it use a different renderer (eg, Windows) not overkill?

flashing snall
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Posted: 25th May 2009 07:01
That looks sick, so Im guessing that this just does this sort of thing

In a google search?

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Posted: 25th May 2009 10:38 Edited at: 25th May 2009 10:38
Quote: "Why is using the simplest way to draw graphics in DBPro overkill? And why is doing alot more work to make it use a different renderer (eg, Windows) not overkill?"

This could've done with simple windows forms. Or web page. DirectX is overkill because its intended to use for graphical intesive tasks.

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Posted: 30th May 2009 04:01 Edited at: 30th May 2009 04:06
Quote: "Why is using the simplest way to draw graphics in DBPro overkill?"

DBP shouldn't be used for this in the first place.

Quote: "And why is doing alot more work to make it use a different renderer (eg, Windows) not overkill?"

Because it's faster, more widely supported, portable (sometimes), easier to take advantage of a decent GUI, and will result in a smaller executable file than the 4 MB EXEs that DBP spits out.

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Posted: 30th May 2009 08:04
... And doesn't require a specific version of DirectX.

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Posted: 30th May 2009 08:58
Ok. I will say good job on this.

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Posted: 30th May 2009 12:49 Edited at: 30th May 2009 12:51
Your forgot:

And a few(or a lot of) other things...

Otherwise, this program is pretty useful!


Edit : don't forget .yeah (Rocknroll baby)

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Posted: 30th May 2009 19:48
I know its missing alot of file extensinons to search from but you can just enter the file extension in the key word search (e.g. "object.x")

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Posted: 31st May 2009 05:27
Quote: "... And doesn't require a specific version of DirectX. "

Ya, that too.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2009 21:09
pascal is alot faster than c++ and alot more supported

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Posted: 1st Jun 2009 21:42
Quote: "pascal is alot faster than c++ and alot more supported"

Sorry to contradict your statements, but Pascal was a very popular language in the 70's, and is still used in products like Delphi today. The most popular languages probably in the last 10 years are C/C++ and Java.

As to the speed, it doesn't matter what language you use, it is the compiler. Unfortunately, aside from Delphi, which uses Pascal, there are few non-legacy compilers, and it's poorly supported. Interestingly, Nikolas Wirth developed a replacement for Pascal called Modular 2, which was object orientated in a primitive way, but Modular programming was not popular at the time and it never took off.


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Posted: 1st Jun 2009 22:46 Edited at: 1st Jun 2009 22:49
Quote: "umm
pascal is alot faster than c++ and alot more supported"

Since when? And when did anybody say anything about C++?

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2009 01:49
Quote: "umm
pascal is alot faster than c++ and alot more supported"

I lol'd

David R
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2009 22:43
Quote: "pascal is alot faster than c++ and alot more supported"

The language doesn't have speed, the implementation of it does


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