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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] The Cold {56 Kb Warning}

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Posted: 27th May 2009 21:46 Edited at: 4th Jul 2009 16:40

Name:The Cold



You play as Igor Novak,a young "Avrage Joe" citizan of a littl' village near the mountain Triglav in Slovenia.
It's December 3 1943 and beside surviving the German offence the winter is colder that ever.He's left no choice but to find food and wood for his starving family.Walking through the cold forest he trips over a rock and fell in to a six meter pit.His lucky to find him self unhurt but what he doesn't know is that getting out of the abandoned german bunker will be even harder and scarier that he could ever imagine.


-A Great horror experience
-There will be a Slovenian and English version
-Lots of puzzels to be solved
-Great story line and twist
-Will feature four long levels
-Great level design
-Amazing sound effects and music by NickyDude
-Interesting and frightning cut-scenes

Below are some screens and a demo of a very W.I.P. first level just for you to see what I'm aiming for.

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Posted: 27th May 2009 22:18
I do not see any screens, only a blue emptyness

Now in the W.I.P. forum: operation sunlight
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 28th May 2009 07:57
I like the screens. The story is good. I will keep my eyes on this one.

Braden 713
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Posted: 28th May 2009 08:10
The storyline is awesome, really original. And the screenies are
great as well. Fantastic start man, looking forward to seeing
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Posted: 28th May 2009 09:15
Nice work so far.

Just some suggestions

- There is no snow to see on the top of screen 1. I'd re-arrange or add some snow decals.
- The ceiling has obviously the same texture as the ground, which means there are little stones and grass on the ceiling. That looks a bit strange to me.
- I'd reduce the seize of screenshots so they load quicker

Keep it up
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Posted: 28th May 2009 15:02 Edited at: 28th May 2009 15:05
Thanks to all for your support and D0MINIK I will try do that as fast as I can.
Oh and did anyone had the time to play my very short demo?
EDIT:About the ceiling,the bunker is under ground so I thought it wouldn't matter but I will see what I can do.

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Posted: 28th May 2009 21:29 Edited at: 28th May 2009 21:32
Triglav mmm zgleda dobro
Looks pretty good.Maybe some more WW2 entities.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 28th May 2009 21:42
Quote: "Oh and did anyone had the time to play my very short demo?"

Where's the demo? I can't see it anywhere.

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Posted: 28th May 2009 21:57
Zay quick question. Well it looks nice but how did you do your cutscenes, since i cant download it atm.

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Posted: 28th May 2009 22:57
Quote: "Where's the demo? I can't see it anywhere."

There's a Download Button In the first post.

Quote: "Triglav mmm zgleda dobro"

Ja sem malo umešal Slovenijo v igro,ker bo tudi izdana v slovenskem jeziku

Quote: " looks nice but how did you do your cutscenes..."

I made a screenshot of the room imported it into Adobe Photoshop made a picture,then made a story zone in Fpsc and under visual tab added the picture.For the screamer scene showed below I imported the photoshoped picture into Windows Movie Maker and made a 1 sec video showing the screamer.That way the player doesn't have to click to continue.

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Posted: 28th May 2009 23:04
Screamers.. the cheapets way to get the player scared. Don't over-use it though . Nice looking game, I have to admit.

Butt monkey
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Posted: 29th May 2009 02:05
Can I ask why it is a bloodsucker for STALKER?
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Posted: 29th May 2009 02:22
Quote: "I made a screenshot of the room imported it into Adobe Photoshop made a picture,then made a story zone in Fpsc and under visual tab added the picture.For the screamer scene showed below I imported the photoshoped picture into Windows Movie Maker and made a 1 sec video showing the screamer.That way the player doesn't have to click to continue."

That picture looks like it came from S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and you would probably be infringing some sort of copyright to use it in your game.

As a slight tip for the "screamer" idea, make the monster picture into a HUD, and have it flash up on screen using a timer to hide it after a second, and play a noise when it starts.

My experience with videos in FPSC is that they cause a few seconds freeze before they play, because they are loaded when triggered and not during level build. Using the HUD idea would stop this.


Apple Slicer
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Posted: 29th May 2009 02:55 Edited at: 29th May 2009 02:55
Played the lil demo. Pretty nice.

However, i noticed that you must have had full shaders on, because the doors were messed up. Fix that, and you are good to go.

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Posted: 29th May 2009 14:08
Quote: "Screamers.. the cheapets way to get the player scared. Don't over-use it though"

Don't worry I will only use a screamer scene once or twice through the whole game.

Quote: "However, i noticed that you must have had full shaders on, because the doors were messed up."

Will do that.

Quote: "Can I ask why it is a bloodsucker for STALKER? "

I used the Krovosos from here and it's writen that it could be used for non-commercial use only.Since my game will be non-commercial I think I can use it.If not that's ok,I will just remove it from the game.Thanks for your concern.

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Posted: 29th May 2009 19:14
Your work is very very inspiring to me! Did you make the models yourself? Im a modeler with MAX and Zbrush, and I'm trying to ask around and see what tips people can give as far as polycount and what not....

if you would be so kind, I'd like to ask you a few questions if you have the time...

you can check out my modeling work here:

I'm working on my first game, and I have some questions you may be able to answer... the link to the forum post is here..

please post if you can! I'd GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!

and if you need a model or something I would be willing to help, though you obviously don't need any help, as your work is awesome already!!!
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Posted: 29th May 2009 19:21
Just played through the level.. I can only say that I am very eager to make my own game and would gladly accept any advice you may have as far as design.. did the lights automatically render that way, or did you have to do some scripting? That was awesome, especially for a Beta.
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Posted: 29th May 2009 20:28
robocrap your modeling work very good I'm impressed.I will sure need some help (who doesn't ) so I will keep in mind that you can help me,no doubt.If you need any tip's and advice about level design just ask me and I will answer.Maybe you could make some kind of a monster/mutant or some corpses because that would come in handy .
Just stay tuned because there are new pictures comming soon.

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Posted: 29th May 2009 22:08
For sure! my first question is:

how do I go about creating custom segments and rooms etc? I'm sorry if that is a simple question..
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Posted: 29th May 2009 22:24
Thats easy,if you just want to create a simple costume room you can use Firma and make a room out of your textetures.
If you want to create a more complex segment you can use the program below it also includes lots of tutorials.

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Posted: 29th May 2009 22:56 Edited at: 29th May 2009 22:57
thanks! This is whole new territory for me.. what is Firma? I hate the segment kit.. but I've not used it yet.. though I may as well give that a try.. but I'm interested in this firma you speak of..

here's a question.. how did you make yrou level? Did you custom build the assets and rooms? It looks fantastic!

UPDATE.. found the FIRMA.. im intrigued..
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Posted: 30th May 2009 02:21
okay , so I've successfully imported my first model into FPSC from my MAX.Zbrush workflow.. but I have no idea how to bring in Normal Maps.. can you point me in the right direction?
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 30th May 2009 05:39
robocrap, perhaps you should just email Zay333, so you don't spam Zay333's thread. Or make a post in models\media.

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Posted: 30th May 2009 05:52
will do.. sorry.. I've never been much of a forum messager before today!
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 30th May 2009 06:12
Not trying to sound mean, or nothing, just a heads up.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 30th May 2009 07:58 Edited at: 30th May 2009 08:30
Oh, there it is. Downloading now and then I'm going to make little review. Looks cool.

EDIT* Well, it was kinda short. I couldn't still finish it. I opened the door with switch and i went in that room and then i didn't know where to go...

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Posted: 30th May 2009 09:40
Metal Devil123 it was just a very small kinda tech-demo to show you where I'm aiming for this game,Nothing to big.

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 30th May 2009 20:24
Oh, okay.

The screamer more loudy noise. My opinion.

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Posted: 30th May 2009 21:23
Quote: "The screamer more loudy noise. My opinion.

You mean It has to be more loud.OK

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Posted: 30th May 2009 21:31 Edited at: 6th Jun 2009 14:02
Some new screens for you guys

The Shower room...

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Posted: 31st May 2009 11:35
Wow, I wouldn't want to be in that sort of dark corridor! Looks really scary.

My blood pack will have 500 blood overlays some day! I hope...
Red Eye
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Posted: 31st May 2009 12:37 Edited at: 31st May 2009 12:39

Prepare yourself for C&C...

1. Why is that white things there?
2. Make the light ray dynamic give it a coloff sciprt. Set physics off and set it as imobile.
3. Maybe you cold make it a colder atmosphere with playing with the ambienceredbluegreen, or making a semi-transparant hud. Maybe a blue-grey-semi-tranparant-hud. It would be alot better IMO.
4. Nice to see the place is not overhelmed with thousends of crappy entitys. But some more "entities with a reason" would be good. [if you know what i mean]
5. Screamers arent my favo, but one or two times is cool. [do at the good point of the game]
6. At the first screen you made a a six meter pit. And outside there is snow, right? Maybe the first segment, [the upper sement, hope you understand] should be a bit with a icy texture, and then go over into the rocky texture.
7. The Story is nice, a bit short, but good.
8. One thing i dont like in games is: A rocky floor/wall. But it is just a 2D texture, and because of that it looks unrealistic. Maybe putting some 3D stones [i repeat "only a couple" (the 2D texture must be visable)] would be better.

- I didnt play it yet. No time.

PS: If something come up in mind i will post it.

Hope I helped,

Red Eye

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Posted: 31st May 2009 14:51
Hey Red Eye I read your C&C so I will answer it...
1.What white things you mean on the screens.I don't know why but on my other compre it showes white stuff too where pure black should be.But It in-game everything is fine.

2.Already had...

3.I'l think about it...Thanks anyways.

4.Thanks and the game is still very W.I.P.

5.Mine neither,but it shore gives you the screeps .

6.Will do. I said the story I written in the first post is just the beginning.Also the story will be told whit the help of my concept art .

8.Hmm...I'l try ,thanks for the heads up.

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Red Eye
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Posted: 31st May 2009 16:14
I didnt want to sound rude , mate.

Quote: "2.Already had..."

then that is because of the screen.

Quote: " I said the story I written in the first post is just the beginning.Also the story will be told whit the help of my concept art ."


Quote: "8.Hmm...I'l try ,thanks for the heads up."

ok, believe me it will look better.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2009 07:33
I think you should put a little snow on the ground at the 1st level in the part where's snowing.

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Posted: 6th Jun 2009 13:56
It's bin a long time since I posted some new material so here it is...
(I have opened up the German dictionary after a very long time and photoshoped some of the'l see)

Expect a new demo soon!!!

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Posted: 6th Jun 2009 14:01
And because your helpfull guides I made a cuple of fix'es,so here they are.

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Posted: 6th Jun 2009 15:19
I feel the tunnels (bunker) could use some more entities...

Really good work on that snow thing!!
Gears of War
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Posted: 6th Jun 2009 21:27 Edited at: 6th Jun 2009 21:36
You know what would make that scene even better? Add a couple trees lining the rim of the hole, to make it look like a forest.

Like this.

Can you save the crew of LV21?


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Posted: 7th Jun 2009 00:44
To get rid of the white, don't use GIMP or to change the BMP to JPG, use MS Paint. It does it perfectly...

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Posted: 7th Jun 2009 10:03
Ok Thanks CoffeeGrunt and WOW thats really better Gears of War,Thanks

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 22:52
I think that it just fine with just that mutch entities. Looking good! Me... Like... New... Screens...

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 23:10
Looks absolutely epic! Your doin a great job here bud

Maybe add some more entities to make the rooms feel less, well you know, empty? Just makes it more fun to explore when there's detail

GL with this, looks great so far!

All the best

Yeah... got hurt when i tripped... on some bullets
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Posted: 10th Jun 2009 00:30
Hey Zay333 !

You have some spelling mistakes. "Gfängnis" is wrong. It is called "Gefängnis". And instead of "Essenzimmer" you have to write "Esszimmer"

PS: Very nice screens

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Posted: 10th Jun 2009 14:55 Edited at: 10th Jun 2009 14:56
Oh,thanks _sYn_

Quote: " Maybe add some more entities to make the rooms feel less, well you know, empty? "

Wait what?...I don't get your logic.Isn't it so that if you put less things in the room feels more empty?

In other news,I've finished the first level and I'm now testing the whole thing for any bugs.There are some neat features about this level such as:
-Reading soldiers diary's
-Exploring the whole level,not just once
-Solving puzzle's

Oh and don't expect a update for the next 8 day's because I'm going on holiday's early

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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 19:08
I have a question I hope some one will answear...
OK here it goes:
I've seen that the Mas36 can be without the scope.How is that possible?

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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 19:23
Quote: "I've seen that the Mas36 can be without the scope.How is that possible?"

Open the gun model in a modeling program, and delete the scope?


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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 19:39
Theres a HUD_NOSCOPE.x model in the gamecore/guns/ww2/mas36,just rename the HUD.x to HUD_BACKUP.x and rename the HUD_NOSCOPE.x to HUD.x and thats it.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 10:55
Ok thanks,I will try that when I get back home.

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Butter fingers
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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 17:35
Hey! Those are my wires that I gave away years ago! Good to see them going to good use! Nice level design. I like

I want robotic legs.

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