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Butt monkey
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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 19:44
Looks really nice although I have to say I "REALLY" don't like that lighting in the last screen.
User Banned
Posted: 11th Jun 2009 20:10
This is great.I played the demo,was really nice but the first shootout was a bit hard,allies were completely useless,and the slightly dissapearing terrain,otherwise excellent.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 22:07
The lighting in the last screen is kinda annoying.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 20:52
Hi guys. I fixed the lighting and started expirimenting with outdoor areas. Tell me what you think.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 21:26
If you don't leave a gap between the cliffs, that last screen would be next to perfect.

Also add a large light colored slightly yellow about 6 layers above the outside area with a range of 10000 or so. It makes some really nice shadows.

Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 19th Jun 2009 21:55
those are pretty nice man. Good job

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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 01:36
Wow....absolutely great. It reminds me of halo, not in a copying way, but in a good way. It looks great for a FPSC game. The custom textures look great, and i am A FREAK for video game stories/plots. A good story for me is a good game. I can't wait to play this. Good luck with the development.

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Posted: 24th Jun 2009 13:04
I can see Halo inspiration too!
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Posted: 26th Jun 2009 20:22
Sorry I have not replied in a while.

Wow. Thanks for the C&C everyone. I have some new eye candy for you but first.

Quote: "It reminds me of halo, not in a copying way, but in a good way."

Quote: "I can see Halo inspiration too!"

Thanks . I must say, it was inspired very much by Halo, but it was also insipred by such titles as Half Life 2 and Bioshock.

This is a small platforming section after a large battle. I say small because it is compared to other sections of the game. Also the old country bridge does fit into the story, except not in a way anyone could understand without playing the game.

This is not even half of the level.

I am pleased to say that the project is going very well. Most levels are running at a steady screenrate of 75 to 60 on especially large parts.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2009 20:57
That last in-game screen looks great for some platforming, and the above view looks pretty intricate. I like hows you're going for a not-so-linear level design approach

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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 00:38
Oh..My... I'm sppechless, and jealous.. Anyway, just wondering what the framerate for that cliff level is, and if its good, how did you get it to be that good. Keep up the astounding and deeply profound work.
Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 01:38
Tone that yellow down a bit man! Is it the stock one? If its supposed to be from the sun, then make it more orange and whitish. Level design looks nice though.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 12:29
Well, to make it look sun it maby should be orange, but I think it's perfect like that! This looks awesome! I can't wait for this to come out! How mutch will this cost!?!?

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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 14:58
Looks very good I like it,especially the outdoors.

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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 21:34 Edited at: 29th Jun 2009 00:25
I am pleased to announce that I am updating the LV21 demo. The v1.1 demo includes many updates. To list a few: Intigration with Cosmic Prophet's scifi pack, custom textures for the enemies, hud based communications (think beyond life but no voice acting), and many other things. Even better, the file is uploading into filefront as we speak! I will edit this post and the first post when it is uploaded, so keep an eye on this thread.

This is the loading screen.

Quote: "This looks awesome! I can't wait for this to come out! How mutch will this cost!?!?"

Well, the full final version will only cost $2.75, but there will be a special version that has an optional commentary feature and a few more little suprises. The special edition will cost $4.50.

The wait is over! The v1.1 demo has been uploaded. Here is the link.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2009 22:18
Bump! Hello all. I don't have any new screenshots for you, but I do have some exciting news. I have opened a team request thread in Game Development. Anyone interested in joining in on the project should at least check it. Heres the link.

Ps. I am suprised no one has offered C&C for the v1.1 update.

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Red Eye
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Posted: 1st Jul 2009 19:27 Edited at: 1st Jul 2009 19:33

Got your mail mate. Thought i am very busy with things. I would like to test. But it is just that I TOO busy with alot of projects, Red Eye - Island, the Black Bird, and the Entry for Ultimate Contest.
Thought You could send me it, and I will take a look when i got time.

Let me give you some C&C:


It is looking good, i see a nice use of stock models and segments.
Your lightplacement skills are in some screens pretty good and in others not so good. Take Picture 23. The one with the trees at the right side. That is pretty good done. Thought i would rethink about the segment grass you are using, thou i heard it was a training mission, so if it is a reason that is like that, it is good.
Back to light placement: The last screen i have to say, sorry. Your ambience is not so good and you didnt use any lightmapping or light. Maybe a light alarm that goes off and on, blue off blue off. And a white on the right side, that shades shadows on the right side. You could set the ambience a bit down. And make it a bit dark, so the light alarm works better. You can refine some lights on some rooms, cuz in some are the lightsources a bit lower then the actually light. But that is easy to fix. The screen before the blue one, I really would like to see with shadows on top. Like you have lights beneath the floor, and it casts shadows. What are your settings btw. I use:

It works pretty well for me, and i am sure, as you use FPSC X10 you can have it easily high texture size and alot of effects without any lag. I hope. + Maybe more entitys in that screen. So... About your models/entity placement:
Well it is not bad at all. But you may consider those grass segments i stated above. And i dont really like (just me) the two big towers (sorry cosmic prophet). They just dont fit in there, and they are not so good models too. May be me.
Is it the picture, or is the skybox a bit low quality, the one with the stars? Well maybe sharpening adding new layers, and such to get better detail and quality, easily fixed.
The chataracters you are using, is your choice, but maybe some more retextures. I wont say much about that. But in that last screen the robot seems to be a bit in the ground.

The outdoor screens are looking great. Maybe here and there some brushes and grass, would look ok.
I wont comment anything further about the "blue" screen.
The Third screen of your second page of your thread should have some work thought, maybe a couple trees and grass.
Where is the sun comming from? Maybe a light acting like sun and with the setting above, it would make it just cool.
The mountains with yellowish light, are looking great, but i wonder why they have green/yellow light. Yet again i have to say, some more couple of grass, would be look nice. I see some texture problems thought that is from the models. I dont know if you made those mountains, if so i would fix it. The bridge(is that correct?) between the moutains is nice, thought maybe covering the parts that he goes throught the moutain. With some grass or something, or rocks. The skybox is very good.

Well i hope I gave you a reasonable C&C. It looks great, keep it up. Keep those things in mind, and it will be even greater.
I will be posting C&C for you on this thread.


Red Eye

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Adriano jones
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Posted: 1st Jul 2009 19:56
Wow this looks really good... gonna keep an eye out for this one... can't play it though I can't support DX10.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2009 22:53
Thanks for the C&C Mates. Take a look at this.

This is a high quality retexture of the common AI stock media bot. I was going for a FEAR replica soldier sort of look to it. Tell me how it looks.

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2009 00:47
It looks cool! Very nice texture. And yes, it remids me of the fear soldier a little bit.

I will download the second demo in the morning... Going to sleep now.

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Posted: 5th Jul 2009 19:41
Received your email, Gears of War. I'm a bit busy at the moment but sure, I can be a betatester. Add me on msn: juz_the_dude AT

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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 08:10
Sorry for such a long stall. I have been busy working on this though. I have added quite a few extra features, although they will not be announced until next demo. Here are a few screenshots of the new level I am working on.

C&C is quite welcome.

Also, on a related note, I am looking for beta testers. Who would like to be one?

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 11:37
Me like. I would like to be.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2009 22:29
First of all, Metal Devil123, I'll gladly have you as one of the beta testers. I would need a way to contact you in private such as an Email, IM, or MSN.

Now for some new pictures. These are parts of the new training level.



Generator Room

Central Access

Armoury [WIP]

One last thing. Could a mod please edit the title to add 56 kb warning? I think the thread deserves it.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2009 22:50
The screens look cool, I like the contemporary sci-fi design. I don't think that girder thingy in the hallway looks right though, the one at the height of the tops of the door...

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Posted: 26th Jul 2009 22:59 Edited at: 26th Jul 2009 23:36
E-mail edited out!

I didn't fell very well, about saying my e-mail out loud. You never know who's in the internet. So tell me when you got it, and I will edit it out.

PS. I'm in finland so, I might not be answering so quickly, depenting on where you live. Oh! Anywhere, anytime! Well that's good!

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Posted: 26th Jul 2009 23:30
Got it. Thanks. I will get the beta to you next week.

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Ashoka Tano
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 00:08
looks very cool mate

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God of Time
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 02:41
Hey there Gears! It's me from camp I was able to make an account and are ready to start on the website! I didn't get your E-mail so I'll here from you later bye!
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 07:36
Hey dude also if you have the time send me an image that you want for representing the Gears Works Studios. Like a company logo or somethin.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2009 11:41
Hello there, all. I apoligize for how short this post is, despite the fact that I have much information to convey. First of all, I would like to make this information official. Some of you who have recently read the top post, may have seen that the story has changed quiet a bit. With it, the style of the levels will be changing to accomodate new strategies and to simply make it look better in terms of story based design. Hereare a few screenshots of the new grungy look.

These screens are purely beta, and were just created today.

Also, I would like to welcome God of Time to the Gears Games Studios Team. He and I spoke face to face last week, and he is very enthusiastic about the project. So much so, that he as offered to whip up a website for this game. Welcome to the team, GoT.

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 03:45
The new screens look good. Very nice, keep it up!

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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 09:20
More screenshots of the beta levels.

C&C is welcome

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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 09:33
All your screens are very nice. I personally think you should go in and add normal and specular maps with shaders to all the segments. But their fine without.

I would also dirty the glass flooring a bit, so it's not fully transparent (that is what's in screen 1, right?)

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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 13:48
Quote: "add normal and specular maps with shaders to all the segments."

How? They don't work...

I'm liking the new screens, especially the first...

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Red Eye
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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 15:13
Quote: "How? They don't work..."

What? They Do...

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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 23:27 Edited at: 4th Aug 2009 23:28
@CoffeeGrunt: Do you miss the part in the title that says [x10]? Shaders work perfectly on segments in x10.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 20:30
I'm loving the new screens! Oh this looks slightly like halo. I love it! I can't wait for this game!

Apple Slicer
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 20:32
Actually, this looks like Rachet and Clank 2, where you start on this big flying ship. The color, and the way that you have glass floors and such remind me of it.

Do you use Vanilla 1.15 FPSC? Use Apple Juice Mod! Totally free, and gives better speeds for your game!
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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 02:07
First of all, may I thank you all for the very large amount of C&C. It means I am doing my job if the screenshots remind you of commercial quality games. I think its about time I show a few screenshots of the WIP hangar. I know its filled with a lot of enemies, but it is the first level you fight alongside the Axomn Elites.

C&C is welcome and appreciated.

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Apple Slicer
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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 06:33
I kinda dont like the lighting in this level. the lights are far too big.

keep going.

Do you use Vanilla 1.15 FPSC? Use Apple Juice Mod! Totally free, and gives better speeds for your game!
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Posted: 9th Aug 2009 10:20
Thanks for the C&C Apple Slicer. I fixed that after you brought it up. I eliminated the white lights on the inside, and lfet the yellow lights coming from the outside. Anyways, this is the newly mastered LV21. Not the game, but the ship. Enjoy, and make sure to post some C&C!

The starting room.

Still the starting room.

One more of the starting room.

This one is of the engineering hallway above the starting room. You can still see the starting room below the pipes.

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Apple Slicer
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Posted: 9th Aug 2009 11:05
That is very "kewl"

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 9th Aug 2009 12:55
That looks cool. There's this more of a clean looking part of the ship, and not so clean part of the ship... I like it!

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Posted: 9th Aug 2009 13:50
Quote: "@CoffeeGrunt: Do you miss the part in the title that says [x10]? Shaders work perfectly on segments in x10."

D'oh, missed that bit...

Screens look cool, I like how you can see where you've been, it's great when there's a shedload of dead people, and you feel proud at having killed them all...

If I was ever given the opportunity to remove all the bad from the world, I wouldn't, because for there to be heroism, compassion and all that is good, there must also be all that is bad.
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Posted: 10th Aug 2009 05:38
It looks really good!!!! fantastic!!!!


Me = noob

and i love The TGC : )
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Posted: 10th Aug 2009 10:08
Hello there everyone. I have made a desicion to make the outdoor environment a little out of my ordinary (such as sunshine and forests). Fights shouldn't take place in sunny ideal weather. No, the should be in uncomfortable and hard-to-see-in environments. Such as under a bridge suspended 200 ft up

or on top of a bridge during a dangerous storm.

Please give some Comments and Critisism so I know what to do next. Thanks!

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Apple Slicer
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Posted: 10th Aug 2009 10:11 Edited at: 10th Aug 2009 10:12
Reminds me of Half Life 2.

But again, the lighting can use some help.

Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 10th Aug 2009 21:48
Great idea, but it seems like it would be hard to implement properly.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 16:00

This looks very good. I like the new screenies. But you're not gonna change the outdoor area what is sunny, that's in the second page, to rainy. I like it more sunny. Me like game, play want to.

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