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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Nazi Zombies! Fan Game [Mod Contest Entry] Beta Download

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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 08:28 Edited at: 18th Oct 2009 18:06
[X9] Nazi Zombies! Fan Game [Mod Contest Entry]

Running with Project Blue UM V1.15

Level Design

V1.0 Download Link:
VIDEO LINK(Check out the video background on the main menu!):

Features for the V1 Beta:

Endless zombie waves
Regenerative health
Money System
Purchase new weapons and ammo
Pay to open doors and access new areas
Pay to remove debris to access new areas

Development (Pretty Interesting, Actually )

This game is Hockeykid's and my own valid entry into Ply's 2009 Mod Contest, with assistance from Armageddon Games, who provided us with custom sound effects. Over the past week, we've created three seperate games for the mod contest; each with individual storylines and level maps. Unfortunately, the custom scripts and objectives we created for those earlier projects didn't work too well with one another (either several bugs encountered with FPS Creator, or with Ply's Mod).

We had no choice but to scrap the other projects, and come up with somthing new to submit into the contest before the deadline. This gave us less than a day to complete a valid game entry from start to finish. We passed concepts back and forth for a while, until deciding to create our own version of Call of Duty's Nazi Zombies mini-game. Hockeykid got to work on the scripts, while I started creating the models, textures, and everything else to make the level appealing. The most frustrating part throughout this entire compitition was testing, sending, tweaking, resending, and retesting the scripts, to get them all to work properly in the game. The end result, with less than one day of development behind it...


See link at the top of the page.

Bug Reports:

The HUD for the first door for some reason does not appear when the player is within zone. You can open the door to access the other room by pressing enter when you have at least $1000.

The Fire Axe outline on the wall is missing. You need to purchase the fire axe to start the game. It's located over by the shelves in the first room. It's HUD will still appear when the player is within zone.

The cost to remove the table (debris) in the second room is $1000. The HUD says it costs $2000. You need to remove this debris and walk down the hallway to the left to progress to the second night in the game.

Minor weapon issues may arise when duel wielding. Holstering your weapons when these bugs are encountered seem to resolve the problem.

BOTB Nominations

Quote: "I would like to nominate Kravenwolf, Hockeykid for their work in their MOD Contest Entry, Nazi Zombies! I was very impressed with it."

Quote: "I also would like to nominate Kravenwolf and Hockeykid for their Nazi Zombies game as it also provided great gameplay, a great environment, and a sort of 'Classic' feel to it yet with a small twist."

Quote: "Thanks you Kravenwolf for the great games you have provided us with."

Quote: "I would also like to nominate Hockeykid and KravenWolfs game."

Thanks to everyone for all the great feedback! In less than a week, our game has received 4 BOTB nominations! Because of this, we will continue work on the game to bring it up to BOTB standards.


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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 08:40
Awesome, this is sweet dude!
If only we could use dynamic entities in multiplayer

Love the game kravenwolf
Keep up the great work!

All the best

Yeah... got hurt when i tripped... on some bullets
Armageddon Games
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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 11:58 Edited at: 11th Jun 2009 12:54
pure..... awesomesauce..... keep it up-- really awesome gameplay-- thanks for adding my sounds -- come in game on frag out

From The Staff Of Armageddon Games (C)
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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 13:01
This looks really great! Good work guys.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 13:48

Work in progress thread:
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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 14:33
Quote: "thanks for adding my sounds "

Added you to the credits Thanks for the custom sound effects, Armageddon.


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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 15:18
Gotta play this immediately.Good luck with your entry.But I know ill be 3rd as meteorites and yours are much better than mine.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 15:30 Edited at: 11th Jun 2009 15:47
Sorry for the double post, I just wanted to show off one of the earlier levels designed for the Mod Compitition. Aside from the cabin, I was even able to model two custom 'Resident Evil' like zombies and even a zombie dog that was animated to jump through the cabin windows. The zombies were animated to break the planks off of the windows, and actually fall into the cabin on the floor, and crawl towards the player. A script was even incorporated into the planks that allowed the player to interact with them, and put them back on the windows!

Unfortunatly, as mentioned earlier, bugs with the scripts running together meant this project wouldn't have been completed on time for the contest. We had to move on to something...simpler.


I wanted to show off some of these screenshots because now that the competition is over, Hockeykid and I can get back to work on this project without rush, and take the Nazi Zombies concept to a whole new, exiting level.

C&C welcome


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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 15:55 Edited at: 11th Jun 2009 15:55
Looks good, shame I can't play it

When I first ran it the loadgame hud wasn't there.
When I click it the mouse cursor jsut makes a trail.

Second time I got to new game, started it, got a black screen, something attacked me and I died.
I can't move or do anything.


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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 16:20
Weapons to youse

and.... ?

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Posted: 11th Jun 2009 23:10
Quote: "The cost to remove the table (debris) in the second room is $1000. The HUD says it costs $2000. You need to remove this debris and walk down the hallway to the left to progress to the second night in the game"


Gears of War
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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 05:58
Very nice. One thing though. The pathfinding AI needs some work. The zombies get stuck on the walls very often.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 05:59
Quote: "The pathfinding AI needs some work. The zombies get stuck on the walls very often."

they do but once you get into the next room they start spawning like crazy so you don't notice. One time I had like 15 zombies on me.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 12:46
I found a bug when you can actually kill the zombies without having them coming out of the "spawn holes"

Really great game however, I enjoyed EVERY second of it! Keep it up guys!

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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 13:52
This is pretty sick.
SikaSina Games
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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 18:51
Holy S', this looks brilliant, dling ASAP! Put this forward into the FPSC compo and you've already won !


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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 22:08
Thanks guys we really do try.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 22:13
Very nice, I'm downloading now, I've never actually played CoD:WaW's Nazi Zombies, but I heard it's fun, I'll let you know if this is too...

By the way, can I ask, what version of Blender is that? I have 2.48, but I can't find any tools for skeletal animations anywhere...

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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 22:37
Quote: "By the way, can I ask, what version of Blender is that? I have 2.48, but I can't find any tools for skeletal animations anywhere..."

CoffeeGrunt, I'm using version 2.48 of Blender. Press space, and then select armature to add the root bone. Extrude more bones from the root bone in edit mode. Create your animations in pose mode. Split the screen and change the view to action editior.


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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 22:52
Whoa! Thanks! You have no idea how many tutorials I've searched trying to find out how to do that!

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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 23:31 Edited at: 12th Jun 2009 23:36
06.12.09 - Easter Egg Revealed

Duel Wielding!
Stockpile multiple weapons and press CTRL + Scroll to duel wield!


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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 01:26
awwww, if only I had skill like that... you should sell your texture

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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 03:50 Edited at: 13th Jun 2009 03:51
A shader to iluminate their eyes would add a whole new level of creepyness. Just a suggestion though.

My review... BOTB nominee? Anybody else in favor?

Some people say that I'm crazy... And I agree.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 06:27
Quote: "BOTB nominee? Anybody else in favor?"

Appricieate the thought, but mu question would be who would get it? Me, Kraven, or would we both get it?

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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 14:19 Edited at: 13th Jun 2009 15:21
Quote: "My review... BOTB nominee? Anybody else in favor?"

Thanks for the nomination in the BOTB thread, Crusader. Hockeykid and myself are planning to completely refine this game now that the contest is over and we can take our time with it. We're going to work out the bugs, add new abililities for the player such as being able to barricade doors and windows, provide smarter AI for the zombies, and a few other things I want to keep under wraps for now. Very glad you liked the game!


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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 19:59
Yeah you could create an illumination map for the characters singling out their eyes, and apply illuminationent.fx to them...might look good you never know.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 22:20
Gave it a play through, it was pretty fun. The only thing is that the weapons seem to replace each other, so when I ran out of pistol ammo, I couldn't use the fire axe...

After that, I realised you could only drop three zombies per clip, so I couldn't accumulate money since I was spending it all on ammo. Also, you should shorten the gameover screen time, to let the player get back into the action quicker..

Nevertheless, it was fun...

"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a fishing rod, and he'll break it up into firewood...or swap it for a fish."
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Lord Boreal Face
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 23:36
hey is anyone having problems playing this game? everytime i tried to run the exe it said "FPSC Game has stopped working", i am currently using vista if this is the problem, also while extracting the files, i noticed alot of the files were .bin and .dbo

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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 23:49
Quote: "hey is anyone having problems playing this game? everytime i tried to run the exe it said "FPSC Game has stopped working", i am currently using vista if this is the problem, also while extracting the files, i noticed alot of the files were .bin and .dbo"

Try turning off UAC btw the .bins and .dbo's are for media protection. It shouldn't say that "FPSC has stopped working."

Lord Boreal Face
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 00:55
i have done that already, is there anything else i should know?

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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 01:18
Quote: "i have done that already, is there anything else i should know?"

Honestly I find it strange that it says FPSC has stopped working.

The Storyteller 01
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 01:28 Edited at: 14th Jun 2009 01:29
I get an error message that the "programm encountered a problem and had to shut down" when I click the game icon.

no idea why, since this is the first X9 game where this happened

In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---> native German speaker ^^
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 01:46
Quote: "I get an error message that the "programm encountered a problem and had to shut down" when I click the game icon.

no idea why, since this is the first X9 game where this happened "

Does it do this every time you start the program?

AOTD Creator
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 08:18
same error with me. I don't know how to stop it.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 08:52
Quote: "same error with me. I don't know how to stop it."

The same error as who The Storyteller 01 or Lord Boreal Face?

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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 08:53
Im on Windows 7 and all FPSC games work.Try rightclicking-properties and set xp sp2 compability mode.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 16:52 Edited at: 14th Jun 2009 17:09
The game was published on a Windows Vista computer. If people continue to experience these problems, I will rebuild the game, and upload it to a new file hosting website.


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Silver Eye Productions
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 23:00
Is there any cheats for this game?

- Silver Eye Pro

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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 23:46
It was pretty nice, although once you figure out that the zombies are standing in the black doorways all the time, it's pretty easy to just keep hitting them with the axe and getting more money

The dante beast was a bit of a surprise, didn't think it really fit with the level though.

Really liked the enviroment however, keep it up.


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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 00:13
Quote: "It was pretty nice, although once you figure out that the zombies are standing in the black doorways all the time, it's pretty easy to just keep hitting them with the axe and getting more money "

Yes but once you get to the next room after a few minutes zombies come from every direction.

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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 00:54 Edited at: 15th Jun 2009 01:01
::Signature Test::

EDIT: Awesome


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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 02:47 Edited at: 15th Jun 2009 02:48
Quote: "Yes but once you get to the next room after a few minutes zombies come from every direction."

I still managed to keep axing one zombie in each room, all the way to the end.

The guns seemed a little unbalanced too, I found it so expensive and inefficient to use guns that I stuck to the axe, which kinda ruined the point of them being there.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the game, I'm just a whiney critic at the same time


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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 04:17 Edited at: 15th Jun 2009 04:22
No offense taken, Paul. This game was thrown together in a few hours from start to finish to meet the deadline for the Mod Contest. There were several issues we were aware of but didn't have the time to work out. But this isn't the end of this project. Hockeykid and myself are continuing development of this game, and hope to have a fresh demo out in a few months with new maps, and abilities. Thanks again for the C&C!


SikaSina Games
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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 21:53
One problem with the 1st level: When I attempt t clear the debris, I try to enter the hallway but I get stuck as if the table is still there. Any solution?


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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 22:24
Quote: "One problem with the 1st level: When I attempt t clear the debris, I try to enter the hallway but I get stuck as if the table is still there. Any solution?"

Try paying to remove it again. I'm working on an update of this game to fix out the bugs and I just encounted the same problem. I paid to clear the debris again, and I was able to walk through the doorway.


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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 22:49
I'll try it soon thanks Kraven. Btw, the Dante Beast doesn't use Bond1's shaders in this? If so, it'll be invisible since I use an ATi card (Radeon HD 4550)...


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Posted: 17th Jun 2009 05:19 Edited at: 17th Jun 2009 05:35
06.16.09 Update

Hockeykid and I worked yesterday to fix several reported bugs with the first level of the game, and we even decided to add a few new features! An updated BETA will be available for download in a few days.

VIDEO LINK(Check out the video background on the main menu!):

Version II BETA Enhancements

Animated background video plays on main menu!
Added player legs.
Added a ‘zombies killed’ counter!
Added purchasable body armor.

Version II Bug Fixes

Added hurt zones to the outside doorways to prevent the player from camping the zombies as they spawn.
Fixed the door HUD to show its cost to open on the first level in the first room.
Raised the cost to remove the debris to access the next level to $2,000.
Changed the value of the weapons and the ammo you receive for them to make them worth the investment.
Updated the menu, loading, and game over HUDS. Main menu now has a video background!

BOTB Nominations

Quote: "I would like to nominate Kravenwolf, Hockeykid for their work in their MOD Contest Entry, Nazi Zombies! I was very impressed with it."

Quote: "I also would like to nominate Kravenwolf and Hockeykid for their Nazi Zombies game as it also provided great gameplay, a great environment, and a sort of 'Classic' feel to it yet with a small twist.

Thanks you Kravenwolf for the great games you have provided us with."

Quote: "I would also like to nominate Hockeykid and KravenWolfs game."

Thanks to everyone for all the great feedback! In less than a week, our game has received 3 BOTB nominations! Because of this, we will continue work on the game to bring it up to BOTB standards.

Can a mod please move this topic to the WIP board?


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Posted: 17th Jun 2009 06:06
Looks awesome man.

Gears of War
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Posted: 17th Jun 2009 07:04
Now this is what I was talking about. This is BotB quality.

Can you save the crew of LV21?
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Posted: 17th Jun 2009 14:00
Man this is a great game. You guys should develop it into a full game with like 5 or 6 levels. That would be something I would buy.

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