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Program Announcements / Twenty First Century Tetris

flashing snall
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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 23:11 Edited at: 13th Jun 2009 00:40

Alright, so about 15 days ago, I was really board. So, I pulled out my long lost tablet, and did some game concept doodling. You can see that <a href="">here</a>, just to follow my though process.

I dont really want to spoil the game for you, but I think you can get a VERY good idea of what its like after looking at that concept, and checking out these screen shots.

Give the game a go, by following this link, or downloading the post attachment. Let me know what you think.

As a side note, this was a lot harder than I expected it was going to be, which is why it took me 15 days to do. I was also pretty busy, but it was mostly that I didnt like working on it. So if there a few bugs, please forgive me. ( But please done fail to let me know)


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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 12th Jun 2009 23:53
Was fun, but frankly the grid made it really hard to see the falling pieces. Maybe it could be less pronounced? Nice take on the game there though.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 14:13 Edited at: 13th Jun 2009 14:16
Looks good, but I would suggest changing the name. The Tetris brand is a very aggressively protected one, even when it comes to small fanboy versions. TGC refused to accept any game with this name in a competition a few years ago.

By 1996, Pajitnov and Rogers entered into a partnership to manage and license the game -- The Tetris Company. They now own the full rights to the game, and will vigorously defend it against interlopers who are engaged in outright Tetris-related fraud or plagiarism.
These days, however, Rogers claims a laid back approach to maintaining control over his company's intellectual property when it comes to the "little guy." Amateur game developers can breath a sigh of relief and continue to create Tetris-like games, so long as they don't dub them "Tetris."

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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 15:41
Nice game, though as Bizar said it's difficulty to see. Also, the speed with which the next piece is handed control makes it difficult to play. There should really be a short delay between the current piece landing (and being given a brief delay to settle) and the next one coming in to play. It makes recovery nigh on impossible as you near the top of the grid.

Quote: "Batvink on naming"

Give the game a mascot and name it after him. Call him, "Sir Tet"!

Spiteful Eye WIP. Go on, it's fun sort of.
flashing snall
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 16:26 Edited at: 13th Jun 2009 16:30
WOw, I didnt realize that either the name or the visuals would be hard to see. If you want, I scrapped the grid, and just put in a white border. Attached to this post is an updated exe with that change, give it a go and tell me if its better please?

About the name, ugh. I should go change it then shouldnt I?

Thanks for the crit ol chaps.
EDIT:forgot to attach the exe


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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 17:15 Edited at: 13th Jun 2009 17:22
Looking a lot better without the grid! Though it was definetly nice to look at in screenshots, I'm glad you've done away with it. I don't think you'll even need to replace it with any sort of minimal grid or ought like that, it's fine now.

Regarding the actual concept you have here, I don't think the "killing things" stuff really makes any difference to gameplay here at all (except, you know, maybe feeling a slight compulsion to place pieces here rather than there because they're all huddled over here). It is a very interesting sideshow though, and certainly provides extra playing incentive, even if it isn't perhaps a whole new spin on the game. Perhaps you could get some tactics and aggression (hiding, fighting back, sabotaging) going on in there, though for anything of the sort you'll need to slow it down a whole lot.

Anyway, here's a short video I quickly threw together that just notes a few things that I thought were up. More details in the video description.

Spiteful Eye WIP. Go on, it's fun sort of.
White Fang 12
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 17:40
My high score is 1,170,225

flashing snall
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 03:44
Wow, thanks for the video monocoder! Thats actually really helpfull to go through and try to fix most of those bugs. However, I dont know when Ill get around to fixing those bugs, just because I really want to get Slime'09 finished, and start working on the DBPC.
Lots of thanks for the video though, it actually made my day

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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 20:02
I like the squishing!

Dragon Knight
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Posted: 29th Jun 2009 05:42
Looks and feels splendid

Only one thing i might change is the fact i couldn't slide the box underneath another box as.. well as soon as the box hit the ground that was it was placed permanently. Perhaps have a delayed timer before setting it to it's fixed location?

From seeing this i expect more upstanding games from you flashing snall, quite well done!

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Posted: 30th Jun 2009 01:57
cool game

improvable stuff (nothing big really):
-a few glitches (as Monocoder noted)
-the L-block is missing
-no warning that this game contains disturbing violence

-awesome tetris-tune!!
-solid tetris-clone (i know it's not easy, i've done it myself)
-nice idea with the running little dudes

and you could add some extra-feedback for a 4row-combo(tetris)

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