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3 Dimensional Chat / quality face models

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Posted: 6th Nov 2002 15:53
can i make realistic looking characters (like ones in this game for example [url] [/url]) with "3D Studio MAX R4.2", i have milkshape, but i cant make modles of that quality with it, but i can get "3D Studio MAX R4.2", for £20 - do you think it is worth it
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Posted: 6th Nov 2002 15:56
actually its 3d Studio Max 5.0 for £10

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Posted: 6th Nov 2002 18:30
well theres now way its legal so no. Erm Iam not being funny but if you cant get models of quality out of milkshape what makes you think buying max will suddenly fix the problem? Your skills are what matter not the package.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 6th Nov 2002 19:22
gotta agree with pathfinder here ... no legal copy for that much and as such no gonna touch it with a 10ft barge pole

also Milkshape is MORE than capable of that level of detail, the only reason that most people never achieve it is because they're not artists and rely FAR to much on the builtin effect tools which are only there to speed up development.

I would suggest that you sit down and practise, and please refrain from the subject of copies of products from dubious backgrounds

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 7th Nov 2002 15:18
i can do good models i just want the tools to make them better & easier to make, anyways i've bought it now, sure it may not be legitimate but does that bother me?

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Posted: 7th Nov 2002 21:35
might not bother you but it VERY MUCH bothers me

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 12:25

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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 12:39
put it this way

3D max is worth £3k or somthing like that and your going to pay £10 for a person to write a cd of it yes? Er Darkbasic IS a programming language, for the most part WE program. The MONEY you are paying is not going to the programmer. Alot of people in this forum sell there games as shareware. Would you do the same to them? Go save up your money, buy the best you can afford. If you want to post about how your getting pirated software the only thing your going to get is flaming.

wow and i didnt even flame

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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 16:17
i dont mind paying for the smalltime makers, for example i payed for milshape, but when i see a great deal i can turn it down - if i was only saving say £10 i would have rather payed the programer

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 17:24
i don't think that people like you think or care what purchasing software like this does do you?
if a pirater can copy software that alot of the time they aquire illegaly from a download and is almost NEVER complete - they pay for the cost of a CD which is a few quid for a pack of 10... he sells those 10 for £20 each, instead of being ripped off by Discreet your paying £20 for a CD version of something you can just download.

however if the business if there, piraters will continue to ripp of ANYONE - some of the people within even DarkBasic have felt this!

I'm sorry but if your not willing to pay to use the tools that the Pro's use then as far as i'm conserned you have no business useing them either. Alot of us work damn'd hard every day to bring new and exciting products to you just to find out that at the end if it someone feels that the work we put in isn't good enough to pay for??

How the hell would you like it if working at say a bakers and people just came in and picked up bread, ran off and sold it on??
You'd be a pissed as hell!!? ... I spend almost 14hours a day working on something either for actual work of for communities suchas this, however if i wasn't in such a high position at work i couldn't afford to simple do so many things for free in my spare time.

the Discreet team has over 170 staff working on 3D Max!!
that is the equivilant of around 15 Games Development Teams, you don't think they deserve the money for the hours they put in??

No doubt you're going to want to join the industry ... lets see how you damn'd well like it knowing people are stealing money out of your pocket everyday because they feel that they don't have to pay for a service you've worked you ass off to damn'd well provide?!!?!

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
Van B
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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 17:45
Guys guys, chill - it's just another bloke with a hookie version of max who'll never use it properly. Max is a pro tool that takes a lot of learning, if he can't do well with Milkshape, then I'm afraid he might as well use that Max CD as a coaster.

When I release a shareware game next year, I'll be checking the net on a weekly basis for illegal copies, and I will be taking action. Piracy killed off the ST and Amiga, and no doubt put a lot of people outta work, warez suck big time.

I have Max, and yes it is legal, I was given it at my last job, we needed some autocad renders for a court case and we got Max, the case was dropped and Max was mine . If I did'nt have it, I would'nt buy a dodgy pirated version that could be riddled with viruses and bugs. I could'nt buy the full version either, I'd probably get it through a student licence or do without.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 17:48
You should listen to the leads Raven gives if you ever want to step a single foot into the industry...instead of a courthouse.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 17:48
Hey hi Van. lol

Van B
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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 18:24
Hi Act!

I'm actually here under false pretences . I don't even have DBPro MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 18:45
lol héhé

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 8th Nov 2002 19:32
hahaa... me neither
DarkBasic Enhanced all the way for now ...
which is a point, i'm begining to wonder if that has been pirated - because everyone appears to use it, but no one ever seems to have a copy ... are they selling it on timeshare

sorry about the rant - probably shouldn't get worked up, but i'm sure some of you guys understand

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 9th Nov 2002 23:16
my apologies, i didnt realise the knock on effects when i purchased it, i will think more consideratly next time.
& dont you worry mr Van B i will use it propely

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Posted: 10th Nov 2002 00:49
well that'll remain to be seen ... he's right, if you didn't know that Milkshape was good enough for what you want then what chance is something more power gonna do ya?

I mean just giving a terrible rally driver a more powerful car will give him more power to kill himself not drive any better

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 21:57
i dont have enough money for max, allthough i would want it, and i desperately need it! but i could never even imagine myself purchasing a pirate copy of it!

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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 00:08
You should see what I can achieve with just Milkshape or Wings3D.
MAx isn't necessarly the best choice for game modeling.

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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 02:09
The models from the game you posted a link to look like they are poser models anyways, but poser models are probably too high-poly to be useful.

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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 03:08
In my opinion Milkshape is one of the best modelers for producing low poly game models ( after all, thats what it was designed for )

Hope this don't start a flame !!!!

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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 16:44
-The models from the game you posted a link to look like they are poser models anyways

They are!

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Megaman X
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 05:35
It's impossible to stop piracy and it's growing everyday. With fasters broadband connections u can download 3D Max in seconds. Most peoples will use it home to learn or as a pass time and this won't ever be stopped, never. To sell the black product is possible to control, and they do it. Everyday they close some warezhouse everywhere around the globe.
The definitly stop this black market is reduce prices ( just between u and I... how many can afford for 3D Max 5.0? I can buy an old car and Milkshape and have much more fun with that )... How about a game which costs 70 bucks? Also wrong price. A second thing to do should be explain peoples why it's not right to use illegal software...
Making blocks in the CD and ask for CD key or CD being present during execution is waste of time... and I bet we pay for that "security" system too which increase the price of softs and are waste of time...

hmmmm, what was I talking about?

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 14:27
-It's impossible to stop piracy and it's growing everyday

-The definitly stop this black market is reduce prices

Do I feel irony or it is me?

-hmmmm, what was I talking about?

You were talking about something everybody knows but no one wants to hear.

-A second thing to do should be explain peoples why it's not right to use illegal software

And explain why we pay thousands for them obviously because not everyone knows how much time and efforts are put into those...And with all the people working on them,selling for less would cost more to develop/pay programmers than to market.

-and I bet we pay for that "security" system too which increase the price of softs and are waste of time

You actually make it sound as if you weren't really paying.

Anyways my goal isn't to flame you Rogue...I just want you to know that most people here have been using PC's for years/decades...So piracy/warez gives the old bad felling of:'Been there,done that,ain't worth it.'

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 19:42
What gets me is when a new version of a piece of software comes out, all the old versions dissapear. I'm sure many people here would purchase 'still boxed and wrapped' older versions of top software, i know i would.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2002 19:45
Maybe some would pay for it but eventually they'd come to need the extra tools/stability of the most recent versions and in the end pay twice as much or a bit more just to upgrade..

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 00:24
Software piracy at the level it is... really is more of a novel thing.

Before it was rather easi to stop pirateers because on a 56k with an expensive CDR then you're looking at several days work just to make enough copies to break even.

And back in the days when Diskettes were still used, it was a 50-50 chance that the software would get from point A to point B without corrupting the disc.

Oftenly it was just not worth the risks, and didn't happen quite as much. I mean yeah it still happen'd and everyone would like swap games and copy them, because 10years ago we didn't get the $50-100 a week allowance ... you're lucki to get $10 and games haven't really gone up in price severly for the PC in that time.
So you'd save for week just to get one game with hundreds of these PD style games being released plus quite expensive Magazines to find out what the best new games are (no kiddies, this info wasn't on the net a good few years back )

By the end of it all, usually you'd make deals with friends that you'd buy a game, they would and you'd both use it.

I mean thats piracy still - but it isn't like one person steals a full copy of a product, deletes alot of it, possibly plants a nasty virus and then sells it on for say $40 ... yeah you're saving several thousand, but you're lining thier pockets just to make more because CDR's cost bugger all now! you can get like 10 for $5 within cases at that!

It is annoying that a legitimate backup method for software has been perverted for the use of people too damn'd lazy to get a real job. And who obviously have no care for how much work and effort is put in to produce the work.

At the same time this means the prices of the software is raised to account for lost sales... so it gets more expensive meaning more piracy, which means more price ups.
The circle is vicious.

However what ya'll gotta remember is that these are professional tools, and not really ment for those who are learning. They're not desiged for 13-18year olds who want to piss about, they're desiged for busniess's to produce work quicker and more easily.

Several companies have released FREE versions which are no different from the pirated software apart from saving|rendering issues - yet software is still pirated.

This tells you that people don't give a damn, even if something is free they're still going to pirate, the only way to stop it now is to not use them.

Sharing amongst friends will always happen and although yes pirating in a technical sense, there really is not much harms as sales are still produced.
Warezer's are just the lowest form of scumm on the planet, who are almost literally taking money out of the honest working peoples pockets and sliding it into thier own!

As for still boxed and older versions of Software...
Caligari still sell trueSpace2 for $29 right upto trueSpace6 for $699 - they oftenly give demos users discounts, and upgrades from older software are also discounted.
The software is published onto CD with manuals and boxed brand new.

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John H
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 01:00
When alot of people see these thousand dollar (im american) programs, they think "wow! if it costs that much, it must be really easy and get great results!" I know I did when I heard about MAX.

Hey, Ill admit it, I downloaded a ripped version. Then I realized, its not the program, its the person behind it. Apart from that, my concious got me, so I deleted MAX.

So for everyones sake, especially the people who work long and hard on these projects, if you want something, buy it the right way. I am a very basic 3d modeller, and when I outgrow/outpower my resources available today, then I will purchase better programs (max, lightwave.)

Personally, I think milkshape is great. DB cant really handle super high poly models, and this is why it rules. Milkshape WAS MADE TO MAKE LOWER POLY MODELS!!!

My thoughts,

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 02:04
I have to admit, I warez games. But I only do it for a reason: To try it out before I buy. Some games don't have demos, that would be why I warez it. Some games demos are poor, and may not represent the full game. So I try it first. If I like it, I buy it. In this way, it's better for the programmer, because if I hadn't played a copy of it, I wouldn't have bought it, and so he gets money he would otherwise have missed out on. And if I don't like it, he won't have missed the money... don't know if what I said makes sense

Anyway, that would be the ONLY reason that I would copy a game, and I really do buy if I like it. IE-Half-Life. I got it off a friend, played the first 5 minutes of it, then went out and bought it. Neverwinter nights I am getting as well, because I like it.

I don't condone warezing, and I guess what I am doing is wrong, but in a strange way, it is beneficial to me and the programmers. But I wouldn't warez anything else... especially DB.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 02:05
I agree. Thats a bigee. See if its worth that much money before blowing it on something you cant use.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 02:24
That was a good point and major complaint I have|had about Discreet actually.

When i wanted to learn Max almost 2years ago, there was a demo CD they'd send to your door.
So I signed up for it asked for it to be sent, even did the thing that I hate to most and used my CreditCard online.

I was wondering what they required my CreditCard for, as it was a Demo not the full thing.
A call came a few weeks down the line from Discreet -
"I'm sorry sir, but this card is currently Overdrawn and we were not able to make a withdrawl!"
Now yeah I'd spent out on something recently and the Card was close to the limit, but there was a good £500 on it which surely would be enough for a demo.
The response I got, was that actually I had to BUY the full product ... and they'd refund if I didn't like it.
But it was a Demo version which had a 30day lockout!

That was possibly the one time i felt, fudge it all to hell I want a pirate version. Because I was still a Jnr Artist and it wasn't required for work, for me £1,700 was ALOT of money ... and I wanted to try before i buy, not an unreasonable request now is it?

Thats probably the closest I ever came to getting pirate software thou - just really considering it.
In the end I thought fudge it, i don't really need it.

I think that inaccessability has cause the growing ripp-off of their products, because Discreet are just as money hungry as Microsoft taking advantage that they're so widely used.

I like to try before i buy something oftenly, and with alot of game i used to savefor ages just to get it and think... WHAT A PILE OF RIPE COW POOP!
So I usually get a game try it out, if i don't like it take it back with EB's 10day no quibble guarentee
basically keep trading until i find one i like hehee

might seem cheap, but i've got some many crap games i'm never gonna play and if there was only a demo then i wouldn't have to try like that.
However Demo's arn't widely available on the net at fast speeds unless you pay, i mean fileplanet has the best selection but is SOOOOOO SLOOOOOW!
And it takes weeks for order'd demo CD's by which point your onto the next great comming title.

Ofcourse there are games mags, but with access to the net you can see the demos are out usually a month before hand.
Everyone else is raving whilst your like WTF is going on!

:: sighs :: I miss the old days before highspeed internet and rampant piracy, and I also miss Opel Fruits

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 02:29
actarus no no, I understand you man I know u were not aimming at flame me. Well, I know how all peoples feel about piracy, but this is a real thing and many peoples use it. And there bizzars taxes that some countries ask for. For instance, I bought 3D Game Studio long ago and, on their ordering page( u can read it there ) it stands that some countries as Italy, asks for 250$ for imported CD-Roms and Brazil up to 1.000$. The software itselves costs 49$.
To order DarkBASICpro from Brazil it costs over 3 times it's price... My point is, high unneed taxes are an incentive to piracy.
But many many here uses illegal things... could be a small as mp3's up to 3D Max 5.0.... I'm not accusing anyone to use warez here, but I bet my head many does...
Also, I use eDonkey to download movies and series as friends, once I rarely have time to watch TV ( which sucks in Sweden ) so... There are diarily over 50.000 peoples on AdaNet - Turkey channel and over 50.000 on Karl channel 2 and 4... Believe me they are not getting mp3 cuz eDonkey is not even good for it... Kazaa beats it.
take a look here: and make a search for anygame... Try Unreal Tournament 2003 or 3D Studio Max 5.0. All stuff in there are in iso format... not ripped, not damage and all tested and cracked. Now I ask again, do your really think it's possible to stop piracy? U can put down shareactor and eDonkey as they did with Napster... you can put all ur affords on piracy protection... while a soft as Max costs 3.000$ it wont ever stop... And max is not ever worthy its money... In my point of view, the only way to stop piracy is reducing the prices... how? Concorrence would do it. But companies which are famous as Discreet will put at any price they want and peoples will buy it cause it's know as the good dude. MS monopolize the OS market... they can now make a Windows YZ Professional and put 500 US.... it will still be the only option and we will get it... Piracy will always exist, and have always existed....

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 13:55
Discreet arn't the best... quite far from it, they sales come purely from the fact that autodesk own'd thier ass and was the largest 3D program for the PC.
Everyone kinda figured that AutoCad is good so Max will be... EEEERRRGGG WRONGO!

Though the modelling tools do make its slightly easier, the interface is just a users nightnare, the tool are still freaking buggy as hell even after 10years.

The tool IS NOT worth the asking price. But it is basically the best budget software you can get, god knows why the Lightwave isn't!

Until 3DS Max is released from the mystique that its actually erm GOOD (laughs uncontrolably) then companies purchaers (no not the staff who use it, the money men!) will always buy it because the slogan actually is "The Industry Standard!"
Personally if you're gonna pirate something, do the fucker in style and get Maya 4 Unlimited! Actually pirate something WORTH stealing.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 14:15
btw is doing lightwave for 689 quid + vat including 10 training DVDS omg the gits :/ I paid 1800 3 years ago *sobs*

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 16:39
Hey guys I've been happily using Milkshape for aeons (almost) now, but always wondered what I'm missing out on with 3dsmax, Lightwave and Maya. So I went to their websites to download a demo. Could I get one? NOOOOoooo.

In most cases I was asked to fill in a form as to why I'd want one and they would send me a CD-ROM. So I did. Did they ever arrive? NOOOOoooo.

So I went to Kazzaa to download Pirate copies. NOT that I agree with Pirating, but to try the products out to see if they warranted me spending such a large ammount of money on them... Did the downloads work? NOOOOoooo

However the other day I saw copies of Lightwave and Maya for sale at a local Market, copied CDRs for £5 each. So I hesitantly bought them. Thankfully also I recently saw a 30 day demo of 3DSMax 5 on the front of a magazine, so I can try that out slightly more legally

My point is: I agree that pirated software is bad for the industry and immoral in principal as no royalties go to the original programmers. But surely not providing users with adequate access to demo versions forces people to use other (illegal) means, as no-one in their right minds would pay well over a grand for a piece of software they know jack about.

I am positive that companies who charge those kind of ammounts for software can afford to provide websites with enough space and bandwidth to sustain fully functionning, large downloadable demo versions. The money they would loose through idiots hacking them would probably be less than they would make through extra sales

Anyheew... after trying these babies out, I shall decide on which, if any package will fullfil my needs, and shall then fork out for an official copy, if I decide it is going to be more useful than my beloved Milkshape. If you can't afford a proper copy DON'T USE ONE. It's as simple as that my friends

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 19:59
*cough* theres a mag on the WHSmiths shelf I saw this very day, its got demos of all the programs you mentioned + softimage . Its a big bronze coloured one.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 21:03
Thats useful to know, mite check it out

Whilst I was searching for demos I was aware that some magazines sometimes have them, computer arts and 3dworld are both quite good. The trouble was that when I wanted the demos, no magazines had the demos I wanted that month, and ordering back copies takes an annoying ammount of time.

My basic point was that if a company has a site dedicated to a finished, retail software package, it should have a decent download available. Well spotted tho

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 21:07
How do you find Lightwave, as regards to creating characters and levels for DBPro? Sorry I know its off topic but you mentionned u had it.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 03:52
lol ... you can download the demos of these products you don't need the CD

I'm not sure about the other companies, but if you send of for a Maya CD you will receive it in 7days - otherwise tell them and it'll be there on next day delivery.

Most versions from Kazaa are getting more and more unusable, because there are members like myself who edit them to and extent where they are installable but NOT usuable and put them back up
Guys like you spend hours downloading for fuck all, and quite frankly it amuses the hell outta me

on the part of using 3d proggies ... i'd recommend not asking anyone what to use.

WHY? you say - it simple, i love trueSpace, i adore Maya and I dispise Max ... so it isn't likely you'll get a glowing recommendation about the product from me
However also the point stands, what is easi for one person might not be for another and depends on the style of modelling your used to.

If you've only used Milkshape, personally I'd recommend Maya as the next step - because the modelling methods are very very similar.

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 11:53
Hmmmm, yeah, many peoples are renaming the stuff on Kazaa. A work around is to look some pages which brings the real size of the product/thing u r trying to download There's always a work around with piracy...

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 17:31
Calm, breathe Raven, you don't wanna start flamin! - Oh wait, we already are...

However you make some good points, I didn't actually bother following it up when I never recieved the demos, but still I think you should only have to contact a company once otherwise thats pretty poor customer services. Your advice about different packages being better for different people is spot on, I'll try them all.

I appreciate that downloads in Kazaa are far from relaiable, but I don't think u should laugh at me for spending hours downloading, I have 24/7 net access and just left it downloading overnight Like I said tho, I don't condone pirating software and what you're doin is actually quite funny for the poor suckers who think they can scam the companies.

I appreciate that there are sources for demos, but I didnt mention that this was a good few months ago, and at that time I went to the official sites which had no demos (except for a broken link in Maya, and a password protected download page on 3dsmax if I remember correctly) maybe they are better now, I haven't looked recently, no need to till I decide waht to buy. I should also add that I also searched in Google, Altavista and Lycos before giving up and trying Kazaa.


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Megaman X
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 18:36
Here, took me two minutes on Google

Search on Kazaa for 3D Studio Max on the field software. Download the file with exe called "3D Studio Max 5.exe" with 535.885k of size. Any other size may be renamed files. U might also need a crack called licpath.lic.

Pretty cool huh?

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 19:24
Rogue I appreciate what you're trying to do but I don't think u should encorage piracy so blatantly... but it IS useful to be able to evaluate a product before you buy, IF there is no legal option freely available.

Incedently there's a file called LOTR Twin Towers game which is actually 3dsMax5! Personally I know which I'd prefer... and its not the generic game of a cool film lol

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 20:18
No no, I am against piracy, I swear. But what I try to prove is that we cannot stop piracy by shutting down servers/sharing programs... If, let's suppose, all sharing programs one day get erased from the earth, will always be a way of piracy keep going. We need to teach peoples why not to do it and companies should sue peoples if they one day release something made with their programs ilegally Jail won't make any harm for peoples of that kind

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 23:26
-But what I try to prove is that we cannot stop piracy by shutting down servers/sharing programs...

Don't worry about that...It's been proven.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 00:34

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
-- Rogue
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 01:44
Well sorry but it is quite amusing to me to waste people time who believe they can get away with ripping of the products I spend working hard to earn the money for.

I mean whenever I see pirates of games i've personally worked on you don't understand how much that just gets to me... i mean do these people not think that we've worked hard? do they think that our work isn't worth it?
When your talkin' about computer games which are like $45-50 i mean c'mon we're not askin' for a kidney like Discreet want to!

Just because titles are freely available, and there for pirating doesn't mean its right - or that you should explain how easi it is otherwise you're just compounding the problems.

Shutting down download servers won't stop it no, however - the less and less places there are. The harder and harder it'll become... Especially if people are ended up forced to use programs like Kazaa which v2.5 is going to have a deliberate saboture program installed making all registered files in the Kazaa database useless
So say within an 3dmax.iso it detects the word *max*.exe then immediatly the first 128kb is erased making it a corrupt file.

It is a pretty smart and finally a responsible act from Sharman - and they're not the only ones working on technology of this kind. Hopefully within the next year it'll force pirates to Warez servers only, which is likely to put off alot of people.

As for the products... there are two sites for Maya| i tried them after you said you had problems, filled out the form. Downloaded without problems in 10mins.
Fileplanet also has a copy available ... and if you REALLY want it then Unreal2k3 also packages the free version of Maya.

as for 3Dmax ... download Gmax, essentially the same and is good for testing out modelling but isn't for actual development use apart from for games with gamepacks to export thier format.
Suchas Quake3, Renegade, MS FlightSim etc...

Lightwaves I personally can't find on that bloody mess of a site - but i'm sure its there somewhere.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 02:15
Re: 'We need to teach peoples why not to do it'
- I Agree but I think lots of people still wouldn't care

Re: 'and companies should sue peoples if they one day release something made with their programs ilegally'
- YES now that's more like it. I'm currently semi-beavering away on some model/level designing software, and hopefully find some way of labelling models made with it, so I can check them against registers. It may prove to be impossible to elude hackers, but I'll try Damn hard

Raven I totally agree with you, because I used to program Amiga games and software and it was heartbreaking the ammount of pirated copies that were around. It wasn't just the fact that I lost money but just because I had put so much effort and time into it, and then felt nogratitude/respect for my efforts. - People with pirate copies don't exactly come running to give you positive feedback, in case you find them out. Grrr

Off topic, but what games have you worked on man? Any I would have heard of?

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 02:33
(^_^) i don't like to say

3DSMax, Maya and trueSpace all have Watermark ownership properties within the formats. It is possible to tell from what you make if someone has stolen your work but more importantly for the package developers it tells them what version you used and who it is actually registered to

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!

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