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Newcomers DBPro Corner / An interface with a mouse

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Joined: 4th Nov 2002
Posted: 6th Nov 2002 21:25

Can anyone please show me an example of an interface that uses the mouse to navigate in it cause i tried and its not very easy or if you cant show me one could you please tell me how i could see if the mouse is over an image?

Years of Service
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Joined: 6th Oct 2002
Location: Denmark
Posted: 7th Nov 2002 00:14
If you are looking for some kind of menu then take a look my site under Source Codes -> 3-Dimensional -> 3D Cube Menu
Then url: Http://
You use the mouse torotate a cube. When clicking the mouse the menu textures will change to the corresponding selection. This menu does not use a mouse cursor image (It's Hidden).

TheCyborg Development.
The Ultimate Source To DarkBASIC Programming.

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