Quote: "I'm trying to make a scene in the game where you walk into a room and you see a body being dragged off in the distance. Here's what I have so far. What is meant to happen with it, is that you walk into a trigger zone, and this will activate the body being dragged off in the distance."
What is doing the dragging?
Perhaps you could set that character as the target, then do a movetotarget.
That should make it follow the target if it stays in that state for the duration.
Quote: "All I really want is for the entity to move for a number of seconds, and then destory itself so that when the player walks around the corner, the entity isnt there. Surely that can be made in fpsc. o_0"
I thought you meant the player dragging the body fomr the title, but then I got it after reading your first post.
You could animate the body and the guy doing the draggin together.
Then movetotarget on a stationary target (behind a wall from player view but straight line for character's path).
Once at the target the target could then activate the character which would force its script to call the destroy.