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Coach Shogun 20
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Location: In your mind, messing with your thoughts
Posted: 3rd Jul 2009 00:05 Edited at: 6th Jul 2009 05:24
Prison Break is a small side-project I'm working on. It is being made with X10. Originally it was made to help me come up with ideas for my contest entry (When I get bored with one project, but I still want to work on it, I'll just make a map or two that aren't related to get my brain cells working). I'm making this to test several things for potential use in my ultimate FPSC contest entry. Among them are:

1. Lighting
2. New Gameplay elements
3. Level Design

Story: You wake up to find yourself in a small room with a camera staring at you. As you stand from the ground you find that you legs are extremely weak. With no idea of where you are or how you got there, you must search the building for an escape.

Gameplay: It's like most other FPSC games. The main difference is that it's one, rather large, level. You aren't told where to go, and have no one to point you. Once you get past the first few areas, you're free to explore. Exploration is rewarded too. You might find a new key, that leads to a weapon closet. Or you could find health. The next biggest change is no jumping. You're hurtfall value is extremely low, and your jump height is only one. In addition, you're very slow.

Release date: I plan on a release next week. I began development on this two days ago, and it's moving fairly fast.

I recommend your rig is above the minimum for FPSC, as this game will have a large amount of open area. I can't give exacts, but it runs fine on my Nvidia Geforce 9800. 6 GB of RAM. Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9300, 2.50 GHz

Here are three screens from it. (NOTE: These screens are still in early WIP, I'm playing around with light colors and sizes. It's hard to come to a verdict on them. Also, once I've finished it I'm probably gonna change a few textures.)

This is where you start. That light needs a little adjustment (the entity, not the marker.)


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Coach Shogun 20
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Location: In your mind, messing with your thoughts
Posted: 3rd Jul 2009 00:05
Here is the second screenshot.


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Coach Shogun 20
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Location: In your mind, messing with your thoughts
Posted: 3rd Jul 2009 00:07
Just so you guys know, there will be lots of locations that I won't put into pics. I'll probably only make two or three more. An early estimate of how many secret locations there will be is probably 5-6 for you guys to find.

This is overlooking the lowest catwalks. There is a huge room, that you access practically all the level from. After I add more catwalks on higher levels, I'll post shots looking up at them. Any location you can see in the map will be accessible with a little ingenuity and patience.


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Coach Shogun 20
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Location: In your mind, messing with your thoughts
Posted: 6th Jul 2009 05:21
Here are the catwalks re-done. There are still about 2-3 stories of them left to go, plus the rooms they connect to. I keep a steady fps, can't remember exactly what though. You can access every part of the catwalks here. Nothing in the level will be non-accessible, other then the outside. Tell me what you think.


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Posted: 6th Jul 2009 18:11
I'm so happy I found someone with a game that has a story that isn't about killing everyone. When it comes to first person shooters, it would seem adventure and/or mystery stories serve the genre best. With the story you have, Coach Shogun 20, the optimal FPS game environment is achieved. However, to the look of the game, it looks very dark. Perhaps you could add a bit more lighting so that the player can see where he/she is going.

Actually, I browse around the boards just to critique stories to make them more original, it seems that many are doing the "Shoot everyone in your sight"
-Light Samus
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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 21:30
Nice game idea, thoug my graphics card probably can't run your game

The screenshots look quite dark, sort of like DOOM 3.

But looking good, add some good lighting, though were not asking for the brightest room.

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