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Program Announcements / NodeScript - Free scripting plugin

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Posted: 4th Jul 2009 15:18
NodeScript is a plugin for Dark Basic Professional allowing the creation of scripts by linking different components.

It handles two different kinds of nodes: variables and functions. It supports 6 kinds of variables (bool, int, float, string, vector and entity) and 3 kinds of functions (event, action and condition).
Even though this plugin comes with a hundred of commands, only a few general nodes are implemented. However, custom function nodes can be created rather easily in DBPro in order to suit your game.

In order to compile the examples, you will need
-IanM's dlls
-D3DFunc plugin
These plugins are not necessary for NodeScript, but I strongly advise to use them (especially if you want to use my examples for your system)

I would just like to warn the few people who would be interested: this plugin is not going to make all the work for you, it requires a lot of programming on the DBPro side to fully get its benefits.

NodeScript v1.0

If you experience any problem with it, just let me know.
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Location: Minnesota
Posted: 6th Jul 2009 09:48
Sorry for the noobiness, but I don't really understand what this is?

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Location: UK
Posted: 6th Jul 2009 12:20
In most games, scripts are used for most events like 'kill the monster and it will open the door'.
Of course, one could think that there is no need for a scripting system for this, and that hard-coding it straight into DBPro would be fine. However, this method has a lot of drawbacks:
- if you need to change anything in the scenario, you have to recompile the program.
- when your game gets larger, it can become a huge mess.
- once your game is finished, no one can mod it, unless the sources are provided.

Using scripts requires more work in the beginning, because you have to plan some kind of interface with a lot of functions like 'door opened', 'spawn enemy', 'turn the light off' and so on. My plugin allows you to turn these functions into those blocks on the screenshot, so in the end, even a non-programmer could make some scripts for your game. So unless you are planning to make some kind of expandable game, you don't really need this plugin (even though it may help).
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Location: Minnesota
Posted: 6th Jul 2009 17:52 Edited at: 6th Jul 2009 17:52
Oh ok thanks! This sounds really neat. Gonna definitely download.

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Joined: 11th Feb 2009
Posted: 7th Jul 2009 03:45
this is all most exactly like xpresso in Cinema 4D. (cinema has the pre-built commands)

i have to download this and take a look at it.

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