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Program Announcements / DarkPRINCIPLES - Classic Pong Game

Daniel TGC
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Location: TGC
Posted: 5th Jul 2009 00:28 Edited at: 5th Jul 2009 00:48
Hi guys, I'm in the process of putting together another video tutorial. How to make your own pong game from scratch, and seeing as the game was made I thought I might as well release it. Someone might enjoy it!

I've kept it simple for the purposes of the tutorial, the only media is some graphics for the menu, and some audio files. The rest is all done with native medialess DBPro commands.

The game features.

- 3 Lives
- Opponent Pad AI
- Randomised responses so the AI isn’t perfect
- Player Controlled pad
- Ball speed increase with each strike
- Boundary detection
- Player angle manipulation (if you are holding down, the up or down key as you strike the ball, it changes the angle slightly, you’ll need to do it a few times but it all add’s up over time)
- Packed up into an installer.

Future features for tutorial 2.0

- Two player mode
- Internet Two player mode
- Scalable AI (set it’s difficulty)
- Revisited 2D version
- Sprite driven version
- 3D version
- 3D version with shaders

Because version 1.0 is designed to be the basis of a free video tutorial I didn't want to go into too much depth for this version.



Download here!


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Daniel TGC
Retired Moderator
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Joined: 19th Feb 2007
Location: TGC
Posted: 5th Jul 2009 00:46
This contains the download file. Enjoy!


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