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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9]Warehouse: coninued

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Posted: 5th Jul 2009 06:17 Edited at: 5th Jul 2009 06:17
Same as the other topic:

I attached screenies with it. Sorry if it didn't say, but there are screenshots! Please don't close this! I am trying to work on this game and figure out the problem but it keeps getting closed.

The problem with the map is the FPS is really low. Sometimes 0.
If you guys could look at the screenshots and tell me what looks wrong, I will try to fix it and appreciate your comments.

Sorry if this post sounds a little rude, but this topic's been closed 2 times. One 'cause I forgot the requirement and didn't get enough time to download them, the other I forgot to tell you guys in post.


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Coach Shogun 20
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Location: In your mind, messing with your thoughts
Posted: 5th Jul 2009 07:40
The individual pictures have to be attached. They must be in JPEG format. You cannot post them all in a .zip file. When you click choose file, you choose the individual .jpeg/jpg file. You can multi-post to put them all up.

Onto your problem. It seems that you have some big open areas there. For unmodded FPSC X9, that is a big no-no. Either decrease the space, get one of the performance enhancing mods. I think Project Blue or Ply's mod should help. Not sure about Ply's though.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2009 09:35
Ok. I've heard that from Kravenwolf too. I din't say though 'cause I wanted your opinion. Ty for your advice anyway, I guess I will have to see about getting a mod. Ty again for your advice.

Btw, I'm on a different comp so I can't edit pics right now, but I will when I get back.
User Banned
Posted: 7th Jul 2009 15:42
To save your thread,heres a screen.What FPSC version are you using? If you are using some old version like 1.04 upgrade to 1.09 and download S4MOD 2.0 to improve your framerate heavily as I see no framerate killing objects.Are you sure all objects are static?

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho


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Posted: 7th Jul 2009 19:18
They were dynamic but there are only like 10 barrels, so I thought it wouldn't be that bad. I changed it and it ran a little better.

Thanks for attaching a picture. I don't want to spam the forums with the same topic. I will continue progress on this project next sunday when I'm back.

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