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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / what lies beneath - ultimate fpsc contest entry (new and un-modded)

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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 20:32 Edited at: 13th Jul 2009 21:04

(yeah, i will make a logo without the numbers, just not now)

hey all, and welcome to the new and improved (i hope!) thread for my official ultimate fpsc contest entry, what lies beneath.
I have decided to completely re-make the game from the ground up, and the finished version will hopefully include voice-overs, puzzles, horror, and a gripping story.

to anyone who read my original what lies beneath thread:
this game will be un-modded
it will not be a zombie survival


welcome to the orwegian institute, the finest suppliers of biotechnology and weaponry known to man, and the company at the forefront of the government's hit list. For years, the orwegian has been illegally selling weapons and biotech to terrorists, mercenaries and militiant groups, and the government has had enough. You are part of an elite mercenary team set up by the gvernment to do it's dirty work. your mission: get in, find enough evidence to convict the company, and get out.
All is going smoothly, until who enter a room with a group of scientests working at a desk. "welcome, i have been expecting you." the scientists words are unnerving. "I'm sure my little pets will enjoy a bit of sport, so good luck! even though it won't matter!" at this point everyone's guns are trainded on him. suddenly, the lights go out, screaming, running, breathing, howling, groaning, an explosion, the floor dissapearing beneath your feet, then... blackness.
When you come to, you are lieing in the rubble, a gaping hole in the roof aboe you, but no-ones there.
your team are gone.
your weapons are gone.
you are totally alone.
and that's just the prologue, wait until the story really starts...

What lies beneath is an atmospheric survival-horror game, focusing on fear, puzzles, and a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. (i hope!)

screenshot attached, C&C much appreiciated.

(i have a month to make this game so this will be changing a lot)
LEVEL 1:99(mapping done, voiceovers done, beta one to be released)
LEVEL 2:10%
LEVEL 3:0%
LEVEL 4:0%
LEVEL 5:0%

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
check out the official thread:


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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 20:57
screenshot 2:

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 21:11
So how many project do you have now???

Looks cool. But I think you should continue more with Darkest Depths.

dark peanut
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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 21:25
Looking good shadowfire, I like that hole in the ceiling alot. Good luck in the competition and with no mod!

dark peanut

Look for me on CoD4 online for PC. My username's Arbiquator (strange I know but it's the first thing that came to mind)

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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 21:30
yeah, and to everyone, DARKEST DEPTHS IS NOT DEAD. unfortunately i cannot enter it into the contest as the genre is to sci-fi to be modernday, howver, once this is finished i will continue on darkest depths.

also, there are only 2 games i am working on, this, and darkest depths.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
check out the official thread:
Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 22:32
lol, good luck. Just remember not to add copyrighted music and sound effects.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 00:00
i won't!

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 03:21
lol, no need to freak out. I'm simply saying that this sounds fun, and I'd hate to have it ruined with Metallica. Playing zombie games is much better with Bob Marley. Oh, yeah, and there's the illegality of it too. Anyways, the screens look great, especially that second one. Tone the yellow down, and the other will be great too!

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 11:36
Rick Roll... LoL. This looks great... But I still like Darkest Depths the best. What heppened to... Bravo thing... And Zombie survival thing...

Red Eye
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 12:45
Quote: "lol, no need to freak out"

I think he just admited it, and said that he won't do it anymore. And I am wondering who freaked out. He didnt.

Looking good shadowfire, way better then the other screens with the mod. I like it keep this up.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 14:44
Are the segments in the second screen from Omegamer's segment pack? Because they're from some game, I don't remember what game, but someone said that somewhere...

My username is finnish, and it translated to english is: "CrazyIdiot" or something.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 18:26
they are from omegamer's segment pack, keen eye.
who freaked out? i didn't freak out! why is everybody looking at me! i don't like it...
no i'm joking, it's just i'm a little jumpy after the ahhem, "original" what lies beneath kind of... died.

and i'm very sorry about the game switching, i can now deliver an official proclamation.

there are only two games i am making now:
What lies beneath
Darkest depths

progress updates:
i have gotten about 50% of the initial first level map done, it includes a crowbar, a torch (both aerrant ai) and a very heavy puzzles element.

i haven't added sounds and/or voiceovers yet, as i haven't finished the map.

unfortunately darkest depths needs to be put on hold for now, but it IS NOT DEAD.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
check out the official thread:
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 18:36
Ya the textures for omegagamer's segments are from Farcry just to let you know, so you can avoid any further conflict
creator of zombies
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 18:49
@Ekipshi: Your correct there. It's the "" from FarCry to be exact

Anyway, good luck


-Demon Sun: Lead Developer-
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 19:12
well i got it from omegamer, so sue him!
no, dont, omegamer was very generous for that segment pack.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 19:15
Quote: "well i got it from omegamer, so sue him!
no, dont, omegamer was very generous for that segment pack."

You can't use the segments of the pack!!! They're copyrighted!!!

My username is finnish, and it translated to english is: "CrazyIdiot" or something.
dark peanut
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 19:21
Well now we know it should be simple enough to switch out the segments.

dark peanut

Look for me on CoD4 online for PC. My username's Arbiquator (strange I know but it's the first thing that came to mind)

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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 20:20 Edited at: 9th Jul 2009 20:23
what? dammit! i need those segments! i'm going to go the the omegamer thread myself... back in a mo...

musical interlude...
"let's all go to the lobby..."


ok, i checked the post and.. sigh... you're right, i'll change them

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 22:32
Ask Wolf to make a segment in his request thread. And sorry, I just misunderstood your post. When all you see here is text, then its kinda hard to tell someone's tone of voice or attitude. Anyways, I'm glad you can admit to a mistake like that, and now its all water under the bridge. (or however that saying goes.)

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Posted: 10th Jul 2009 00:20
well, you know, sometimes people maek mistakes, i'm not being arrogant, it's just life.
Omegamer's segements will be removed and will probbably be replaced by wolf's. meanwhile, development continues and a recent sailing trip (of all places) actually gave me an idea for the level! the dockhouse was very creepy. yes, i am nerdy enough to spot potential game ideas while on a sailing trip.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Posted: 10th Jul 2009 00:38
Nothing wrong with getting inspiration from the surrounding locale
In fact that tends to make for a great game sometiems, which is why it's sometimes hard making a sci-fi game

Hope you can get those segments replaced, this looks great so far
Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 10th Jul 2009 00:54
lol, I see inspiration just about everywhere. Even in the crysis game box in front of me. On a unrelated not, my next game will take place in North Korea and you'll have nano-suits on! jk.

I wouldn't really trust a creepy looking dockhouse, can't wait to see it in-game.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 10th Jul 2009 12:20
Where di you got the brick biles or something that are on the ground?

Red Eye
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Posted: 10th Jul 2009 14:44
Looks good shadowfire. Keep this up mate.

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Posted: 10th Jul 2009 17:12
thanks everyone, and to answer yor question metal devil, it's a rubble pack, and i'm pretty dure i got it from fps free, or the forums...

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2009 11:14 Edited at: 12th Jul 2009 15:54
also, could any of you reccomend some segments i can use to replace the ones i have now? i was gonna go with model pack 5's concrete room...


don't worry, i have some segments.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2009 15:57

the initial mapping for levl one is done, all that remains are the titbits, (little entities here and there, sounds, voices) one of the main things i am going to be putting into the game is the creepy voice of "the controller" (name is subject to change), the owner of the factory and the one who is "taunting you" throughout the game. anymore would be spoilers.

stay tuned for more screenshots.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2009 16:00
ok, here's a screen of the end of the first level, the levels are going to have to be quite short as i don't have much time to make them.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
check out the official thread:


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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 21:02 Edited at: 13th Jul 2009 21:14
right, level one is just about finished with... (cringe) voiceovers!
it's very short, as i only intended it to be a scene setter.
The voice overs are for the "controller", a creepy man who taunts you as you are going around the game, and eventually reveals the plot.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 22:05
I'm gonna say this even though I've never seen the series "This sounds kinda like SAW". Your voice-overs are creepy and good.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 22:07
i have never seen SAW. (why in capitals?)
and you haven't heard my voice-overs yet... oh wait... the darkest depths prologue. ok, these voice overs aren't so heavily fxed. (if that's a word)

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 22:27
lol, I thought that's how you wrote it XD. Sorry, I'm a grammer freak online. I can't stand the thought of typing like the people on youtube comments.

Anyways, is there gonna be a demo for this, or no?

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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 23:18 Edited at: 18th Jul 2009 17:04
yeah, i hate all those 10 year-olds who post nothing but "lol" or "gr8 XD" as the only thing they ever write.
one of my videos has over 100 comments, and about 90 of them contain the word "lol".

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 17:05
ok, work on level two has officialy started, but i don't really want to release level 1 as a game yet seeing as it's still quite small.

Coming soon: what lies beneath.
check out the official thread:

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