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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Fall of the Reich

Years of Service
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:31
This is, as the name suggests a WW2 game. It focuses on the story of a of a few solders,several American and at least one Soviet as the Allies turned the tide of the war in 44-45. The game culminates in the intense and bloody Battle of Berlin. Yes it sound like a COD 5 but, the game will have more European battles than COD 5. The Game is full of home-brewed custom media, mostly characters and models.

I have many of the levels in various states of completion but, only a few screen shots, there will be more to come. As for a Demo, I have to either wait to get the full version of Ply's mod, or remove it, the latter seeming less likely. In other words, the demo will be big and not to be released for sometime.
Years of Service
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:32
screenshot #1


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Years of Service
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:32
screenshot #2


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Years of Service
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:33
oops screenshot#2 is accidentally a copy of #1

here is the real #2
Years of Service
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:34
Real #2


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Braden 713
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Posted: 24th Jul 2009 23:40
The game looks really cool so far! Really nice war-torn atmosphere, can't wait to see more

Quick suggestion - if your FPS rate permits, perhaps try adding a few more ruined buildings in the background, where the player can't really reach, to add more of a depth to the idea of being in a city. Unless, that is not what you were initially intending on going for, then so far everything looks perfect!


Ich will in Beifall untergehen.
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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 02:54
Looking really nice so far, but that framerate. Are you using alot of dynamic entities that slow the game down?
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 04:05
Looks nice! However, 11 frames per second isn't quite a good frame rate.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 07:30
the frame rate is slow, though not too noticeably, I can't seem to lower it, all my entities are static and I used minimal lighting, what else can I do?
Braden 713
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Posted: 25th Jul 2009 09:47
You could try using a mod, one that boosts your FPS. Just a suggestion


Ich will in Beifall untergehen.
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 06:45
here is part 2 of the level the screen shots above are from, its in a subway/urban tunnel


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Years of Service
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 06:45


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Years of Service
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 06:55 Edited at: 27th Jul 2009 06:57
this one is from the next level, working on a fix for the frame rate...


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Years of Service
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 07:00
one more


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Years of Service
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 12:57
I like the screens, but the framerate's quite poor throughout, you might want to try adding corridors between large rooms...

I'm liking the style though, it's a pity there aren't more WW2 games, although that train looks too modernday IMO, didn't the Nazis use steam trains?

If I was ever given the opportunity to remove all the bad from the world, I wouldn't, because for there to be heroism, compassion and all that is good, there must also be all that is bad.
General Jackson
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 21:18
I like this game so much that i'll rig the MP6 hand to the tommygun for you if you want.
Keep up the grea work!

He stood like a stone wall, not only in battle, but also for the Lord
Years of Service
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 21:25
"although that train looks too modernday IMO, didn't the Nazis use steam trains?"

The subway cars of the 1940's were not steam engines because. the carbon monoxide would kill the passenger in the tunnels, but the car does look a little to modern.

"I like this game so much that I'll rig the MP6 hand to the tommygun for you if you want.
Keep up the great work!"

Rally? That would be sooooooooo great, thanks General Jackson!
Years of Service
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Posted: 27th Jul 2009 23:57
Here is a screen from one of the last levels of the game

Its the ruined Reichstag, and yes I am aware of the of frame rate


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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 00:15
you should use blue mod, cheap and the framerate is perfect, try to build a level and play it. sometimes in test game my levels are bit lagg, but in builded version not

but with blue mod i never have lag lol

good luck i love to see ww2 games, if you help with costum media just mail me and i will help you

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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 04:37
General Jackson
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Posted: 30th Jul 2009 19:33 Edited at: 30th Jul 2009 19:34
kk, i am using the mp40 animations on it except the reload, which i still have to do.
Heres a screen.
Oh, and i am going to put it in a better position, too.
I should be able to email you it by saturday.

{edit} whats your email?

{edit2} did you know i have WW2 planes in the GCS?

He stood like a stone wall, not only in battle, but also for the Lord


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Years of Service
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 06:07
thanks soooooooo much General Jackson

my email is, and I'll take a look at your planes, thanks!

ps, is your name a reference to stargate?
General Jackson
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 20:00
No, it's General Stonewall Jackson, One of my heroes.
He was a civil war General on the confederates Side.
There's something wrong with the reload, So i am working on fixing it.
If you want, i can go ahead and send it to you and then when i fix the reload resend it, up to you.

General Jackson

He stood like a stone wall, not only in battle, but also for the Lord
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 21:43 Edited at: 31st Jul 2009 21:45
This is one of the games on the forums that I'm really hoping to play!

Keep up the good work!

BTW, and since you're not using any mod, use transparent walls and ceilings at the edges of the level(where it ends, both on the sides, and on ceilings and floors). Altough see-through, the engine reads the space as a "closed room" and improves framerates!

Hope this helps.

Alien and Wrecked Building Packs here:
Years of Service
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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 00:16
You should now just go download Apple Juice mod
It's absolutely free and gives great performance, plus other features that he's working on as we speak

General Jackson
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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 19:57
What FPS do you get on Apple Juice mod when You just lay down a few floor segments to stand on? I get 61 ad opposed to 260...

He stood like a stone wall, not only in battle, but also for the Lord
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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 20:06
If you got 260 your character would spaz out and run around like he's the flash.

On avg with a full level i get 34 FPS consistently which is more than enough to play the game

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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 22:11 Edited at: 1st Aug 2009 22:12
You know, i like apple juice mod so much, i made it a jingle... (erk)

AAAnnnyyywayyyy... this looks like a greeat game at the moment, and i'm really looking frowward to the finished results!

i am proud to say that i am an official apple-juice mod user, always will be.

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