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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Delta Project 412 - Ultimate FPS Creator Contest Entry

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 04:22 Edited at: 11th Aug 2009 19:07
You are an elite military soldier sent for a dangerous solo and stealth mission. In the year 2009, there has been a mysterious explosion around the perimeter of a facility. There have been found dead people at the site, and investigators that went to investigate it never returned, and witnesses reported attacks of "unknown forces". It is your mission to search around the perimeter of the site, clear the area of danger and find out the cause of the mysterious explosion and all the weird things everyone has been saying.

Background (unknown to player):
What really happened was that a scientest performing an experiment decided to open a door to transfer some lifeforms from different planets from the solar system has and to create a landmark on earth. The facility just happened to be where they struck. These lifeforms jump onto and transform humans.
For the first few weeks there was a massive war between the military that attempted to deal with the experiment and the infected or transformed. You have a secondary objective: search the ruins of the war for survivors.

For those of you who like my work, welcome back.
For those of you who don't like my work or has never heard of it, it's time you learn. (Just joking).

-Custom made text huds
-Custom voice acting
-Story is told through player's eyes, not through cutscenes
-Dark, chilling atmosphere
-Face many types of enemies
-Allies (not sure if they will be included)
-Solve puzzles, ranging from easy to difficult
-Use PDA's off dead bodies to unlock doors
-Shopping system
-X10 style huds
-Fast paced, hardcore action
-Forces you to take cover (you can only take a few bullets)
-Large variety of scares, including Doom 3 and F.E.A.R style scares
-Awesome lytefx lighting effects
-Adapt and use spells!
-You will carry a PDA, and you will be able to recieve calls and e-mails, and you will be able to scroll through audio logs!
-Some custom textures

I'm still working on the story and working on some features. The first level shown here, is a warehouse/storage facility. Meanwhile, here are some screens to start you off:

Please tell me what you think.


For those who think I'm "copying" Lewis, I'm not. The PDA systems are as simple as a switch. Nothing to pick up. Don't believe me? See the video here:

Here's an example of a "F.E.A.R style scare" that I recently learned.

EDIT: Scroll down for remakes of level 1.
EDIT: I decided not to use the ghost effects. It doesn't fit into the story well

EDIT EDIT EDIT: This project is discontinued, would a mod lock it.

Erg... just when I stopped this project it became hot. Please please, mods?

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 04:38
whell to be ohnest it is not to be in the fpsc contest anles you know you wont win have you seen what others have made for the contest..but it is very cool would like to see more

NAACP gotme
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 05:09
did you get the idea for the title off of lewis's game? lol (joking)
but looks good, but the room in the 3'd pic is alittle empty, everything else looks great though

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dark peanut
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 06:34
Looks very good, but I agree that third pic could use some more entity "population". By the way what mod(if you are) are you using?

dark peanut

Look for me on CoD4 online for PC. My username's Arbiquator (strange I know but it's the first thing that came to mind)

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 11:23 Edited at: 28th Jul 2009 11:24
My games name:

Quote: "Alpha Project"

Your games name:

Quote: "Delta Project 412"

What I have in my game:

Quote: "Update: To make things easier for the player, I've included PDA's (Personal Data Assistant) that the player can transfer data from that could help him through the game and could also uncover secrets, weapons, items etc.

You can find PDA's on dead bodies, on desks, inside lockers and other places."

What you've written:

Quote: "-Use PDA's off dead bodies to unlock doors"

Any other ideas your planning on stealing off me?
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 15:30
Lewis, I have not taken a look at your thread yet, but I have not copied your ideas, and if I did, I don't think I've done it on purpose. First of all, I have previous games called "Operation 321" and "Operation 101". So therefore I am following the order of the words followed by numbers. Delta Project 412 is something I whipped up.
Second, PDA's are not only your idea. They actually exist in the real world, believe it or not. Sure, I bet you and I both got our ideas off Doom 3. But they clearly are not YOUR IDEA, they are a real invention in the real world. Cleared up now? I'm not trying to copy anything.

To nikas: Probably I won't win compared to all the amazing work others have done, but as long as I enter, I get one of Errants GCS weapons!

NAAC gotme: I think I've clarified it enough for Lewis here.

Dark peanut: Yes, I am trying to resist the urge to "overpopulate" rooms indoors with entities. It's my habit of slowing the game down. But I'll try. I am using the stock FPSC v1.15.


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Red Eye
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 15:35
Quote: "Any other ideas your planning on stealing off me?"

I dunno about that. I mean,... Both is a bit "well known of games". Although they are cool, they are not very original. I could say you stold from Doom 3 or something.

The pda thing is a stock fps model. Maybe you guys made your own, but what else can you do with a scifi pda?.

And further i think that the name you guys have is cool. I never liked numbers in game names, but the only thing i see is that the word Project is the same. So... I dont believe he stoled anything from you actaully. But that is just what i believe.

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VBOTB Developer '10
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 15:39
Quote: "Second, PDA's are not only your idea. They actually exist in the real world, believe it or not. Sure, I bet you and I both got our ideas off Doom 3."

It's funny how as soon as I post about the PDA's in my thread, you magically think of the same thing. You must of looked at my thread to know of it, because its practically the same.

And about the games name, you have previous games called 'Operation' and then a number. So why have you changed to 'Delta Project' magically once my game's thread has been posted?

Your not doing a great job at hiding these things.

Whatever though, take ideas as you like. My game's going to be a full game, not some competition entry so im not scared of how your game is going to turn out.
Red Eye
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 15:42 Edited at: 28th Jul 2009 15:42
Ok Lewis, that is the most LOLEST Thing i have ever heard. I dont even gonna comment on that. AS it sound soooo silly.

Quote: "AS it sound soooo silly."

That sounds silly too.

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VBOTB Developer '10
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 15:45
Sounds silly? Okay then. Well I hope you dont mind if some ideas from your game mysteriously end up in mine then Red Eye.
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 15:49 Edited at: 28th Jul 2009 15:50
Quote: "It's funny how as soon as I post about the PDA's in my thread, you magically think of the same thing. You must of looked at my thread to know of it, because its practically the same."

You can't judge my something you've never seen. Don't think that you're the "owner" of the PDA idea around here. Maybe I got it off Doom 3? I've been trying to achieve that effect for a long time.

Quote: "And about the games name, you have previous games called 'Operation' and then a number. So why have you changed to 'Delta Project' magically once my game's thread has been posted?"

I doubt thats any of your idea either. You can either believe me or not, I haven't looked at your thread. This is a game I made up myself. Sure, you don't have to believe me, but ever thought how PDA's like you and Doom 3's are almost exactly the same? Well you can blame as you like, I will not argue. Even sue me for copyright, slap me, kill me do whatever you want. I have not broken any copyright license by using a random name and a real life, personal handheld computer that can be used to unlock doors. I can actually betcha you're not the first to post about PDA's around here.


EDIT: Thanks, Red Eye.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:00
ahem. on adriano's defence, Lewis, i highly doubt you own the cpoyrights for either PDA's or the name, "alpha" and "delta" are to completely different things, and PDA's have long been in use in games for much longer than yours.

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:04
Thanks shadowfire.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:09
please lets talk about the game

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:11
mgarand: Yes, I do think it's important to stay on topic but I'm trying to prove my point to Lewis with the help of others (thanks guys).

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:19
i understand mate, your game looks nice!
if you need help with costum media, or level design just mail me

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:21
Thanks mgarand. I'll add both your e-mails.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:33
Looks good, though i think you should replace the stock corpse by the PDA, i highly doubt that whoever it was, was killed, and then stripped
Though correct me if I'm wrong heh, but the pose is kind of awkward on that model too.

The first screen shot, there's no light sources creating that yellow light

The last screen you should add some more, even some hand rails around the hole would look good

Just some suggestions, but looking good so far mate.
Keep us updated

Red Eye
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:42 Edited at: 28th Jul 2009 16:44
Quote: "Sounds silly? Okay then. Well I hope you dont mind if some ideas from your game mysteriously end up in mine then Red Eye."

Sure but with that quote in my post. And with my ideas of my game in your game. Everyone will know who is the real creator of it.

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VBOTB Developer '10
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 16:56
Quote: "Sure but with that quote in my post. And with my ideas of my game in your game. Everyone will know who is the real creator of it.

Red Eye, it's been sorted out, just leave it be.
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 21:17 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2009 01:52
Ok guys, I decided to enhance level one with ghost effects, lighting effects, and different types of scares. I turned the ambience to lowest, and it adds a creepy atmospheric effect. Take a look:

Here are pictures with lytefx effects. Looks awesome, and THEY ARE NOT PHOTOSHOPPED (I don't even have that program anyways)...

Tell me what you think.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 21:34
very nice, have you tried incresing the lightmap size on setup?

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 21:36
Quote: "very nice, have you tried incresing the lightmap size on setup?"

Nope, never tried, what does that do? And how do I do it?

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Red Eye
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 21:48
Quote: "Red Eye, it's been sorted out, just leave it be."

You are right.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 22:06
right, go onto setup, and where it says lightmaptexsize: it should say 512.
change that number to 1024.
underneath it, where it says lightmapquality:5 (or a number like that)
change it to anything from 50 to 100.
now, once you run a game having done that, you should have very high light quality, making EVERYTHING look better.
be warned though, it does have a long loading time if you do this. (but not that long)

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 22:10
Quote: "right, go onto setup, and where it says lightmaptexsize: it should say 512.
change that number to 1024.
underneath it, where it says lightmapquality:5 (or a number like that)
change it to anything from 50 to 100.
now, once you run a game having done that, you should have very high light quality, making EVERYTHING look better.
be warned though, it does have a long loading time if you do this. (but not that long)"

Ouch! That doesn't sound like an idea for low-end computers!

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 22:21
not really. there isn't much difference in terms of lagginess in-game, and the quality is well worth the wait.

you do NOT need to have shaders on, you do NOT need to have full lightmapping on, just keep your normal settings, apply that, and gasp.

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 22:24 Edited at: 28th Jul 2009 23:06
Ok I'll give it a try.

EDIT: I tried it, it doesn't affect performance, but it doesn't have many BIG graphical changes. I'll leave it there though.

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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 23:39
it doesn't particulary affect the grphics, but it does produce much sharper shadows, and it eliminates that annoying thing you get when you have high lightmaps and low textures, when the lights don't blend on each segment.

[off topic]
do you love me as much as you love taylor swift?

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 28th Jul 2009 23:48
Quote: "[off topic]
do you love me as much as you love taylor swift?"

Lol, unfortunately, not. (not to offend you)

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dark peanut
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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 06:34 Edited at: 29th Jul 2009 06:36
Quote: "do you love me as much as you love taylor swift?"

LOL that is funny!

The new screens look very nice Adrian though the ghost doesn't look to scary from that screen, it looks more like a badly cut out cardboard sign(no offense). Maybe it looks better in game or close up thats just what I saw when I looked at the screen. Also the polygons on the corpse are standing out quite obviously. I know this isn't your fault because its happening to me in 2 entities in my game.

Well best of luck to you in the competition!

dark peanut

Look for me on CoD4 online for PC. My username's Arbiquator (strange I know but it's the first thing that came to mind)

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 12:23
Quote: "Also the polygons on the corpse are standing out quite obviously"

i think increasing the lightmaps can solve that problem.

Quote: ""do you love me as much as you love taylor swift?"

LOL that is funny!"

it's not funny! he doesn't love me!*


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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 15:07 Edited at: 29th Jul 2009 15:07
Quote: "LOL that is funny!

The new screens look very nice Adrian though the ghost doesn't look to scary from that screen, it looks more like a badly cut out cardboard sign(no offense). Maybe it looks better in game or close up thats just what I saw when I looked at the screen. Also the polygons on the corpse are standing out quite obviously. I know this isn't your fault because its happening to me in 2 entities in my game.

Well best of luck to you in the competition!

dark peanut"

Thanks dark peanut, indeed I'm trying to find a different corpse or I'm trying to model my own... I don't like the stock corpse.
The ghost, isn't supposed to look creepy but just seem like a shadow that disappears when you draw near...

Yes, I will try increasing the lightmap from 50 - 75 this time, see what happens.

But! I love all my friends... don't know if you're considered one yet But its only a couple of my CLOSE friends that are loved as much as taylor :-P

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Posted: 29th Jul 2009 22:06
i know who Taylor swift is now... some random woman who sings stuff.

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 16:42
Quote: "i know who Taylor swift is now... some random woman who sings stuff."

Haha in your eyes maybe. In my eyes she's an amazingly pretty girl (shes only 19 or 20) who sings awesome country/pop songs with an amazing voice, and with an awesome laugh.

Anyways on topic: there will be more screens, I had problems with my internet connection yesterday, but yes I do have screens to show you.


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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 17:00
Quote: "Haha in your eyes maybe. In my eyes she's an amazingly pretty girl (shes only 19 or 20) who sings awesome country/pop songs with an amazing voice, and with an awesome laugh."

cue soppy violin music*

*with country/western/pop in the background

anyway, ENOUGH WITH TAYLOR SWIFT! i'm looking forward to seeing your new screens, will they feature better lightmaps?

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 17:04
Quote: "cue soppy violin music*

*with country/western/pop in the background

anyway, ENOUGH WITH TAYLOR SWIFT! i'm looking forward to seeing your new screens, will they feature better lightmaps?"

Haha yes yes... I try not to talk about her unless someone starts to. Anyways new screens MAY feature better lightmaps, not sure about the results though.

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 17:09
cool, looking forward to it!

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Posted: 31st Jul 2009 19:25
Quote: "Here's an example of a "F.E.A.R style scare" that I recently learned."

I've been using that same thing in maps! It's an easy way to scare the player...

My username is finnish, and it translated to english is: "CrazyIdiot" or something.
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 01:55
As I promised, I'm back with more screens. The reason I didn't post them yesterday was because I was out for dinner.
Anyways here are more screenshots, they are still part of the first level, which is about 90% done.

Please tell me what you think.

I love Taylor Swift. If I love you as much as I love Taylor, then you're one in a billion, very very special.
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2009 00:29

I love Taylor Swift. If I love you as much as I love Taylor, then you're one in a billion, very very special.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2009 00:45
Looking good Adriano

The only problem i have with all of your screen is the placement of the lytefx decals

Also the green and blue lights look kind of strange in your last set of pics

Why are there giblets on the conveyor belt? What did you do!?

Other than that good atmosphere you've got going on, maybe a little dark here and there but that's allright

Looking forward to seeing more, keep it up!

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 8th Aug 2009 04:45
Thanks Ekiphishi, will work on that. I noticed the problem with the placement too - it's a bit off.
Ok, new screens to follow. Level 1 is complete and nearly done polishing, level 2 has begun development.
Here are the last few screens of level 1:

And here are screenshots of level 2, which takes place when you see a mansion in the distance, lights on, and you drive there to see if there are any survivors. It turns out to be the home of a mutated, chainsaw madman, and at the end of the level there will be a small boss battle.

Tell me what you think.

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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 8th Aug 2009 04:57
Good, but find another ceiling segment definitely.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2009 05:04
Well, Sorry if i sound nitpicky, but this is just what goes through my mind

-All the mansion rooms are very, large, and rather empty don't you think?
-Random corpses hanging on hooks in the dining hall?
-Last screen, the upper wall sticks out
-The lamps Don't give off light, just the mysterious ghost light in the middle
-The mansion walls aren't meant to go double all
-The ceiling is carpeted (same as floor)
-Lamp posts inside the mansion?
-Try using shaders and giving the lampposts the "Illuminationmap.fx"
-Make the outdoor lights A: Less of a greenish yellow, go more orangish yellow and B: Actually come from the lampposts
-Maybe for the outside, brighten the ambience a little, the sky isn't that dark

-The overall atmosphere is very nice, very creepy
-Love the outdoor detail, very nice!
-Hehe, though a bit overdone, Love the giblets on the plates in the dining room, what's for dinner?

If you survived through the previous roast Congrats, you deserve a
Looking good so far Adriano, Keep it up and I wish you luck in the Contest!

AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 8th Aug 2009 05:10
Quote: "-All the mansion rooms are very, large, and rather empty don't you think?
-Random corpses hanging on hooks in the dining hall?
-Last screen, the upper wall sticks out
-The lamps Don't give off light, just the mysterious ghost light in the middle
-The mansion walls aren't meant to go double all
-The ceiling is carpeted (same as floor)
-Lamp posts inside the mansion?
-Try using shaders and giving the lampposts the "Illuminationmap.fx"
-Make the outdoor lights A: Less of a greenish yellow, go more orangish yellow and B: Actually come from the lampposts
-Maybe for the outside, brighten the ambience a little, the sky isn't that dark "

Well, not sure how "empty" it is, but I'll try adding more detail.
The corpses aren't very "random", the madman living in that home cuts em up and takes the gibs for dinner, so thats why they're there.
Not sure how the wall "sticks out"
I'll try fixing the lamps so it looks like they give off light
I may try finding a new wall and ceiling segment
The lamp posts - well, I think they fit in well, but I'll try something else and see what you think
The outdoor lights - I'll experiment with them

Thanks for the crit man!

I love Taylor Swift. If I love you as much as I love Taylor, then you're one in a billion, very very special.
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 05:22
Sorry guys, but I've been far too busy lately, and I'm dropping out of the competition, it's just too much pressure. If a mod can pass by this could he please lock it? Thanks.
Don't worry, I'm not leaving, but I just cannot continue this project as I am too busy, so I will work on something else, but not for the competition.

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 16:44
Cool. In the F.E.A.R stylish scare, you shouldn't leave the trigger sound sounds in there. You can hear a stupid sound that's just so random, and if you walk into that zone again, the sound will play again and again. But looks cool otherwise.

I need search for Taylor Swift, btw, becouse you are saying that she's so good. Will see what comes out. Is she good, or not...

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 17:35
they look awesome! taylor would be proud.

i like apple juice. (the mod and the drink)
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 19:03
Quote: "Cool. In the F.E.A.R stylish scare, you shouldn't leave the trigger sound sounds in there. You can hear a stupid sound that's just so random, and if you walk into that zone again, the sound will play again and again. But looks cool otherwise.

I need search for Taylor Swift, btw, becouse you are saying that she's so good. Will see what comes out. Is she good, or not...

Quote: "they look awesome! taylor would be proud."

Thanks guys, but as I said, this project is discontinued and I'm out of the competition.
Let's hope Taylor is proud, one of my big wishes is just to go up to her and give her a hug.

I love Taylor Swift.
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