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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Redemption

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Joined: 20th May 2009
Posted: 1st Aug 2009 06:05
Well, why not, I'll upload it here.
This is obviously my first game release so if there's something you don't like in the game, don't just put me down, but constructive criticism is very much welcomed

Story: July 5th, 1949: After a long battle, we eventually had to give in...
The enemy had won, took our city, our land, our pride...
Our citizens tremble with fear while their captors drink and laugh, gloating about their latest victory...
However, all is not lost. They are expecting us to retaliate, with full force, their entire legion ready to hold their prize. Tommorow, we will pretend to retreat, leave our final bunker in the mountains..
I will assign one man to stay, he won't know what's going on. He won't understand his purpose, I've watched this soldier throughout the years... He is perfect for this plan. If all goes well, it shall be us, drinking, and spitting in the faces of our enemy...


Apple Slicer
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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 06:20

I love the story you posted. Sounds awesome!

I will give it a download when i can some time here.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 06:23
Sounds good
Also, this is using your mod so consider it a beta test from me
And you'll notice the flickering Ambient Changes, I'll patch that as soon as i can figure out how to work your mod

Apple Slicer
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Posted: 1st Aug 2009 07:12 Edited at: 1st Aug 2009 10:48
ok ok. I will look into it.

But really, i am downloading. most likely test tomorrow.

EDIT: I am horrible. i died by the first guy....twice.

EDIT2: I thought that the flickering was cannon fire and guns going off. heh.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 05:17
It was meant to be hard
Sick of games where you run in like you're superman and can take 10000 bullets

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2009 06:30
I just tested it. The idea is great and the level design is alot of fun. But in some sequences it was so dark i was unable to see. Also my Pistol was Yellow. The Enemies were shining so white that they almost looked like cut outs .They did not fit in the scene.

I hope that helped
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 18th Aug 2009 17:13
It was very fun to play. Didn't got thriught tought! It was good. Great, let me correct.

PS: -.- ,,|,

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