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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Leap Of Faith: The 10th crusade (a SSG production)

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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 04:09
The game follows our main character Philippe Almentay a sergeant in a new formed militia group, called Gods Grace.
The God’s Grace formed when the current world took a turn for the worse, the year is 2020, after many years of the west’s suppression and suffocation on the world, a brief, but deadly war took over, and an occupying Russia defeated the west’s oppression, and the great but deadly iron fist was back on ruling the world.

The United States is demolished of all power and say over the world economy, the United Kingdom is also in denial and civil war. The other European countries are easily oppressed by the great Russian might, and are quick to back up and execute orders for the new iron regime.

Russia are quick to ban all religions of the world, and are very quick to execute Christians, because of their faith, After two years of nonstop executions on Christians and other people of faith, their rises a group, a group of around 80, 000 men and woman, who decide to form a new regime, for a possible revolution, this revolution is code named leap of faith: the 10th crusade.

The modern day crusaders have to find a way to give back humanity the only thing that unites and bonds man, and that is faith. The player controls Philippe through various missions, to try and rid the world of the oppressive false profits that claim to foresee a new religion and god, which is a cast iron fist that Russia demands the whole world bow down to.
Will The men and Woman from the God’s grace group be able to give the world back their hope, will the Gods Grace be able to restore people’s faith in a hurt and confused people, will god get his children back?


Their will be around 8 levels, but the levels will be divided into three parts each level, so that way the player wont have to wait 10 minutes for it to load.

Cut scenes:

Their will be alot of story to tell, so the cut scenes in total will be around 90 mins in total, so thats alot of story, the cut scenes will be done in the way max payne is done, with that sort of storyboard/ comic book styles.


well thats obviuose seeing that im using fps creator, but it will be a very fps based game, alot of action, and shoot outs, each enemy in the game is placed to a certain angle so that the player is boxed in and must shoot his way out. the game will have alot of mission objectives, so the player must find certain objects,ect.

Release Date:

the game will be released on monday the 14th of december 2009, ive just started working on the game, and will do every day.

Comercial or freeware?

well i havent quite decided but i rekon i might give it a freeware rout, so that people will hopefuly fall in love with the game, and the sequal will be a comercial one.

Beta testing:

i will ask people on this forum if they want to beta test, and if so, it will be apreciated, but i have one beta tester working for me, but the more the merrier

thank you very much, and please comment about the game and the screens

god bless.

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 07:12
You need as screenie

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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 16:35
Sceeen one, sorry folks, i just couldnt find my post lol, found it now

Samways Softmatic Gameing


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Posted: 4th Aug 2009 16:35
screen 2

Samways Softmatic Gameing


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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 08:30
Why are we Russians always considered the enemy?
Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 09:47
@Arctek: Because currently Russia is the closest democracy to turning into a totalitarian state. After Putin finished all his terms as President, he became Prime Minister. The real President most likely gives Putin a bigger say in matters than he deserves as Prime Minister. Now, Russia is considering extending the term limits, allowing Putin to run again. Combine this with an oppressive police, history of slaughter (Stalin killed more people than Hitler), history of torture and enslavement in Siberian work camps, and leftover communists...

In short, Russia really needs help to remain a free country. I'm not sure if this is the real situation, I don't live in Russia, however I'm pretty sure its close.

Ontopic: Politics and current events aside, the screens look alright. Although, I wouldn't use the MP40. I'm sure that by 2020, it'll be obsolete as a weapon.

Saint Pixie
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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 11:47
i think the game has a great, absolutely great, plotline. I would love to beta test/help with production if you want me to. i could also help take some good screenies (while beta testing) if you want. my email is

happy gaming!

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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 12:49
At first the story sounded pretty decent, as it differed quite a bit from the usual "kill zombies, escape the building" type games we see here. But I do think I like those games better, since some of them actually are well executed.

This however, is just prejudice and religious propaganda in disguise. The great, mighty, evil Russia takes over the world, blah blah. Then comes the heroic american christians to save the day!
Seriously, if you think religion is 'the only thing that unites man', think again. How else would atheists (like myself) make friends and find their partners?

Forgive the ranting, but it just sounds so stereotypical and prejudical, to have russians be the bad guys and christians be the allmighty heroes.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 01:35
Lol, i knew that this story would rattle some feathers, and its not only christianity that is feaured in the game, it also fetures other religions, basicaly, russia takes over the world, and stops all faiths from being practiced, so their is a revolution, and a joining of all men to cobat this new evil, the game is suposed to have a message, its not propaganda, its just a feel good story, well the ending bit

as for the guy who wants to beta test, ill be in touch with you, but thanks for the support, and ill change the gun, i just love the way that gun shoots

more screens soon

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 17th Aug 2009 18:22
Hey got some updates, a new video trailer of the game, plus i will have some new screenshots by tommorow, the teaser is just of a part of level one, nothing majour, but just to wet your apatites

the official website will also be online by friday, and ill keep you guys posted

we are about 15% in ptogress of the development, and is still scheduled for realese on the 14th of decemeber.

the game will be released as donaitionware, you will be able to donate if you feel obligded by it is not nessersery to be alble to download the game, so get ready for a big time game folks, alot of effort is going into this, and we here at ssg hope you will apreciate it, any comments about the trailer will be welcome.

thank you

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 18th Aug 2009 21:04
so any body going to at leats agknowladge the video or express your views on the project?

it would be greately apreciated

thank you

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 02:49
i dont actualy know why my project is on page two when the last reply was made by be now, can someone fix this, coz obviuosely people wont be backtracking to look at games that are forgotten, thanks.

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 04:31
This sometime happens when you're on post approval... Even approving that post didn't bring you up.. This did though

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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 05:27
It's alright. Looks really empty, and I would definitely not use the stock gun with EAI's weapons.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2009 17:55 Edited at: 21st Aug 2009 08:47
i was going for the simple look, but yeah, they are not final screens, but i have some more

screen one

*thanks to the mod who cleared my problem with my thread, apreciate it *

Samways Softmatic Gameing


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Posted: 20th Aug 2009 18:02
another screen~

Samways Softmatic Gameing


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Posted: 21st Aug 2009 07:55
any one got any advice on the game designing side of things, coz the story is going well, ie the cinamatics...

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 21st Aug 2009 08:01
The screens look alright but try this:

Drop the ambience lighting down to about 0
Then increase the range of your lights a bit. Keep increasing them until you get an indoor-feel.

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Posted: 24th Aug 2009 14:33
Game looks good man. but by the looks from your screens your game is running at about 6-10 Frames... Which is horrible, your gonna have to do something about that if you wanna make it playable. Is it your machine or are you just stacking in the entities? Anywyas, keep it up, just fiddle with your lighting colours and range until you get it how you like it.

Other than that I like your story, seems pretty good. Have you started making your cut scenes yet?

Kaizokuroof (Quack)

The Curtain has fallen...

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Posted: 25th Aug 2009 03:48
Its my machiene mate, my Tester has a decent rig with a good amount of ram, and he's on xp, with a 500 bux graphics card, and it runs like a charm on his, but on my hp laptop with 1 gb ram and a chipset graphics card on vista, runs like crap lol, but my step dads laptop has 2 gb ram and is vista and runs well on their, its just my computer, but it runs fine on the others, besides the ai, but then again, thats not no ones fault, i'm using the best ai i could find, its from some guy on the fourm, its good, and i got it from his thread, but fpsc seems to make entitys stupid lol, but its coming along well, the reason i havent been updating now is coz im making custom media, and textures, makes the game better, ive started on the cut scenes, and due to having no voice actors, its just going to be narated.

The game has got a soundtrack that i am producing, Im using FL studio And reason to make the music, most of it is royalty free music im tinkering with, coz making a full soundtrack will be too much time.

I have a new screen of a room that i textured myself, most of the entitys in their are stock, but 3d modelling is hard if you havent tried before, BTW i am putting in easter eggs in the game, so when its released expect some funny easter eggs, coz all easter eggs rock!

Okay, here is the textured room, and ill post some more soon, in the next 24 hours.

thanks every one, and if any one wants to do voice acting, then leave a comment, it will have to be for free, but coz this game is donationware, and if people do donate i will obviuosely give you a cut.


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Posted: 25th Aug 2009 05:28
here is another screen, its abit plain but what else would u find in an area like that? LOL

c+c welcome, after all this is the publics game!

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Posted: 26th Aug 2009 04:07 Edited at: 26th Aug 2009 04:08
Hey guys, heres an update, a video of a cut scene from the game, the cutscene is not final, just an experiment, tell me what you think, and i know its alitle dark lol, thats why it isnt final, also tell me what you think of the voice actor.

cheers peeps, more updates to follow

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 26th Aug 2009 06:13
is any one interested at all in this game?

i would like some feed back please..

thank you.

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 26th Aug 2009 15:56
aaa use lightmapping litle bit more...and showing a gun and a room is not so us some kills deaths that we wont be bored...but it is cool antyl now.........

Butt monkey
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Posted: 26th Aug 2009 22:02
In your second last screen, the roof doesn't match with the walls in my opinion. Perhaps fix that Looks OK though.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2009 06:30
taking that on board, thanks

more updates soon, and thanks for every ones support

Samways Softmatic Gameing
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Posted: 28th Aug 2009 23:56
Eh, screenies are Ok, but they really need lighting.

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Quote: "Joined: Fri Jul 24th 2009"

Any chance that you considered my name?

On nikas' thread from me:
Quote: ":L any resemblence of names? Only that mine is a japanese warrior line (At least I think SikaSina is...meh)."


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