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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Black Flag : Galaxy Pirates

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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 04:53

Project Name -> Black Flag : Galaxy Pirates

Genre -> Action/Adventure/RPG

Story -> Pirates have been part of our life since a long time (Sea Pirates, Air Pirates, Computer Pirates, etc...).
In year 3047, things didn't change, pirates are back. Technology evolved, but their technics didn't : Swords, Guns, Ship Grappling, Cannons.
You play as [NAME NOT CHOSEN YET] the captain of the Dark Heart, you and your pirates will enter a unique adventure where you'll
upgrade your weapons arsenal, your ship, your crew and many others. Be prepared to experience the incredible life of a galaxy pirate!

Gameplay -> I'm sure some people are wondering how in hell I'm going to do that game. Well it's kind of simple, every level is a day.
The first level will probably consist of your ship at a pitstop where you have to repair it and get the feeling of the game (NPC, money, etc).
And by exemple, the level ends (win zone) if you enter the engine room and press the button next to the engine + you need to have bought the part needed to repair the ship at the pitstop (The pitstop would probably be some kind of space station). Now on the second level loading page it could be written : Day 2, Pirates Rivalry. When the player spawns, he is in his bed (in the ship's hold) and he hears gunshots, you proceed to get
to the deck and when you arrive, you realise that your ship has been attached to another pirate ship (grappled) and all your crew is running around, shooting the other ship and defending your ship from intrusion. Lets Fight! You have a lot of possibility now : you can stay in your ship and defend from a distance, you could try to enter the ennemy ship by grappling and then fight with your laser sword or even your gun, you could also climb on your fake sail and snipe if you bought a rifle. Once you win the battle by killing the other captain, the enemy crew will surrender.
You then have to execute them or free them, and loot the enemy ship (Most of thems have treasures or weapons). You get back to your ship and the maps end.

I'm going to spend most of my time scripting to get the most realistic AI I can script. Since you'll be fighting a load of different ship in this game, my friend will spend most of his time creating the differents ships. Also the game will offer differents missions : Repairing your ship, attacking pirates ship, attacking innocent ships, executing contracts to destroy a merchandise ship by exemple and so on... You will also have access to space stations where you can buy weapons and different upgrades.

Pheww that was a long text, ignore the mistakes.

Goals -> Accomplishing the gameplay I wanted is my main goal. Graphics are not so important for my game.

Side Notes -> This is my first official project

Screen1 : Deck (The ship is like 20% done)

Screen2 : Ship Control Room (Prototype, give me ideas!)

Screen3 : Engine Room (Inside the Ship)

I know this is a huge project, so I'm open to ideas. Please don't judge the game by the screenshots, judge it by the gameplay I explained a few lines before.
Red Eye
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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 16:33

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 18:08
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Posted: 5th Aug 2009 18:35 Edited at: 5th Aug 2009 19:24
Quote: "Original."

That was the main point

I've been brainstorming alot and I chosed the most original idea.

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Red Eye
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 22:25 Edited at: 6th Aug 2009 22:33
Quote: "the most original idea."

I doubt about that.

Few movies have it.

One is Space Pirates, or something.

...and there are a few others. Also in game type...

But I like your banner. But i dont like the skybox, make it higher quality.

EDIT: Your hud doesnt blend with scene. Maybe taking the opac. lil down. And let it fade out in the corners, as that woill let it blend better.

EDIT2: I was expecting a real Pirate Ship with a little sifi to it. But looks ok so far.

EDIT3: You title seams good btw. And dont do little pirating in space. That is not tolorated by law. J/K

Keep it up.

Apple Slicer
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 22:32
teh piratez!!!


This is the first thing that came to my mind...

Do you use Vanilla 1.15 FPSC? Use Apple Juice Mod! Totally free, and gives better speeds for your game!
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 23:47 Edited at: 7th Aug 2009 02:54
@Red Eye
When I said the most original idea, I was talking about the most original compared to my other ideas (When I was brainstorming). Yup the HUD is completly out of context, it was from a horror game I was trying to make.I have way more things to do before working on the HUD . Real pirate ship? Modern pirates those days don't use old wooden ships, so why would future pirates use thoses

Anyway I'm still working very hard on the gameplay, I'll work on the graphics and textures quality later. I've successfully created a kind of plasma sword. I animated it and imported it to FPSC. I'll work on the sword texture later. You'll also be able to dual wield custom "pirate style(but still futuristic)" pistols. All thanks to Plys Mod

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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 00:07
Quote: "teh piratez!!!


This is the first thing that came to my mind..."

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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 08:27
Quote: "teh piratez!!!


This is the first thing that came to my mind..."

WizMod Developer.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 20:33
Quote: ""teh piratez!!!


This is the first thing that came to my mind...""

WOW! What a deja vu! But this is looknig good. very good looking game. Very very. But the life hud don't blend in so well. Maby remove the background from the hud. So that there's only numbers and that cross (+) kinda sign. Or come up with something to blend it in with. Otherwise it looks cool!

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Posted: 9th Aug 2009 04:31 Edited at: 10th Aug 2009 21:16
Ok everyone, after some discussions with my friend, we decided to temporary suspend the project since my friend is going on a boat trip (coincidence with pirates? ). Anyway, even though my friend couldn't do anything yet, I mostly finished the structure of the ship. Only one room is missing. As I just said, I finished the STRUCTURE, not the ship entirely. When my friend's come back, we will work on custom textures and better lighting effects. So for now, the ship is 75% done, the 25% left is the finition (texture, NPC, custom stuff,...). After the ship is 100% completed, we can finally start working on the core of our game (space stations, enemy's ships, missions, AI, ...).

Thats not all! I came here with some screenies! Please ignore the poor quality, I tried some lights effects by myself but the main point is to show you guys parts of the ship Ps: I decided to put the ambience to 10, I will need to add more light or increase the ambience. I will see this in a near future.

EDIT : I forgot to modify the setup.ini before taking the screenshot. Thats why they look ugly. They actually looks pretty good when I change the resolution and the lighting quality.

This is the captain's bedroom (your bedroom)

This is the corridor in the ships hold, there is one room missing on the right wich will be a huge room for every pirate's beds and some other stuff for them (toilet, snacks, etc...).

I don't know, I just had this weird Idea to control the ships lights. This is when the lights are closed (when you wake up, you'll have to get to the deck and open the lights)

You can see the false sails while the lights have been turned on by a switch.

The cabin hovering above the deck is the "cockpit" where the ship is controlled. I have some problems with the interior lighting so I won't post any screenshots. You may notice that the ship is a bit(alot) too dark, I don't know what to do, raise the ambience or put more lights?

This is the supply room (health, food,...). There is food on the right but you can't see.

This is the engine room.

As you can see, even if we didn't start creating the custom stuff, this game is not gonna be graphicaly amazing, but the gameplay will

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