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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Zombie Chase W.I.P

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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 15:54
My second game or maybe the first cause i didn't finish my first one LOL
is a horror survival game where you take cotrol of a ZOMBIE .
I know is a bad idea but actually funny !

Story:You are Josheph've been chosen for an expirement that could change people's life, but some complications tranformed Josh into a Creepy Monster.Your mission is to find and kill Peter Andrews the one who started all these!!!!!!After the expirement you wake up into the lab and basically into a cage...
with that transform Josh became incredibly fast and powerful.

Cause is dificult to kill men with weapon with a zombie ....this one is really faster than people and easily can hide ,...and of course his hit damage is much better than people!!!!

first screen:
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 16:01
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 16:18
1. where is the light coming from

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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 21:30
which one?
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 21:33

Do you use Vanilla 1.15 FPSC? Use Apple Juice Mod! Totally free, and gives better speeds for your game!
Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 21:34
Add in a source for your lights, all of them. I would add a few wall or ceiling lights. The idea is alright, and can be executed properly.

Braden 713
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 21:55
I'd suggest making your screenshots just a tad smaller as well, 800 x 600 I believe is the biggest you can get.
But the story and screenies look good all the same! Hope to see more


Ich will in Beifall untergehen.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 22:25
lol at the second screen. The medical thing is floating. And yes. Source of light would be good. But the idea is not stupid. If it would be, then why did Errant make those hands?

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Posted: 6th Aug 2009 22:59
thank you and that's another screen with not so much light now

i would like to create this game with a third person camera but then it wouldnt be a FPS lol
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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 13:42
Level 1 The Lab - Finished
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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 18:47
Looks Good,
Never Thought To Be The Zombie. Im Mostly Trying To Kill Em lol
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 7th Aug 2009 20:29
Quote: "Looks Good,
Never Thought To Be The Zombie. Im Mostly Trying To Kill Em"

Why Are You Writing Like This?

Sorry for offtopicness. But maby you should use some actual lights. Not only cameras and ceilingfans. And you have a moving lightsource in there. Is the light marker moving too? Maby make it static if it isn't already. Otherwise, looks okay. Maby a little smaller rooms and more custom media. There's alot of free custom media in the internet. fpsFREE, Fps-Files, Forums and so on.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2009 12:52
thanks a lot metal devil

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