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2D All the way! / 2D Help

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Joined: 23rd Aug 2003
Posted: 24th Aug 2003 03:46
Okay, quick question(s).

I have it so when the player presses SPACE, the bullet will shoot out from his gun according to the fact if he is facing down, up, left or right.

This works, but once the bullet is fired, when the player faces up, the bullet goes up. Left, left, right, right, etc. etc. I just want the bullet to keep going forward. Any ideas?

Also, how do I make it so he can shoot more than one bullet in succesion?

Thanks in advance.


2D Fan/Addict/Programmer
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Location: Wales
Posted: 24th Aug 2003 04:43
Hi there,
I think I know what your problem is.

I believe you are using the same variable for the player and the bullets direction, in which case you need to use two separate variables for the bullets direction and the the players direction,

OR, there is some line in the main loop of your code like
bullet direction = players direction
The bullet direction should only equal the players direction when SPACE is pressed in some kind of 'if' statement
In pseudo code:
do (main loop)
if spacebar is pressed
shoot bullet
bullet direction = players direction
Other stuff
loop (end of main loop)

For multiple bullets, you'll probably need multiple variables, or more practically an array that stores all bullet data (e.g. positions and directions). Might be a more efficient way, but that is the obvious one that comes to mind.

Sorry if that was a bit long winded. Hope it makes sense and you find the bug. If not, post your code!
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Posted: 24th Aug 2003 05:51
Have a look at this code I've put together for you. It should answer your questions ... I hope
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Joined: 23rd Aug 2003
Posted: 25th Aug 2003 01:24
I think I have it now, thanks to your advice. TY.


2D Fan/Addict/Programmer

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