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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] 2012 Lucifer Rising(WIP) Game

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 04:36

2012 Lucifer Rising

It all starts on a sunny afternoon Christian Scaglione will find him self going through the worst day of his life, In Hell.

Rough plot
Angel comes to Christian Scaglione and tells him that he has been chosen to stop Lucifer From rising back from hell and that he will be sent on the journey of his life.

Christian Scaglione is set on a journey, battling things never before seen. Featuring Demons, Demon Gods, and more.

This will be an adventure of the lifetime, as you make your way through hell, joining up with 3 other Humans that where also chosen by God, to help stop Lucifer From Rising.

Immerse yourself into 6 levels of non stop fps/adventure, defeating demons and 3 demon gods throughout the game. You will stop at nothing, to prevent Lucifer from rising again.

Demon God 1 Name: Wreaker Stadnent
Demon God 2 Name; Badhorn flamefoot
Demon God Name 3: Badhorn Stadnent

More to come soon this is just a rough plot of what will be going on.

Screens to come soon.

Tell me what you guys think?
Senior Moderator
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 06:01
I think you need a screenshot to keep this open.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 06:04
Yes m8 i got some comming most likely by tomorrow morning it almost midnight here
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 06:20
The cover looks absolutely amazing. However, like Keith C said, you need a screenshot of the game.

Signature's are stupid.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 07:45
The cover is great! Amazing, but we need an in-game shot. I hope the game looks as good as the cover. And I hope the gameplay is as good as the cover looks!

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 16:31
Screenshots are required upon first posting, not shortly after. I have to be fair to everyone who has had their threads locked because of it. Try again when you have the time to post a screenshot on the first go.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2009 16:32
W.I.P evidence

SCREEN SHOTS are required for all posts you make in this board. If you've got a demo of a game then great, post a screenie of it, and maybe even a download. Otherwise, you're not really at the stage where you can call it a Work In Progress.

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