you can download a free demo of DarkBasic off this site, then look at the sidebar on the left and you will see a link called tutorials, select that and follow the tutorials as you use your downloaded demo version, the demo will also give you a chance to find out if you have a system that can run Pro before you part with your money, you can load 3d objects as well as imagesso you can do almost anything you can imagine, but this is not a game maker like Click and Play or something, this is a full blown language like VB or C++, just easier to use and the forums generaly reply faster than some programing languages I could name, if you get stuck then just ask someone on the forum, if you have the head for coding then you can make some awesome games, it just needs practise, (oh! and if you have a life outside the computer than prepare to give it up
,it can be very addictive), cheers and welcome.