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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] World War 3

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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 11:36
Hi. i have make a Great FPSC game. in the year 3879, the human life are only on an spaceship. But many insurgents have changed and want to ship
kill the remaining and formed a group called "the only" i
good, that others have created the robot, the Improvements, and was named
"inteligents" but however was kidnapped, nobody knows Where, we know only that
was abducted.
you are the inteligents, manage to escape? or will you in pieces?
sry my bad eng,i have use google translator
this game are in english,but the voices in the cutscenes and in the sound zone are in italian. sry bad voice because my micropone sux
Here's a image:
Warning: in this pic are in test-mode,but the game are finish,so is not a wip!
Download link:
Hope you like it! enjoy!

My fav. FPSC charater: Aiko
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 13:16

Read the stickies and edit this thread before a mod comes.

WizMod Developer.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 14:13 Edited at: 19th Aug 2009 14:14
?? what you talking aboult?

My fav. FPSC charater: Aiko
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 14:22
fps= frames per second

its 4, really low.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 14:28
i know whats are the frames.
my PC sux.

My fav. FPSC charater: Aiko
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 17:41
This is not a Showcase quality thread....the stickies explain that. Moving to WIP.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 18:16
but this game is colpete

My fav. FPSC charater: Aiko
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 18:23
Yes, but did you read the stickies. It looks like ti was made in couple of hours. And you didn't have everything in the first post as it should be. Like:





Some that way. I don't know if there's a pecific order os something. But I read the stickies and something like that it said.

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 18:36
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Location: Italy
Posted: 19th Aug 2009 19:09
INFO: no
STORY: yes

My fav. FPSC charater: Aiko
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Posted: 19th Aug 2009 19:58
yes but it must be structured and neat, but to comment on the screen it has a lot of potential but one piece of advise if you want to put banners or lines of text try not to lay it over the screen, i have one question is this in x9, and why did you say aiko from x10?
oh and to answer your question frames means frames per second which if you imagine stop motion animation, each frame is an image and its the same premise here
could we see some more screens?

some have greatness thrust upon them - W. Shakespeare
General Jackson
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Posted: 24th Aug 2009 05:37
Cuase he put the x10 aiko in x9, that simple

He stood like a stone wall, not only in battle, but also for the Lord
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Posted: 25th Aug 2009 00:06 Edited at: 25th Aug 2009 00:08
What's the point in putting Aiko from X10 to X9??
And she and the crate both look totally strange... (wait is that the crate from X10? )

Sorry about that joke, no, honestly - see, I would suggest not to write comments into screenshots, you can write comments below or above if needed.
And if your game is finished, why do you post a screenshot from a test game? You could take this little time and make one from the final build, doesn't hurt

Finally, the bad thing about the screenshot that makes it look kind of unprofessional in my view is that the entities are illuminated in such a strange way. A totally red Aiko in front of a totally yellow crate - that's something that you can easily correct before posting it as a final game. It's never bad to have a WIP thread open for a long time and posting some screens or even betas if necessary - and it can save you from being flamed, because this way people can give you suggestions without judging it as a final build.

Just my point of view, of course

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Posted: 27th Aug 2009 19:16 Edited at: 27th Aug 2009 19:17
If you want a good FPS rate try not to populate your rooms with so many dynamic entities. pretty much Whenever possible, use static (like a crate for example) unless it has to be moved or used for a puzzle. Also, don't crowd too many entities into one room. A few crates/pipes/panels whatever and a few desks/storage shelves looks good(depending on the room size). Lastly, try upgrading your PC.

Just a few tips from me.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 12:31
I agree with Hamburger, but I'd like to add: Pick your entites based on what the room is ment to be. And don't use dynamic entites mutch. Static entities leave a nice shadow and they wont ruin your frame rate. Also you might want to get a mod! That would help you alot too!

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 19:33
i have x10 and x9,but i must buy a new pc to run X10.
i have installed FPSCx10 and copy the folder scifi/charaters in the
X9 scifi/charaters.

My fav. FPSC charater: Aiko

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