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2D All the way! / "CLS" problem

The Terminator
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Posted: 26th Aug 2003 11:18
Hey, I was recently coding and I have been trying to avold it but I can't anymore, is there away to refresh parts of the screen because my program flickers each time I touch a button or a slilder in my program the CLS command has to be in my main loop

I know with Quickbasic some screenmodes had pages witch could be tricked in to making your main loop not flicker but I can se any in DBpro.

Windows! The game that never ends.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2003 15:45
You need to use SYNC ON to switch to manual syncing, and then use the SYNC command to display the current bitmap once all drawing is complete.

For example, the following code clears the screen to red, then to black, but you'll never see the red.

The Terminator
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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 02:14
Thanks Ianm

think you could solve this one
I need to make 2 sliders but here is the problem
I used mousex() to get the volume position, now the problem is
if i do that the 2nd slider won't function because it uses the same
mousex() for the volume positition
I will post my code below

Windows! The game that never ends.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 02:49
Sure. Here you go, all nicely wrapped in a small test program
The Terminator
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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 04:03
It still does the samething
I have an SFX slider to control then sound volume as well as then
BGM (background music) but for some reason the sound won't quite the sound but will quite then BGM but then the BGM also quites the BGM

anyideas? I think its cause im using mousex() for both and it doesnt know what to do when you touch the other slider.

If anyone wants to se the src to findout whats going on
let me know.

Windows! The game that never ends.
The Terminator
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Posted: 27th Aug 2003 05:35
LOL I think I really found a bug this time
I fixed the Slider issue but

my slider is 200 pixels long and is 50 pixles away from 0 Xpos
now since sound only handles up to 100% volume and Music can do 200%
if i try to divide the 200 pixels by 2 shouldn't i get 100 pixels total? in my project im not getting that
the volume control is now going from 0 to 100 the full length of the bar instead it stradt about at the middel and then does to a hundred witch isent right at all

Windows! The game that never ends.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2003 06:22
i wasn't aware "quite" was a verb. and what is all this quite-ing happening for anyway?

... do you mean "quiet"?

stop looking at me!

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