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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / {M.I.A} Missing in Action : The Subliminal Journey

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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 22:33
Quote: "That's it! It was Shroudling! I messed it up with Seeker."

They are callen Azephalus in the game.

Well, I post some news this weekend.


God Helps the Beast in Me!
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 18th Sep 2009 08:26
You have always cool name for everything! Azephalus!!! Can't wait for the weekend!

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 20:09

So, theres been a while since the last update, but hey, the first 2 Levels are completely finished. (I won`t show any material from it. It would ruin the surprise). And yes, I do only have to finish one level to get a demo done... depending on Doomster... if he has a stable version of the mod done that day.


I just proceeded in the Development, there isn`t anything new... well, there is, my new M4 A1 Rifle in darker Colors without Frontcover. I think it looks really cool. You can also take a look at the style of all the HUD`s and Mechanics In Game. Well, It still needs some placeing and new Numerics, but hey, Its just so you guys get an Idea.

Some more random screens to show:

I need some downward lightdecals for these windows... anyway, this isn`t a Zombie. They are callen Howler in Game... because they howl. Just to get rid of the therm Zombie. There`s a wierd guy who thinks that they talk to him you meet later.

Jupp, thats a random room.

Nice weekend for you people, and every comments appreciated


God Helps the Beast in Me!
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 20:45
Looks awesome,waiting for a demo.

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 20:56 Edited at: 20th Sep 2009 01:17
Really nice! I'm liking the look of the gun. Eagerly waiting for demo

EDIT: Wolf, did you get my email?

Revelation leading to my psychosis and inspiration.
General Jackson
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Posted: 20th Sep 2009 05:53
WOw! looks great Wolf!
How did you sharpen the graphics so? i want mine to look like that.

(O.o )
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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 20th Sep 2009 11:55
That looks awesome! Maby darken that... melee weapon in the last screen. I don't know what it is in the last screen. Or make it bloody! Cuz, I think it looks so mutch lighter than everything else! But looks uber!

PS: -.- ,,|,
Red Eye
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Posted: 20th Sep 2009 13:48

You got your own very unique and good style.

One thing: The huds dont blend very well with the scene. Try and fix that, sometimes i make the opacity lower so it would be a little transparant, most of the times it turns out good, try that.

Keep this up,

Red Eye

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 20th Sep 2009 21:19
I like the huds. But maby make that paper ripped. Would that look better. Or a little transparent.

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2009 16:49
This is becoming great, very nice indeed.

I love the retextures you've done.

Currently working on the MindTrix Entry:
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 20:45
Quote: "WOw! looks great Wolf!
How did you sharpen the graphics so? i want mine to look like that."

I use some sharpening Filters on the textures and the EFX Mod (Future BSE Mod) sharpening.

I wouldn`t suggest you to copy the other peoples style. Create your own one. Copying sucks bananas.

Quote: "That looks awesome! Maby darken that... melee weapon in the last screen. I don't know what it is in the last screen. Or make it bloody! Cuz, I think it looks so mutch lighter than everything else! But looks uber!"

Thanks. That melee weapon is shaded so it shines a bit. It looks cool ingame, believe me

Quote: "One thing: The huds dont blend very well with the scene. Try and fix that, sometimes i make the opacity lower so it would be a little transparant, most of the times it turns out good, try that."

Mmh, sounds reasonable, I`ll check.

Quote: "This is becoming great, very nice indeed.

I love the retextures you've done."

Thanks a bunch, fella!


There won`t be any updates till Demo Release. But please keep posting ideas and feedback. It helps making the game better.


God Helps the Beast in Me!
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 21:39
Looki'n evil and grungy. Great work!

Ultimate awesomeness is within my mortal grasp!
General Jackson
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 23:44
How long til the demo of this awesomeness incarnate?

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 05:00
That M4 looks beastly. Great stuff.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 05:03
I LOVE IT! Awesome job. wolf! You give me great inspiration for my game too!
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 12:54
Looks awesomly awesome.

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho
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Posted: 28th Sep 2009 20:11
Thanks fellas!

Well, I can come up with the demo soon, but, sadly, it will be an EFX Release since Doomster can`t code Airmod in the 1.15 Sourcecode.

The Effects will be switched off, I have an FPS of 45 even with 6 Enemys and a huge map (In Shavra it was around 20 due to the bloom)
So I think most systems will run it


God Helps the Beast in Me!
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 28th Sep 2009 21:29
I can't wait!

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AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 29th Sep 2009 04:26
Wolf, whatever I do, I'm begging you for that spell. It's beautifully beautiful.. I tried for days and couldn't come up with the result.
The new screens look excellent! This is shaping up quite nicely.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 09:45
Nice game man.

I really like everything about it, the textures, decals, lighting, models, entities and also just the set-up of the rooms is amazing.
I really wish I was making this right now so keep up the good work

JimmySlayer - Slayer Inc. (made that company up not registered don't worry it's legal)

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @2.40 GHz, 2.00Gb RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8800GTS 320Mb DX10, Vista Ultimate 32-bit.

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