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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Slay : Deliver us From Evil

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Posted: 9th Sep 2009 11:42
Obscure. Michael has this word recently read for the first time in his life in an old book. It was the perfect word to describe to stay at the villa in which his parents, the middle of the Zillertal. Deepest Austria. During school holidays, he was there to condemn return. His fanatical Christian parents to whom he owed even this soundless name. His mother, Raphaela is strictly from a Catholic family, she has done her best to Michael as "Christian" as possible to educate, what edit many housework, etc. brought. His childhood passed strict and isolated in the primary school he was teased and bullied because of shyness and clothing. Währe not gone as a teacher in between had his classmates he drowned in the toilet when he was 10th Has he complained to his parents, then came Proverbs ala "The Heavenly Father put us through difficult trials."His father, who incidentally was a trained theologian, and spent most of his time in his office in the attic. Michael spoke to him quite often, really know him, he is doing now in the age of 19, not yet. The house itself could not feel good, even though it was midsummer and the sun was shining outside, inside it was cold and dark. They felt persecuted, at night, creaking and howling wolf on the sinister nature and his life-long, it was Michael when he would see shapes in the shadows, he could not make out, he should see them. His parents, he never dared to mention this. When he was 14, his little sister Maria was born. You should not fare better.It is not surprising that Michael was sent to a Christian boarding school ... in Belgium. For Michael, despite all, a chance at freedom. There he met the charming Angelica know in which he also fell in love right away. Angel, as he called them, went to a girls' boarding school quite near. She helped Michael very much, also school because they taught him French. It was an ordeal for him after the holidays have to go back to the mountains. But what else could he do. Year after year. But this was his last school year, and then he would go to study, away from home and fishing, he would take.The taxi turned into the great courtyard of the villa. Michael paid the driver and got out. A raven croaked from the archway down on him as an appeal before the cab into reverse and drove them. The garden was overgrown and the house seemed very run down. Michael thought that his parents were probably too busy and unlocked the door. An acrid smell, rotten meat?, Hit him and soon he was attacked by something that could be used once been his mother, but was now only a remote resemblance to her. Shocked Michael runs out of the house and wanted to seek the broad, as He answers the cries of his little sister from the private cellar of his father. He took a incurious. He had to save the girl.Michael's father studied obsession for the Vatican several cases of demonic, which are all very similar. He worked on a rauschgiftartigem means (haluzinogenen made from mushrooms and other funny stuff) which should kill this kind of mental illness / demons attack, said by the human mind in a sort of dream state, and disparaged all bodily functions to a minimum. Thus, the remedy should mimic a dead and release good hormones which drove out the evil spirit. (or something like halt). Unfortunately, evolved out of the way a disease which spread through the blood. And so, freed one day, the 10 subjects in the basement of Michael's father and affected the family. The little girl, however, managed to lock himself in the same basement as the undead all of them were excluded. But she is truly alone down there? Michael needs to free her. But for that first he must go through the whole house top to get the key in his father's search and then again in the basement.

Hey I come From Germany Sorry for my English :S

User Banned
Posted: 9th Sep 2009 15:47
Wow looks pretty great,how long uve been using FPS Creator?

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho
Metal Devil123
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Location: Suomi, Finland
Posted: 9th Sep 2009 15:55
Looks good. But the story is written in one big thing in there. Maby seperate it into bits

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 9th Sep 2009 15:58
looks very nice but i think you wanna fix that lights foot (second pic)

Butt monkey
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Posted: 9th Sep 2009 19:29
Quote: "But the story is written in one big thing in there. Maby seperate it into bits


As for the screens, I like them, but I'm not a huge fan of the yellow lighting. Perhaps consider altering the colours?
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Joined: 15th Mar 2009
Location: Germany
Posted: 9th Sep 2009 19:42
The screens looking very Nice

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 9th Sep 2009 20:48
I agree that those light are too yellow.

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Joined: 9th Sep 2009
Posted: 9th Sep 2009 21:35
Quote: "Wow looks pretty great,how long uve been using FPS Creator?"
Im working on this game exactly 2 Month´s, With the Fpscreator 5 months

Thanks to all =) i Change the yellow to a other colour but i think what looks better... "i hate my english :S" Have somebody any idea?
AdrianoJones Wannabe
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Posted: 9th Sep 2009 22:47
Looks very nice indeed, the lights don't bother me at all that much, but we'll see the results. Great job.

I love Taylor Swift. She's awesome.
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General Jackson
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Posted: 10th Sep 2009 03:05
The yellow lights are perfectly fine.
Its strange how some people hate yellow lights =P

(O.o )
(> < ) Bunny is now in my sig. Why? because bunnys da best and ya cant argue with that!
Metal Devil123
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Location: Suomi, Finland
Posted: 13th Sep 2009 11:23
I don't hate yellow lights. I hate that, let's say "stock" yellow light.

PS: -.- ,,|,

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