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2D All the way! / the map how anyone up for the coding ?

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Joined: 22nd Jul 2003
Posted: 27th Aug 2003 19:13
i have made a layout of a map i think its 35 x 32 tiles in each square i made a very fast diagram on paint lol so that i kinda show and tell ya what i mean 1st i'll tell ya i am after a code that will let me palce my squares adn link em all together so i can walk on em and go from square 2 square heres the weird diagram it was used on speedis so if its a lil x please refresh the pic till it comes here it is if ya unsertand it lol also how can i make certain tiles unpassable but if im totaly outt my head and doing everything wrong please set me in the right direction by telling me how i actually do this thank you
The Dark Padawan
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Joined: 5th Aug 2003
Location: USA!
Posted: 29th Aug 2003 00:22
Umm I think you should repost in Team Reguests.
Sorry I hope I didn't offend you.

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