Hi there. This is lachjames with his FIRST POST EVER! Aren't you exited? I just don't know how you guys at the forum coped without me for as long as you have. Anyway, I am considering creating a Star Wars RPG based on KOTOR and KOTOR 2 as my first project. The game mechanics are based on a D20 system (which shouldn't be too hard to replicate, just make some basic integers for the weapon statistics, throw in some random numbers and there you have it).
Anyway, I'd like some advice. I would like to first get some basic knowledge of this language (you didn't really think that this RPG would be my first GAME ever, did you? Just my first project). I know some Visual Basic.Net, so looking at this code isn't as daunting as one of my friends had suggested (of course, he uses *Game Maker* coz he'd rather focus on the sprites than the actual coding, unlike me). Once I have a basic knowledge of the file system, I would like to get to work.
First of all, I would like you to know that I have the Dark Game Studio Bonanza special on the way right now. I also have the capability to buy any extra plug-ins or programs that I need (within reason).
I have played through KOTOR and KOTOR II many times and have gotten a great feel for the gameplay system and the storylines that Bioware have set. Those clever people at Bioware... Anyway, I was going to make the story based around the story of Star Wars TOR, as the idea of an MMORPG as the next KOTOR game doesn't excite me at all, really. Of course, I'll play it, but I'd always rather sit down for a good 60 hours and play through a single-player masterpiece than be PvP'd by some lvl 70 n00b who wants to show off how awesome his level 24 force lightning is.
I am willing to buy the upgrade from Cartography Shop to 3D World Studio if it will help. Unlike my friend, I am not the best modeller in the whole entire world, so I will need a good place to get decent, royalty free (I plan to give away more than 100 copies of my game) models. I would also buy character shop if I needed to, to rig up any models that I need.
Money isn't the largest consideration here; quality is. I want to make the best game possible regardless of the time it takes. And I would love any help that I can get with suggestions about storyline, combat, even donating a lightsaber or blaster model. And PLEASE don't give me all the junk about how I need to work up to making a full game. I know this, that's why I'm gonna take it one step at a time and work on different stages at a time. Thanks for any input.
- Lachjames
p.s. I would love to be able to share this software with my friend so he can make games with me - I do the programming and he does the modelling. I think we would both jump at the chance to do this. Would I need to buy a seperate license to do this for him so we would both have Cartography Shop and any modelling software that I choose from The Game Creators, or can we both use the same license. I want to be a law-abiding person, so I understand if I need to buy a license each. I would do that if the need arised.
p.p.s. Does anyone know if Cartography Shop or 3D World Studio supports Dual or Quad-Core processing (I have an Intel Q4550 2.66ghz that I want to make as much use of as I can). Also, does any of The Game Creators' software have multi-monitor support - I have a great dual-monitor rig that I use for all my video-editing and would like to use for design if I had the chance. Thanks again.
If I had 1 dollar for every brain YOU don't have, I would have 1 dollar.