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The 20 Line Challenge / Paper Scissors Rock

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Joined: 18th Sep 2009
Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 07:21
Here is paper scissors rock 20 liner that I made:

UnCompressed code with functions

*Note* I am a noob and as such any suggestions are welcome!
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Joined: 26th May 2008
Posted: 27th Sep 2009 04:19
I can put in anything and still win.

I entered dddhfts , it returned

"dddhfts beats rock"

I think that needs reworking

Omricon W.I.P
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Joined: 18th Sep 2009
Posted: 27th Sep 2009 06:17
yeh i know but I don't know how to fix it
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Joined: 13th Jun 2009
Location: Springfield
Posted: 28th Sep 2009 18:48 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2009 08:57
This is a little change in the uncompressed version. I just made 'Move' 99 before it tests anything and a goto if it isn't changed by a correct value. I may be blasphemous for using a goto, but in a small app like this, i don't see too much trouble being caused...

Good job with the code! It is nicely organized and clean!

There's something in this room that makes you can't speak well.


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