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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Sector 13 (Codename)

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 20:49 Edited at: 28th Sep 2009 23:31
This is my first every FPSC game, I've read around and looked at the tutorials for most of what I've done in the game so far, moving on to custom segments and entities soon hopefully, but enough of that, to the game!

EDIT: The name has now been decied: Complex 13

-- Story
You are John Silver, a highly trained SAS agent. You received an anonymous tip about a terrorst run chemical lab built underground in a mountain range close to one of the busiest cities in the country.

After being air lifted into a dense forest area near the base you begin your assault, aware there could be hundreds of terrorsts within the base your team of 12 are heavily armed and well stocked to fight your way into the complex. Once you breach the outer walls and get to the main enterance, things become very suspicious, so far, you have met no resistance, all you hear is a faint alarm, thinking the enemy may have learned about your attack, you prepare for an ambush. However, nothing like it as you enter the strangely abandoned building.

Your orders say you must check every room of this complex, resistance or none as if there are any biological experiments going on here the safety of the entire country is at risk, so you make your way through the buildings, searching for anyone, or anything to give you answers, but what lies ahead of you is more than enough to explain why the complex is empty.

-- Screenshots

--Final Screenshot of Level


In Progress -
Done -
Unstarted -

Intro Level -
Level 2 -
Level 3 -
Level 4 -
Level 5 -
Level 6 -
The Final Brief -
Custom HUD -
Custom Menus -
Custom Skybox -
Cutscenes -
Audio Logs -

-- Demo
Its more of the first bit of the intro level

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 22:17
wow! is this really your first game? it looks way better than my first attempt! one thing i could say first is that the outdoor scene looks a bit weird, might want to enclose it.

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 22:22
Yeah it is, but I've been messing around with things before I posted this

Yeah, I'm changing the outside scene now, I think I'll just start off in at the "reception" area in the second scene.

2 Rogues
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 23:04
Very good for a first game, keep it up!

Ultimate awesomeness is within my mortal grasp!
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2009 23:09

Ill have some new screenshots of the second level soon

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 24th Sep 2009 08:16 Edited at: 27th Sep 2009 15:16
2 last screens looked awesome!!! Keep it up! I love the lighting on the 2nd last screen! The first screens tthou could use some work.

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Posted: 24th Sep 2009 15:02
Looks very nice.

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho
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Posted: 24th Sep 2009 15:56

Ive just updated the post with a link to the Intro demo

Insane Arts
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Posted: 25th Sep 2009 11:22
Hmm, This seems all to familiar.
I posted a WIP thread on the game im developing currently, and have been for over 2 months.. Sector 17, the story line is similar, except you work in the underground facility.

Stop lurking and try and come up with your own ideas?
my thread was locked due to the screenshot crap not working.

its kind of insulting to see this thread, there's no doubt this is not a coincidence.

I guess thanks to you and your first game, ill have to scrap the project and or rename and redesign most of the aspects, My game was due for release next month.


Programming, Design and common sense.
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Posted: 25th Sep 2009 19:02
I didnt even see your topic, ive only looked at the ones that i left comments on, most of my time here is spent in the models and scripting forums.

The name of my game is only a codename, the name will change, and most of the story is a W.I.P. too.

By the time you release your game mine will have changed to something different as I'm working on a title and some changes to the story with my friends currently as we don't think what we have is very viable for what we aim to create.

So I'm sorry you think I've "stolen" your idea but I've never even read your topic.

General Jackson
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 07:01
Wow! my first game I stuck a whole lot of ww2 entities into a huge out door level and crammed it with nazis using no spawning methods and it ultra-lagged, and i was like, What have I wasted my money on.

Yours looks great!

(O.o )
(> < ) Bunny is now in my sig. Why? because bunnys da best and ya cant argue with that!
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 08:02
Quote: "Hmm, This seems all to familiar."

He can't see your game. Because you didn't post screenshots...

2 Rogues
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 09:52 Edited at: 26th Sep 2009 09:59
Please people..............peaceIf it offends Insane Arts so much then, you know, without changing your whole level design, you can overhaul the story. I honestly believe that you didn't steal his ideas, but his thread did come out first, and you need to respect that screenies or not. Don't change the level design, I like it! No screens means you could not have taken his level design ideas. A level design tip, on the first screen, you have an outdoor scene. So, It would be a good idea to add sunlight in by placing a sun-colored light in the sky over your map from the direction of the sun, and setting it's range to about 500,000. Good luck!

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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 15:05 Edited at: 26th Sep 2009 17:26
DrFoxx, your game is looking very good

Quote: "Hmm, This seems all to familiar.
I posted a WIP thread on the game im developing currently, and have been for over 2 months.. Sector 17, the story line is similar, except you work in the underground facility.

Stop lurking and try and come up with your own ideas?
my thread was locked due to the screenshot crap not working.

its kind of insulting to see this thread, there's no doubt this is not a coincidence.

I guess thanks to you and your first game, ill have to scrap the project and or rename and redesign most of the aspects, My game was due for release next month.


I've been working on a game since 2006 called Sector 17, If you don't believe me you can check out my old site

Also my myspace url is Sector 17, which I've had since 2006. dated 2007

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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 15:26
insane arts, no-one has copyrighted the word "sector" followed by a number, and the underground bunker story you certaintly didn't make up. so please don't go around acting like you came up with all this.
games like this have been going for years.

Can you solve the mystery of bunker 413?
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 19:58
As 2 Rogues suggested I'm just going to change the story to keep the peace.
Im also working on a full name for the game too.

@Fuzz: Thanks!

2 Rogues
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Posted: 26th Sep 2009 21:42
Thank you for taking my suggestion, do you have an email? If so, please email me.

Ultimate awesomeness is within my mortal grasp!
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 15:05
I've updated the story to the new one which I have made, and the name of the game is now Complex 13.

Hopefully all the issues will be solved now.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 15:20
Oh! This is your first!? my first game was a medieval game using model pack 18 and stock and some free stuff from CGS and it had no lighting an had 5-10 fps per second! Before that I made some tests of somekind, but if I start talking about them, I get nightmares!

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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 15:31
mine was dead ship. dead ship was awesome.

Can you solve the mystery of bunker 413?
2 Rogues
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 21:48
Mine was shatterpoint 1, never came out publicly, too many bugs. Though it will be remade.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2009 23:27

Newest screenshot.

The new skybox for the outdoor scene is added, along with light.

+ New HUD, still not sure on it yet though.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 28th Sep 2009 18:33
That hud looks very nice! Keep it up!!!

Can you survive from the horrors of the hidden land Occulo?
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Posted: 28th Sep 2009 23:29

Ive just completed the first level xD

Second one has much more violence and killing

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 03:32
I think in the outside screen where theirs the sun and it's red should use a little more ambience like buildings.
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Posted: 7th Oct 2009 13:36
I've added some entities in the first scene and trees around the complex for ambience

Thanks for the tip xD

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Posted: 7th Oct 2009 23:09
How about a screenshot of the new scene with the trees etc...

Seems like some great work for your first attempt. I remember my first level. It was a rework on TerrorStrike. Awful it was =) Half the AI wouldent work, I clouldent firgure out how to stop weapons flashing and rotating. Ahh the days of learning =) Oh well at least my next project should be intresting. Anyway, once more, some great work =) Keep it up.

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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 12:46

Screenshot with more ambience

@Talairina: Thanks!

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 16:05
Looks very nice! keep it up!

Can you survive from the horrors of the hidden land Occulo?

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