naah- they planned it all... >
In the before spawning room:
enemy 1: ok, we need a tactic to defeat the developer
enemy 2: how? hes got 500 health, and all 3 of us put together have only 300!
enemy 3: he knows where we spawn and everything! it's not a fair fight in the least!
enemy 1: I have a plan...
enemy 2: what is it?
enemy 1: we run into walls...
enemy 3: excuse me?
enemy 1: you heard me. the developer is about to test the game and kill us! he'll do everything, including killing us, according to plan, and then go bact to the map editor!
enemy 2: and how does running into walls help?
enemy 1: if we fake him out that we're bugged, or have shoddy AI, he'll go right back to test game to mess with our scripts, he probably wont even kill one of us!
enemy 3: you're rigt!
enemy 2: it's so good to know that we're not bound by scripts, and have minds of our own, unlike other video game badguys!
and that was how FPSC's bad AI was born. FPSC characters have outsmarted game developers and modders everywhere, and have kept it up for a long time too.
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