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DLL Talk / No intersections with raycasting

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Joined: 11th Apr 2009
Posted: 15th Nov 2009 01:21 Edited at: 15th Nov 2009 01:22
The below code works to a point. Barely anybody gets hit even when 1000s of shots have been fired. An occasional hit will occur, but that is it. It should be occurring much, much more frequently.

Can anyone tell me what could possibly be wrong?
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Joined: 11th Apr 2009
Posted: 15th Nov 2009 22:40 Edited at: 15th Nov 2009 22:40
I made a new test. There are 2 circles and a plain between them.
It only finds an intersection at 0,90,270 degrees. Any ideas why?

Edit: This is all using NGC.

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