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DLL Talk / What is the best DLL to record AVI?

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Posted: 15th Dec 2009 20:15
What is the best DLL to record AVI?

I have one installed in my app, but it dosn't allow you to pick a format so the files are hugh.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2009 17:10
It's probably using full uncompressed frames.

If you can't find another DLL to use, you can always use a video converter to encode it using the compression format that suits your needs.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2009 19:24
Thanks for the advice, based on what you said, i looked for one that would allow you to select format\compression, i found BlitzAVI on the BlitzBasic Forum which i've attached with a DBPro Project to use it, it had a fault in it originally, but its all working now, and it works much quicker than the one i was using, and the AVI Files it creates are tiny in comparison.

I'd recommend it as the best AVI Recording DLL i could find for DBPro.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2009 17:11
Good to know. I don't think I've seen that one in the DLL lists in the stickies. Sounds like a good one to add.

Thanks for the upload. I'm almost certain I have a use for this.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2009 18:06 Edited at: 17th Dec 2009 18:07
BlitzAVI gives you a list of formats, and you can pick the compression yourself which is better,but i dont know what the different formats are, so i went through the list and all the options, it works ok, but you need to find the best format for you, i think the one i was using was called ffshow, but i dont know if any of the formats it lists are better, It is still a little show, but much much better than the previous dll i was using.

As for why it wasn't on the previous DLL List, i dont know, maybe because its a BlitzBasic DLL.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2009 17:38
ffshow is part of ffmpeg, which is an encoder/decoder library. The various formats would be something like H.263 or MPEG2 or similar.

Green Gandalf
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Posted: 20th Feb 2010 22:12
I've just tried this on both my 64 bit Vista and 32 bit XP machines and it works cleanly. I experimented with the different compression options using full desktop resolution (1680x1050) on my Vista machine and found that the best was something called "Cinepak Codec by Radius". This gave a file size of about 7.5 MB compared to about 418 MB uncompressed for 100 frames - a very worthwhile reduction.

I couldn't see any mention of ffshow, H.263 or MPEG2, etc, either in the code or in the demo.

I'm glad I found this because it's probably just what I need to create some back-up videos for a talk I'm giving - my laptop has an annoying habit of refusing to display some of my shader demos correctly. This could be the answer.
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Posted: 21st Feb 2010 14:36
Im glad someone is finding this useful, It should only show formats you have codex's for, that may be why its not showing ffshow, so if you know there would be a better format, just install the codex for it, and then you should be able to record in that format, i like this, and used it to record direct from my level editor, the only complaint i have with this DLL is that it dosn't record sound.

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Green Gandalf
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Posted: 21st Feb 2010 18:07
Quote: "Im glad someone is finding this useful,"

I'm sure it will be. Thanks for posting this.

It's always a good sign when something works correctly and simply the first time you use it - on TWO quite different machines as well.

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