I checked your quick snippet and made a few edits. This makes a few blocks in the center and then allows you to move around with proper collision.
sync on : sync rate 60
set display mode 800,600,16
hide mouse : backdrop on : color backdrop 0
gosub _variables
gosub _makeimages
gosub _readdata
disable escapekey
gosub _displaymap
gosub _makechar
until spacekey() = 1 or keystate(1) = 1
enable escapekey
for i = 1 to 2 : delete image i : next i
undim map()
delete sprite 1
show mouse
mapwidth = 9
mapheight = 9
tilesize = 32
dim map(mapwidth,mapheight)
charx = 96
chary = 96
sproffset = 16
`currentx ( the current x tile of the character )
`currenty ( the current y tile of the character )
cls rgb(255,255,0)
get image 2,0,0,32,32
cls rgb(0,0,255)
get image 1,0,0,32,32
cls 0
restore map
for y = 0 to mapheight
for x = 0 to mapwidth
read map(x,y)
next x
next y
for y = 0 to mapheight
for x = 0 to mapwidth
if map(x,y) > 0
paste image map(x,y),x*tilesize,y*tilesize
next x
next y
`the tile numbers of each corner of the sprite
topleftx = (charx)/tilesize
toplefty = (chary)/tilesize
bottomleftx = (charx)/tilesize
bottomlefty = (chary + tilesize - 1)/tilesize
toprightx = (charx + tilesize - 1)/tilesize
toprighty = (chary)/tilesize
bottomrightx = (charx + tilesize - 1)/tilesize
bottomrighty = (chary + tilesize - 1)/tilesize
text 330,10,"topleft : " + str$(topleftx) + ", " + str$(toplefty)
text 330,30,"bottomleft : " + str$(bottomleftx) + ", " + str$(bottomlefty)
text 330,50,"topright : " + str$(toprightx) + ", " + str$(toprighty)
text 330,70,"bottomright: " + str$(bottomrightx) + ", " + str$(bottomrighty)
text 10,350,"map(tlx,tly) = " + str$(map(tlx,tly))
text 10,370,"map(trx,try) = " + str$(map(trx,try))
text 10,390,"map(blx,bly) = " + str$(map(blx,bly))
text 10,410,"map(brx,bry) = " + str$(map(brx,bry))
tlx = topleftx : trx = toprightx
blx = bottomleftx : brx = bottomrightx
tly = toplefty : try = toprighty
bly = bottomlefty : bry = bottomrighty
if tlx > 0 and tlx < 10 and tly > 0 and tly < 10
if upkey() and map(tlx,tly) = 0 and map(trx,try) = 0
t = chary - 1 : t = (t) / tilesize : tly = t : try = t
if map(tlx,tly) = 0 and map(trx,try) = 0 then dec chary
if downkey() and map(blx,bly) = 0 and map(brx,bry) = 0
t = chary + 1 : t = (t + tilesize - 1) / tilesize : bly = t : bry = t
if map(blx,bly) = 0 and map(brx,bry) = 0 then inc chary
if rightkey() and map(trx,try) = 0 and map(brx,bry) = 0
t = charx + 1 : t = (t + tilesize - 1) / tilesize : trx = t : brx = t
if map(trx,try) = 0 and map(brx,bry) = 0 then inc charx
if leftkey() and map(tlx,tly) = 0 and map(blx,bly) = 0
t = charx - 1 : t = (t) / tilesize : tlx = t : blx = t
if map(tlx,tly) = 0 and map(blx,bly) = 0 then dec charx
sprite 1,charx,chary,2
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1
data 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Hope this is helpful,
So many games to code......so little time.