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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [X9] Real Imagination

Mark Klaver
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Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 25th Dec 2009 00:36 Edited at: 25th Dec 2009 10:41
Hi everyone,

I'm not really new to this forum, I've been following it for several years. In those years, I think, I gained some experience with FPSC. Please forgive me for possible mistakes, I'm from Holland

But enough about myself, let's get down to business!


A couple of years ago, a new drug was being developed. The influence of this drug however was not controllable, so it was chosen to be safely destroyed. The drug was being shipped through different post-offices to make sure it wasn't going to be stolen. One of the post-offices however, got bankrupt just after the package was delivered. Because of the big amount of packages that were going to the company that was going to destroy them, they didn't even notice this. So the package remains at the abandoned warehouse and the drug, wich was kept in little tubes, started leaking..

You are a police officer of a small town, and on another boring day in the town where nothing hapens, you get a complain about the old warehouse, it is starting to fall apart and ruines the "nice" look of the rest of the town. So, as curious as you are, are going to take a "quick" look inside...


This game features bloom, water and other nice graphical effects, but that's not everything. I'm also very much focussing on the game-play, so no walking around and shooting some things, but also no hours walking around, wondering what you have to do.


As you may have noticed in the screens, I am using the newest efxMod. Sadly, I've got many problems with it and hope I can get in contact with one of the developers to discuss something

Thanks for reading and please comment

Mark Klaver
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Posted: 25th Dec 2009 03:39
looks nice and bloomy, but a bit bland and square, and stock FPSC with MP3. add some pillars, wires, chains, pipes, enemies, and exploding barrels, and see how that exact same screenie looks then. I'm sure it'll be fantastic.

to fenix mod!
User Banned
Posted: 25th Dec 2009 04:53
I would recomend uing fenix mod, soon it will have horror mod and then project green, among its own features.

Mark Klaver
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Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 25th Dec 2009 10:40
Quote: "looks nice and bloomy, but a bit bland and square, and stock FPSC with MP3. add some pillars, wires, chains, pipes, enemies, and exploding barrels, and see how that exact same screenie looks then. I'm sure it'll be fantastic.

In this level the water is rising, and you have to stop it. But I've got problems with dynamic shadows and if I make al those objects static, it will be a little unrealistic (because they will not go with the water ). So only the beginning is a little empty

Quote: "I would recomend uing fenix mod, soon it will have horror mod and then project green, among its own features.

Thanks for the tip, I'm going to try out some other mods
Mark Klaver
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Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 26th Dec 2009 10:51
Another pic (still WIP )

Red Eye
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Posted: 26th Dec 2009 13:19 Edited at: 26th Dec 2009 13:29
Tune down bloom, just a bit because it gives nice feel.
Looking nice buddy.

Butt monkey
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Posted: 26th Dec 2009 16:32
I agree, turn the bloom down a little and perhaps consider using slightly darker tones of colour just to make it a little easier on the eyes.
Red Eye
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Posted: 26th Dec 2009 18:10
Quote: "I agree, turn the bloom down a little and perhaps consider using slightly darker tones of colour just to make it a little easier on the eyes."

I heard you are drugged. Then about the eyes it is kinda normal...

Mark Klaver
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Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 26th Dec 2009 18:16
Quote: "
I heard you are drugged. Then about the eyes it is kinda normal..."

Haha yes, but he's right, just a little bit too yellow (and too bright)

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