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DLL Talk / Chunks Chunks FreeImage Wrapper For DBPro - Have A Feature Question

D Ogre
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Joined: 19th Nov 2003
Posted: 6th Jan 2010 04:22
I'm the one who was working on a wrapper plugin for DBPro some time ago. I put the project on hold due to the work load I had with other projects. I thought about resuming intil I seen that you beat me to the punch.

Aside from most of the DBPro friendly functions you've included in your wrapper, have you considered adding Multi-bitmap support? Mainly for animated GIF file exportation.

I've used the Multi-bitmap functions within C++ and PureBasic projects with great success.

Unless the DBPro GIF file format compatibilty has depreciated, you can load them into DBPro. Even if not, people could still use this exported format for web based graphics.

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