I have problem with scaling object`s collision.
sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off
randomize timer()
global radius# as double float : radius# = 7.0
global rtimer as integer
global stimer as integer
global vtimer as integer
rem player movement vector
global vx# as double float
global vy# as double float
global vz# as double float
global gravity# as double float : gravity# = -0.1
global slope# as double float : slope# = 0.5
global ground as integer : ground = 1
global jumptimer as integer : jumptimer = 0
global syncmode as integer : syncmode = 60
global hide as integer : hide = 0
rem enable/disable sync limit
if inkey$()="l" and stimer<timer()
stimer = timer()+300
syncmode = 60-syncmode
sync rate syncmode
text 0,0,"FPS="+str$(screen fps())
text 0,10,"POLYGONS="+str$(statistic(1))
text 0,20,"DRAWS: "+str$(statistic(5))
text 0,30,"POLYS/DRAW: "+str$(int((statistic(1)*1.0)/(statistic(5)*1.0)))
text 0,40,"Touching Ground: "+str$(ground)
function makeLevel()
rem add box
make object box 1,200,1,200
position object 1,0,0,0
sc_setupObject 1,1,2
load image "jb_wood.bmp",1
texture object 1,1
scale object texture 1,12,12
load object "new.x",3
scale object 3,4100,4100,4100
sc_setupobject 3,1,0
sc_allowobjectscaling 3
rem all level objects are group 1
function makePlayer()
make object box 2,4,5,2
position object 2,-80,15,-20
sc_setupObject 2,0,0
rem player has no group
function movePlayer()
oldx# = object position x(2)
oldy# = object position y(2)
oldz# = object position z(2)
rem apply gravity, and user changes to movement
angy# = object angle y(2)
vx# = 0
vz# = 0
rem if player is jumping or falling then apply 'normal' gravity
rem if not attempt to keep the player stuck to the floor
if vy#=0 and jumptimer=0 then vy# = vy# + 10*gravity# else vy# = vy# + gravity#
if keystate(32)=1 then vx# = vx# + cos(angy#) : vz# = vz# - sin(angy#)
if keystate(30)=1 then vx# = vx# - cos(angy#) : vz# = vz# + sin(angy#)
if keystate(31)=1 then vx# = vx# - sin(angy#) : vz# = vz# - cos(angy#)
if keystate(17)=1 then vx# = vx# + sin(angy#) : vz# = vz# + cos(angy#)
rem only jump if on ground, and a certain time after last jump
if ground=1
if spacekey()=1 and jumptimer=0 then vy# = vy# + 3.0 : jumptimer = 20
rem this would be the player's final position without collision
x# = oldx#+vx#
y# = oldy#+vy#
z# = oldz#+vz#
rem first handle gravity - seperated from horizontal movement
rem to achieve a more realistic effect
rem Method: simple - cast a sphere vertically down, if it hits the level then
rem position the object there (sticky collision) then move
rem on to horizontal movement
rem more complex - if we were to only use the simple method the player would be
rem allowed to climb almost vertical slopes. Alternative is to
rem get the normalY direction to work out how flat the gorund
rem below the player is, 0-slope# is flatter, slope#-1 is steeper.
rem if it's flat, use sticky collision, if it's steep slide the
rem player down the slope. Changing slope# determines how steep the
rem player can climb. NOTE: this also effects stairs.
collide = sc_SphereCastGroup(1,oldx#,oldy#,oldz#,oldx#,oldy#+vy#,oldz#,radius#,0)
if collide>0
rem how flat is this ground
ny# = sc_getCollisionNormalY()
if abs(ny#)>slope#
rem FLAT, stick
oldy# = sc_getStaticCollisionY()
rem STEEP, slide
x# = x# - oldx# : z# = z# - oldz#
oldx# = sc_getCollisionSlideX()
oldy# = sc_getCollisionSlideY()
oldz# = sc_getCollisionSlideZ()
x# = x# + oldx# : z# = z# + oldz#
rem ny#<0 means the player has hit a ceiling rather than a floor
if ny#>slope#
rem only on ground if standing on flat ground
ground = 1
vy# = 0
ground = 0
rem if player has hit a flat ceiling then stop vy# movement
if ny#<-slope# then vy# = gravity#
rem nothing below player, not on ground, add vertical speed to player
oldy# = oldy# + vy#
ground = 0
rem jumptimer will decrease only when player is back on ground
rem creates a pause between two successive jumps
if ground = 1 and jumptimer>0 then dec jumptimer
rem handle horizontal movement as sliding
rem player only collides with group 1 (level) objs and moves freely through others
collide = sc_SphereSlideGroup(1,oldx#,oldy#,oldz#,x#,oldy#,z#,radius#,0)
if collide>0
rem if hit, reposition player, halt movement vector
x# = sc_getCollisionSlideX()
oldy# = sc_getCollisionSlideY()
z# = sc_getCollisionSlideZ()
vx# = 0
vz# = 0
rem possible code for giving the player a jumping help up stairs...
rem might be useful if slope# is set very high but stairs are still required
`dy# = oldy#-sc_getStaticCollisionY()
`if dy#<slope# and dy#>0 and ground=1 then vy# = 0.5
rem position the player
position object 2,x#,oldy#,z#
sc_updateObject 2
function positionCameraToObject(obj,thirdPerson)
position camera object position x(2),object position y(2)+5,object position z(2)
rotate camera camera angle x()+(mousemovey()/2.0),camera angle y()+(mousemovex()/2.0),0
yrotate object 2,camera angle y()
if memblock exist(1) then delete memblock 1
What i`m doing wrong?
I`ve added attachment.
AMD Sempron 3000+ 1.8GHz , NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256MB , 160HDD , 512MB RAM , Windows Vista Home Basic