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DLL Talk / My personal Pad nPut Plugin (using Direct Input for Joysticks) won't run!!!

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Posted: 11th Feb 2010 06:33 Edited at: 11th Feb 2010 06:35

I just made my first dll called Pad nPut, which in VC++2008, compiles just fine. But after a successful compilation of the following DBPro example, I get the following screen below the posted example.

And the Screen Shot of the Error/Crash...

Also Please see my VC++ 2008 Express Solution and Project source code and the dll is included in the folder as well.

Like I said, the VC++ source compiles correctly, as well as the Pad nPut Project in DBPro code. It just crashes when it FINISHES compiling and tries to run. Yes, the UPDATED Pad nPut has been copied into the PLUGINS-USERS directory of the DBPRO Compiler directory! Oh, and when you open the "Pad nPut" folder for the C++ source, the actual updated Pad nPut.dll is in the "Release" folder. I also Pasted the Pad nPut.dll that I am using in the root folder "Pad nPut Stuff" to make it easier to get at.



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Posted: 11th Feb 2010 17:51
Cut your DBP program down to this,

and see what it does. If it crashes then there's something definitely wrong with the way you made the plugin. If not, then it's a specific command. Add them back in one at a time to track it down. (that's what I would do anyway.. )

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Posted: 11th Feb 2010 20:09

I tried what you said, and it did what I predicted it would do, it crashed like normal. That's why I posted that download of my source code from the VC++ 2008 Express Pad nPut project. I checked and re-checked, and I don't see it, so I need another pair of eyes to check it to see what I'm missing and not seeing...

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Posted: 19th Feb 2010 20:45
Could I please get some more help on this???

Anybody? I'm new to C++ and need all the help I can get.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2010 14:40 Edited at: 8th Mar 2010 14:58

First of all this command ain`t writed like it should of what i see in your "Pad nPut String Table.txt" where is writen like:

Can you see what is the diference?Which is right?

That may be a problem!I think that maybe dbpro sucess with parsing this command and mess something with "Input()" part of it,because there is allready input() command in dbpro rename your command and look every other so there is no similar to dbpro`s comands.I can be wrong but it`s good to change it, just in case.

How i find this?I just put my mouse over the command to see the tip provided by dbpro, when i stop it in the left side of command it gives me "*no parameters*" .When is on the right side it says "Print Statments, Input Variable".The first one is provided by your command and the second from dbpro.
I hope this thread is not dead, nobody writes here and you make double posts.Cheer!Don`t give up on this.In the end there will be one nice plugin Good job!

I made simple Pad nPut.ini of "Pad nPut String Table.txt".Look at it and see if there is something wrong with it, where it must contain brackets and stuff like this.

There is missing PNP_Shutdown, because it`s missing in "Pad nPut String Table.txt", you can add it.

Where there is a will, there is a way.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2010 22:06 Edited at: 8th Mar 2010 22:46
Thank you for your post, I was about to give up on this thread! (I've already uninstalled VC++ 2008 just because I wasn't getting any where...)

I will reinstall, and try your suggestion to see if that might narrow it down. Thanks!


PNP_Create_DirectInput() is Right according to the string table, Pad nPut.cpp, and DBPro...

OK, I tried what you said, but then it says that the command does not exist...I checked and rechecked my String Table, and it is exactly the same as the typed out command in DBPro AND in Pad nPut.cpp I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with my code in C++, even though I get NO compile errors or any errors when it's done making the dll...JUST in DBPro! If someone could look into my Pad nPut Project for VC++ 2008 Express Edition, I had to use res edit to get the resource table created, for now, I would really appreciate it. Oh, and PNP_Shutdown() IS in Pad nPut.cpp AND in my string table, AND in my keywords.

Even though I just now re-downloaded my Pad nPut.rar from my first post, everything is the way it was from when I downloaded it, I didn't alter it after downloading it...just LOOKED at it, and I reran my project with the Pad nPut.dll file still in my plugins users directory, and get the same...exact...image...from my first post.

One more thing...when I Edit a post, does it do what y'all call a *bump* when I do that, or do I have to make a new one to keep this thread from going dead.

I'm new to C++ so ANY critiquing would be nice on those skills as well.



"We do what we have to do so that we may do what we want to do!"

-Denzel Washington-
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Posted: 9th Mar 2010 19:27
IDK anything related with VC++ and C++, i`m not that helpful as you need me to be.And maybe i mess something with your files without knowing that.Well about *bump* you need to read forum rules and there must be the answer.

Where there is a will, there is a way.
I often edit my posts, that`s who i am

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