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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Working on a game, tell me if you like how it sounds.

Kurowski God
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2010 13:36
Hey everyone, I just got FPS Creator yesterday, but I have put about 6-7 hours into it already lmao. I want to know if this sounds like a good plot. Also if my title menu looks good.

You are a newby to the army. You were a hunter before, but you always wanted more, you wanted to hunt "The most dangerous game" if you will. Knowing that you could do this in the army, you join and sent out. You original mission is a sniper recon mission, you must also take out a dangerous target. What you don't know is that there is an enemy sniper out there and he saw you take your shot. You somehow manage to get out of his sights but he alerted everyone. So now you got to work on getting out of there. Problem is, the enemy sniper was in your "get out of there" spot. So you have entered into modern day Iraq. You'll find weapons and supplies in many enemy houses. Though it is going to be had to make it out alive. If you do, congrats! You made it past your first mission, it doesn't change the fact you are still going to be put back onto the battlefield. Now is really when you decide if sniping is for you, or if you think that you might want to take targets out from the power of a machine gun.

Through out the story you'll have to collect data to bring you farther into the mystery plot of the US army. The ending is something I won't tell any of you, but I think it is great.

Also tell me what you think of my title menu, if I should add or change something, just tell me. Thanks.

PS - Does anyone know where I can get a different mouse pointer at the menu?

Wouldn't life be simple if we lived like our ancestors? No money, just work and everybody helped each other. Think about it.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2010 14:32
mmm.... can you post an ingame screen?

Kurowski God
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Posted: 24th Feb 2010 03:59
Well it would be super empty lmao. I am building all the levels first without furniture or stuff like that. I will post later though. Give me a little time, I posted this incase anyone thought a slightly different plot would be better.

Wouldn't life be simple if we lived like our ancestors? No money, just work and everybody helped each other. Think about it.
PW Productions
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Posted: 25th Feb 2010 02:39 Edited at: 25th Feb 2010 02:39
It doesn't matter - you need an ingame screenshot to post a WIP thread.

Post a WIP thread once you are ready and have screens.

New Site is up! Go check it out!
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Posted: 25th Feb 2010 03:40 Edited at: 25th Feb 2010 03:41
Quote: "Does anyone know where I can get a different mouse pointer at the menu?"

If I recall correctly, there were a few people that created some different pointers. I've got them on a backup external drive somewhere; I can take a look for you.

BTW, your username... well let's just say I know it is Polish... Only because I know that family name.



Le Shorte
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 02:16
I think the menu looks pretty nice. The story could use some fine tuning, but I think it's pretty good.
Quote: "BTW, your username... well let's just say I know it is Polish... Only because I know that family name."
I know that name too. Got a classmate with that last name =P

"Why does everyone quote ButterFingers for their sig?"-Inspire
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 07:13 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2010 07:14
Hey Kurowski
Your off to a fast start! About the pointer. Go to Files\gamecore\huds and you will find a .dds file called pointer. Just get an image of what you want to be the pointer and rename it pointer and place it in this folder. Re-name the old pointer file so you can revert back if you want. or somthing. It will need to have a transparent/alpha background. I find when editing things like this its good to open the original file in the graphics program, and check the size so your graphic will be sized right.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 14:21
Or just name it some thing different and change it manually from build game, where you can find every other hud you can change...

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things that I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

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