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Program Announcements / Qmidi Studio Release

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Posted: 15th May 2011 02:17 Edited at: 15th May 2011 04:43
Problem fixed
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Posted: 15th May 2011 03:28 Edited at: 15th May 2011 04:28
Quote: "I have a problem exporting a midi I made. I uploaded a vid of what happens when I try to export to youtube."

Thanks for pointing that big problem out! sometimes....well alot of times when you overhaul alot of code things get broken... as the midi exporting did.

i have made a quick patch available that all users can download here:
and just click on the midi export patch (~3 megs)

Again any other bugs found please report as i try to find them all but am only 1 person.

if anyone needs rightaway assistance you can definetly add me to your msn and see if im online. I'll try to help out right away....any questions at all or problems let me know.

=>as the website states:

also here is the download to that tutorial
(the actual midi that was made on the spot)


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Posted: 15th May 2011 04:51 Edited at: 15th May 2011 04:52
After patching I cant start the program. I am getting a runtime error "Could not find path at 1146"
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Posted: 15th May 2011 04:59
doh... give me another shot at it...
(give me 10 mins and ill post another fix)

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Posted: 15th May 2011 05:02 Edited at: 15th May 2011 05:09
Oops my bad I forgot to get the new updated file and then patch. Just did that and it starts grand. Sorry about that

Also just checked and the Midi export works grand now.

Just going through your tuts on youtube right now. Very helpful!
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Posted: 15th May 2011 05:12 Edited at: 15th May 2011 05:13
Ok excellent.... i also patched the patch
so that patch would have worked now on its own. i hope!

i will make some tutorials on using midi pitch bending and speaker pan/modulation next

oh i will also do a good tutorial on using the wav recorder as some people have trouble setting that up

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Posted: 15th May 2011 05:32
Yeh a tut for the wav recorder would be good. I changed the volume settings and all but everything is still over blown. Also when I save the midi's out the Dts is not in the file. Is that the way it is meant to be? Thanks for all the help. This program is great fun!
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Posted: 15th May 2011 05:42 Edited at: 15th May 2011 05:47
yeah the dts stuff will not save in a general midi file. The only way to take advantage of the patch instruments is to record your music as a wav.....then convert it to mp3 or ogg.

but if you save your music as a qm3 then it will save the patch file information to load next time.

do you need an mp3 converter?

Tomorow i will release a tool that converts / records music formats.
I will post it in this thread

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Posted: 15th May 2011 06:08 Edited at: 15th May 2011 06:29
I will mess with the wav converter for that then. An mp3 converter would be handy

A few things I was thinking of that would be useful.

1) A number on the screen somewhere telling you what page your on. You have one for the tracks but not the pages.

2) Something to show you the over all song. Like a full view of all the tracks and pages.

3) Popups for each of the buttons might be handy for some.

4) Clear buffer should probably be changed to "New File". Some people might not realize that that is what it does.

5) A progress bar for when the song is actually playing. Or even just 2/6 for the pages counting up.
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Posted: 15th May 2011 17:01
All good ideas....i'll see what i can do

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Posted: 15th May 2011 19:27 Edited at: 15th May 2011 19:28
Ok here is the RecordStuffnPatchIt.

This utility will create patch files for Qmidi Studio as well as record and convert audio formats back and forth.

Check out my tutorial video's on how to use it
part 1
part 2

and download the software here:

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Posted: 15th May 2011 19:59
Quote: ""

Great little tool! Thanks for this and the extra tuts
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Posted: 28th May 2011 22:25
I had another idea if your still open to them? Being able to load in sound effects so that we can mix them. I don't know how much work that would be but just throwing that out there
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Posted: 29th May 2011 02:28
that should be relatively easy to add.... all see what i can do

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Posted: 8th Jun 2011 06:27
A preview of release 1.6

I am adding a few more things to the playback window such as current play time... and this graphic equalizer. Whats nice about the equalizer is that you can click the radio button to switch channels

release 1.6 comming soon!


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Posted: 9th Jun 2011 02:39
Very snazzy
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Posted: 10th Jun 2011 03:17
Quick poll:

when using the copy and paste tools...lets face it... they kinda suck!

My idea:
how about when the editor is not in draw note mode it defaults to select mode. From the selectmode you will get a drop down menu when you click the right mouse button to select a function... say like copy,cut,paste....etc and i can throw a few more options in there...

what do you guys think?

then you would just click the left mouse button to perform that function...

An idea...

Also i finished coding the timer display now showing how long your song will last at that current bpm and where it currently is at.

will be releasing 1.6 this weekend

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Posted: 10th Jun 2011 05:16
Definitely sounds more natural. I like it
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Posted: 10th Jun 2011 08:03 Edited at: 10th Jun 2011 08:04
Ok well this is how it looks now.....and i must say that it looks much better and is alot easier to use!!

Should have a download ready late tomorow or saterday morning

Notice i programmed the time of the song in as well as its current position

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Posted: 10th Jun 2011 22:13
Nice job! Looks great. Can't wait to try it out
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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 06:09
Ok here is the big one!!!

Download Here:

Make sure your volume is not too loud as this release is recorded louder!

Also when recording to Wav make sure you se the master volume even lower... eg. 20% so the final recordingdoes not come out loud and distorted!

Feed Back Most definetly appreciated!

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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 06:30
Here is some samples of old retro midi recreated using patch instruments:

Requires Qmidi Studio 1.6 Installed...

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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 16:56 Edited at: 12th Jun 2011 17:56
The new opening looks great and the program seems faster all around especially when opening a file. I did up a quick vid of the new features in action. Just one little problem in the vid at the beginning with selecting the channel, the counter at the bottom left updates when you use the Chnup Chndown buttons but the new tables don't update. Here is the vid. Anyway nice update. This will make it easier all round me thinks
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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 17:57 Edited at: 12th Jun 2011 18:00
humm.... looks to only do that during playback ... is that correct?

also i found the same problem if you hit play before a new song is loaded it doesnt pick up what track its on right away.

How is the overall feel of it. Does it seem easier to use the editor? also when editing on the old version i always clicked the erase (right mouse button) to here the tone before drawing it... now the middle mouse button will test the tone without erasing or drawing any notes. Also ifyou scroll the mouse wheel it will changeto sharp/norm/flat before you paste you note in.

let me know if you find anything else before i make another update.

edit: I also noticed that you have an old demo file loaded.... bewarned that the new patch files are recorded much louder.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 18:27
Yeh that problem only happens when the song is playing. When opening a file at first and pressing play before it is loaded it misses the update but when you press stop it catches up.

As for the over all feel. It is definitely easier to use. I was used to the old way of copying but the new way is still much better and faster. The eraser and eraser bars are much better also. Did not know about the mouse but will definitely be using it.

One more thing the Help file isn't updated for 1.6
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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 18:32 Edited at: 12th Jun 2011 18:34
I know.... im getting there

Did you try the Retros demo download?

I think they sound realy good.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 22:57
Quote: "Did you try the Retros demo download?

I think they sound realy good."

Yeh they sound great!
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Posted: 12th Jun 2011 23:11
I updated the download again.... fixed the error you shown me on you tube. Also did a complete overhaul on the help system.

The help system is still temperary as i want to eventualy be more in depth with it.

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Posted: 18th Jun 2011 05:54 Edited at: 18th Jun 2011 05:56
Bug Reports:

So far what i've found:

-select tool glitch on loading
-copy / paste tool (sometimes copies a pitch higher then selected)

-should i make the patched instruments follow pitch and volume?
-do you want more patched instruments...any requests?
-does the help system need a major overhaul?
-should i add the 3d preview of music playback to qmidi studio as an option? would look simular to the video i had posted on you tube for midi evolved.

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Posted: 20th Jun 2011 20:56
Quote: "-should i make the patched instruments follow pitch and volume?"

Sounds like a good idea.

Quote: "-do you want more patched instruments...any requests?"

There is a nice selection as is but it would be great if it were easier to select and try out instruments. For instance a drop down menu that you can use the arrow keys to select the next or previous instrument. That would speed up trying out new sounds.

Quote: "-does the help system need a major overhaul?"

Personally I don't really need it just yet. The program is self explanatory at the moment. A helpful document on how to get started making your own tunes maybe in order. Like a short manual on how to structure a tune and what types of rules to follow when starting out.

Quote: "-should i add the 3d preview of music playback to qmidi studio as an option? would look simular to the video i had posted on you tube for midi evolved."

This would be a fun addition and certainly give the program something unique. Also using this when showing off your tunes on YouTube would be class!

Could you add in hotkeys like ctrl+c to copy and ctrl+v to paste. I like to use both hands when I am doing things and right now I am using the mouse way to much.


ctrl+z to undo
ctrl+left shift+z to redo

And a key for picking the last used note. Maybe even Tab to enter edit mode and Tab again to exit back to play.
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Posted: 21st Jun 2011 07:51
im also thinking of adding if you draw a note in the place of the same note it will just erase it only rather having to select it from the drop down menu to erase

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2011 01:52
Yeh that would be good too or even mouse wheel to scroll through the different notes
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2011 09:39
haha! this next update will be 3d a switchable mode

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2011 19:02
That looks class! What is the rband meye stuff? That different views of the playback?
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Posted: 24th Jun 2011 02:57 Edited at: 24th Jun 2011 03:04
yup sure is....

R_Band is short for rock band style
m_eye is for randomely moving camera
S_view is for a slanted 3d side view

ill tweek away at it as this is only a graphical upgrade... the 3d does not make the music sound any better....just look better

Im also doing a few final touches to the editor itself.

Need some ideas for the wave recorder..... anything i could do to make it function better?

please dont request for auto sound volume fixing cause i cant do that 1.... however maby there can be a few new options added in like a volume fad option at the end of song, the song pace being altered during recording....that kinda stuff...

note: for unregistered users.... the 3d presentation will be disabled! And for some big efforts i've been adding in im also going to increase the price for registering by 50% up to 9.99$USD
on the next release coming in the next week!

Get your copy quick if you want it at 50% off!!

Download the free release here:

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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 17:01
The volume fade sounds good. Fade in fade out
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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 17:28
my goal is to have this released by late tomorow or even possibly today if i code like crazy.....will release a teaser video shortly this morning...

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Posted: 25th Jun 2011 19:00
ok here is a video teaser for the next update:

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Posted: 26th Jun 2011 23:12 Edited at: 26th Jun 2011 23:13

Here is the download:

If you have a registered version you will need to re-enter your key in after installing.

If you do not have a registration key the 3d playback will kick you out of 3d mode after displaying for ~20 to 30 seconds... but you can click back into it to reset the counter so you can keep testing it.

If your in camera free mode you need to press the space key to unlock or relock the mouse.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 06:47
If anybody runs in to any sort of bugs.... can you please report them or i may not find them on my own

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 09:42 Edited at: 27th Jun 2011 18:25
edit: fixed the download to work with windows 7's latest bananorama bogus update.

can be downloaded on first page .... or scroll up a tad to see the 1.7 download link


ok so now that there is 3d in the picture this opens alot of windows. I want to look at possibly making themes for the 3d scenes.

eg: right now i have a space theme.

feature updates:
-i will be mainly optimizing code to make it run smoother and faster
-i will be optimizing memory so it takes up less
-i would like to add in dispay change mode so we can get some hi def display out of the 3d.
-id like to add themes so it could be customizable..

eg. change the way the notes look and the background behaviour.

-add some new measures besides just 4/4 bar

any more ideas lets hear them.... id like to make the next update even bigger then the last introducing the 3d playback.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 18:56
Downloading now will have a look at it tonight and get back to you.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 19:02
i may need to put out another quick update.... looks like darkbasics 7.5 to 7.7 something is slowing the whole program down...

dont be suprized if it appears slow. Im a tad ticked off at the moment as everything was fine on 7.5 untill the microsoft service pack 1 update for windows 7. now ive installed 7.7 and the whole program slowed right down to a crawl.

I'll let everyone know when i find a solution.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2011 19:41 Edited at: 28th Jun 2011 02:45
ok so here is the slow compilation done with (latest)update installed to fix the windows 7 servicepack 1 bug

edit: i fixed it

rc3 is much faster then rc7!!

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Posted: 28th Jun 2011 01:07
Here is a vid of one problem I came by. I saved a file in a previous version of qmidi (the one before the 3d was added) with the master volume turned all the way down. Now I cant hear the song because the master volume is turned down and wont allow me to change it lol

Here is a vid of the volume problem.

Also sometimes when using the menus the screen changes between 3d and 2d for some reason. When I click away from the menu the screen resets itself to 2d. It is random and seems to only happen after I have used the 3d and or refresh screen features.

Last but not least I have no slow down. I am using XP with SP4 installed.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2011 02:29
haha! thats a good glitch isnt

i have the speed issue fixed here and im just updating it.....but looks like i need to add that xp volume control back

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Posted: 28th Jun 2011 03:27 Edited at: 28th Jun 2011 04:21
Ok the volume control is back in

its located on the patch tab as i had no more room on the playback tab.

This update you should have no slow downs going back and forth from 3d to 2d

download here:

edit: i also found that bug with it not registering after setting it. Basicaly you had to register every single time you loaded it right.....fixed anyways

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Posted: 28th Jun 2011 04:56
If your a registered user....looks like you need to run in admin mode to enter your registration information...looks like windows got picky on windows last update!

just to register only thank god!

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Posted: 29th Jun 2011 03:12 Edited at: 29th Jun 2011 03:15
Quote: "If your a registered user....looks like you need to run in admin mode to enter your registration information...looks like windows got picky on windows last update!"

This is the reason I am still running XP I will have to take to jump at some point though Got the latest download and everything is running fine. Really enjoying the 3d feature!

I think you should be adding this to download and the like by now. It is ready for a more public release. Unless your looking to make more major changes that is?
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Posted: 29th Jun 2011 05:32 Edited at: 29th Jun 2011 08:42
ill report the first glitch i

the clear song function under the file clears the song no matter what you say so dont accidently click on

-let me know if you find any others so i can patch them quickly in the next day or so.

edit: ill report the second glitch with the paste control accidently pasting off from the quick drop down menu.....fixing right now...

edit: ok actualy i found a tun of things to tweek so i better update right away!!

-playbar note showing when changing position
-playbar draw was x2 and is now able to paste in any location
-songend draw was x2 and is now able to paste in any location
-fixed paste accidently pasting once and a while
-fixed quick menu to wait for the mouse to release before proceeding
-fixed clear song to actualy only clear song when yes is selected

-added message to say to press spacekey to stop loops from playing
-added volume file to remember last master volume setting on startup

-moved master control to display at all times

I hope this is much better with these things i just fixed and added.
Im updating the server now but i will post when its ready to download.

download is ready download here:

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