Hey, I am making a modification to a gun for my game. It is a one-shot weapon, but the "fire" sound only plays a small bit of the full fire.wav sound. Here is the code:
;GUN Model File Requirements
;GUN Settings
muzzleflash = 12
muzzlesize = 65
brass = 4
smoke = 0
second = 0
damage = 25
damagetype = 1
scorchtype = 1
reloadqty = 1
iterate = 1
accuracy = 0
zoommode = 1
zoomaccuracy = 25
;GUN Visuals
textured =
;effect = effectbank\fastbone\fastbone.fx
effect = effectbank\BumpCubeReflectAlpha\BumpCubeReflectAlpha.fx
transparency = 1
zoomscope = scope1.tga
weapontype = 1
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = retrieve.wav
sound5 = putaway.wav
;sound6 = cock.wav
fireloop = 20000
;HUD muzzleflash position
horiz = 5.1
vert = 0.1
forward = 10.25
alignx = 2.5
aligny = -2.5
alignz = 29
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 1,20
Idle = 20,50
Move = 50,80
Start fire = 81,82
automatic fire = 83,89
end fire = 90,95
reload = 96,185
putaway = 189,200
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 4
sframe0 = 82,1
sframe1 = 100,2
sframe2 = 108,5
sframe3 = 1,4
;sframe4 = 127,6
Alteration 808 Coming soon.